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Sanctuary Minimap.png

Sanctuary is the main map in Predecessor. It is where most gamemodes, including Standard and Ranked Mode, take place.


Sanctuary Topdown.jpg


The map is divided into two sides for each team, Dawn and Dusk. It is then further divided into three distinct lanes; the Offlane (Left for Dusk, Right for Dawn), the Midlane and the Duo Lane (Right for Dusk, Left for Dawn). Outside of these lanes is a Jungle, which is home to Jungle Camps, various Buffs and the game's two bosses, Fangtooth and Orb Prime. Each Base has two Jump Pads that lead near the front of the Jungle, allowing both Laners and Junglers to get to their positions quicker.

Jungle Minions appear in groups and will attack when provoked. They come in three different sizes: small, medium and large, and drop experience and gold the larger they are. Being neutral units, both teams can attack the same camps, and they will be aggressive to their attackers no matter which team they're on.


In each lane on either team there are a series of powerful, defensive Towers that must be destroyed in order to reach the enemy base. The base is protected by an Inhibitor in each lane, and destroying at least one is required in order to attack the Core. Destroying the Core is the condition for winning a match.

In the middle of the map there are two bosses. On Dawn side is the Fangtooth, and on Dusk side is the Orb Prime.