- Statistic fields with percentage symbols next to them within the key should still be written as integers. The percent symbol will be automatically added to them.
- Fields and tables should be omitted for readability purposes if unused or blank, see examples:
- The
and mana
fields should be omitted if they aren't used.
Writing ability descriptions
- Use the
template for creating a similar look to the ingame descriptions with preset colors.
- The coloured variants of the statistic icons should be used. The names can be found at Module:Icon/data, suffixed with "2".
1 - string -- Display name (the hero page should match this name)
apiname - string -- Name of hero without any special characters/spaces (e.g. "Iggy & Scorch" becomes "IggyScorch")
image - string -- File name (e.g. "CountessRender.png")
portrait - string -- File name (e.g. "Countess.png") (closeup image variant)
icon - string -- File name (e.g. "Icon_Countess.png")
released - string -- Date (Month Day, Year) (e.g. "December 12, 2022")
amber - integer -- Price in amber
platinum - integer -- Price in platinum
difficulty - string -- Beginner/Advanced/Expert
classes - table -- Carry/Mage/Support/Tank/Bruiser/Assassin
roles - table -- Midlane/Offlane/Support/Carry/Jungle
range_type - string -- Melee/Ranged
ability_power - integer -- Rating from 0-10
durability - integer -- Rating from 0-10
basic_attack - integer -- Rating from 0-10
mobility - integer -- Rating from 0-10
stats - table -- Table of stats
physical_power - integer -- Base stat value
physical_power_growth - integer -- Growth value
attack_speed - integer -- (%)
attack_speed_growth - integer -- (%)
basic_attack_time - integer --
attack_range - integer --
cleave - integer -- (%)
physical_armor - integer --
physical_armor_growth - integer --
magical_armor - integer --
magical_armor_growth - integer --
max_health - integer --
max_health_growth - integer --
max_mana - integer --
max_mana_growth - integer --
health_regeneration - integer --
health_regeneration_growth - integer --
mana_regeneration - integer --
mana_regeneration_growth - integer --
movement_speed - integer --
abilities - table -- Table of abilities
LMB - table -- Ability (Basic Attack)
name - string -- Name of ability
icon - string -- File name (e.g. "Countess Slice.png")
cooldown - table -- Table of values separated by , (e.g {10,9,8} )
mana - table -- Table of values separated by , (e.g. {10,9,8} )
description - string -- Description of ability
RMB - table -- Ability (Alternate)
Q - table -- Ability (Primary)
E - table -- Ability (Secondary)
R - table -- Ability (Ultimate)
Passive - table -- Ability (Passive)
recommended - table -- Table of recommended items per role based on in-game store
support - table -- Table of recommended Support items
carry - table -- Table of recommended Carry items
midlane - table -- Table of recommended Midlane items
offlane - table -- Table of recommended Offlane items
jungle - table -- Table of recommended Jungle items
[""] = {
["apiname"] = "",
["image"] = "",
["portrait"] = "",
["icon"] = "",
["released"] = "",
["amber"] = 0,
["platinum"] = 0,
["difficulty"] = "",
["classes"] = {""},
["roles"] = {""},
["range_type"] = "",
["ability_power"] = 0,
["durability"] = 0,
["basic_attack"] = 0,
["mobility"] = 0,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 0,
["physical_power_growth"] = 0,
["attack_speed"] = 0,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 0,
["basic_attack_time"] = 0,
["attack_range"] = 0,
["cleave"] = 0,
["physical_armor"] = 0,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 0,
["magical_armor"] = 0,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 0,
["max_health"] = 0,
["max_health_growth"] = 0,
["max_mana"] = 0,
["max_mana_growth"] = 0,
["health_regeneration"] = 0,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0,
["mana_regeneration"] = 0,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0,
["movement_speed"] = 0,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "",
["icon"] = "",
["cooldown"] = {},
["mana"] = {},
["description"] = "",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "",
["icon"] = "",
["cooldown"] = {},
["mana"] = {},
["description"] = "",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "",
["icon"] = "",
["cooldown"] = {},
["mana"] = {},
["description"] = "",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "",
["icon"] = "",
["cooldown"] = {},
["mana"] = {},
["description"] = "",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "",
["icon"] = "",
["cooldown"] = {},
["mana"] = {},
["description"] = "",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "",
["icon"] = "",
["cooldown"] = {},
["mana"] = {},
["description"] = "",
["recommended"] = {
["support"] = {""},
["carry"] = {""},
["midlane"] = {""},
["offlane"] = {""},
["jungle"] = {""},
return {
["Argus"] = {
["image"] = "ArgusRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Argus.png",
["icon"] = "Icon_Argus.png",
["released"] = "March 5, 2024",
["amber"] = 8600,
["platinum"] = 1000,
["difficulty"] = "Advanced",
["classes"] = {"Mage"},
["roles"] = {"Midlane"},
["range_type"] = "Ranged",
["ability_power"] = 10,
["durability"] = 2,
["mobility"] = 1,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 57,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3.5,
["attack_speed"] = 120,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.4,
["physical_armor"] = 19,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.45,
["magical_armor"] = 25,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 0.7,
["max_health"] = 750,
["max_health_growth"] = 124,
["max_mana"] = 450,
["max_mana_growth"] = 30,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.2,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.2,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.4,
["attack_range"] = 1300,
["movement_speed"] = 645,
["cleave"] = 0,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Arcane Conduit",
["icon"] = "Argus Flux Bolt.png",
["description"] = "Ranged basic attack dealing 57 {{c|pd|(+60%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Particle Shredder",
["icon"] = "Argus Particle Shredder.png",
["cooldown"] = {5,4.25,3.5,2.75,2},
["mana"] = {7,9,11,13,15},
["description"] = "Argus fires homing projectiles from his Abyssal Staff for up to 3.5s.<br>Each projectile consumes mana and deals 20/30/40/50/60 {{c|md|(+10%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} per blast.<br>At maximum rank, Particle Shredder can be used indefinitely.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Dread Nova",
["icon"] = "Argus Dread Nova.png",
["cooldown"] = {17,16,15,14,13},
["mana"] = {80,85,90,95,100},
["description"] = "Argus lobs an unstable orb of energy. Upon landing it explodes, dealing 80/105/130/155/180 {{c|md|(+45%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to all nearby Targets and Stuns them for 1/1.05/1.1/1.15/1.2s.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Ether Crystal",
["icon"] = "Argus Ether Crystal.png",
["cooldown"] = {15},
["mana"] = {70,75,80,85,90},
["description"] = "Argus summons an Ether Crystal at the target location for 2s.<br>The Crystal will Push Enemy Heroes from the center and Lift Allied Heroes into the air before producing a storm that deals 20/30/40/50/60 {{c|md|(+15%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage every 0.5s to nearby Enemies and Slows by 35% for 0.5s.<br>After the duration the Crystal will implode, Pulling all Enemies within to the center.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Synaptic Obliterator",
["icon"] = "Argus Synaptic Obliterator.png",
["cooldown"] = {120,100,80},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "After a short delay, Argus channels for up to 8s, gaining immunity to pushes and pulls whilst deploying his ultimate weapon to fire up to 3 powerful Energy Beams. Each beam deals 105/155/205 {{c|md|(+20%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage (increased by up to 125% based on the Target's missing health) and Slows Enemies hit by 60% for 0.5s.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Disintegrate",
["icon"] = "Argus Disintegrate.png",
["description"] = "Argus' abilities apply a stack of Disintegration for 3s, causing subsequent instances of ability damage to deal 2 {{c|md|(+12%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} bonus magical damage.<br>Each stack of Disintegration deals 35% more damage, stacking infinitely (capped at 12 against Monsters).",
["recommended"] = {
["midlane"] = {"Magician Crest", "Azure Core", "Wraith Leggings", "Timewarp", "Oblivion Crown", "Caustica", "Spellbreaker", "Dreambinder", "Megacosm", "Tainted Scepter", "Intellect Tonic"},
["support"] = {"Consort Crest", "Timewarp", "Dynamo", "Tainted Scepter", "Galaxy Greaves", "Spellbreaker", "Megacosm", "Golem's Gift", "Dreambinder", "Astral Catalyst", "Intellect Tonic"},
["Aurora"] = {
["image"] = "AuroraRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Aurora.png",
["icon"] = "Icon_Aurora.png",
["released"] = "May 21, 2024",
["amber"] = 8600,
["platinum"] = 1000,
["difficulty"] = "Expert",
["classes"] = {"Tank"},
["roles"] = {"Offlane"},
["range_type"] = "Melee",
["ability_power"] = 7,
["durability"] = 4,
["basic_attack"] = 1,
["mobility"] = 8,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 62,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3.5,
["attack_speed"] = 110,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.5,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.15,
["attack_range"] = 300,
["cleave"] = 0.2,
["physical_armor"] = 26,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.75,
["magical_armor"] = 26,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 1.4,
["max_health"] = 780,
["max_health_growth"] = 128,
["max_mana"] = 420,
["max_mana_growth"] = 30,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.8,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.22,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.2,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.18,
["movement_speed"] = 680,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Shatter",
["icon"] = "Aurora Frozen Sword.png",
["description"] = "Melee basic attack dealing 62 {{c|pd|(+80%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Boreal Sweep",
["icon"] = "Aurora Boreal Sweep.png",
["cooldown"] = {13,11.5,10,8.5,7},
["mana"] = {40,45,50,55,60},
["description"] = "Aurora summons a wave of frost in a cone dealing 40/55/70/85/100 {{c|md|(+40%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage and Slowing Enemy Targets hit by 35% for 1s.<br>After 1s the wave erupts, dealing an additional 70/95/120/145/170 {{c|md|(+60%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage and reapplying the Slow.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Glacial Charge",
["icon"] = "Aurora Glacial Charge.png",
["cooldown"] = {25,23,21,19,17},
["mana"] = {80},
["description"] = "Aurora dashes forward, leaving behind a trail of ice that other Heroes can walk on for the next 5s.<br>Allied Heroes gain 25%/30%/35%/40%/45% increased movement speed when walking on the ice.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Hoarfrost",
["icon"] = "Aurora Hoarfrost.png",
["cooldown"] = {14,13.25,12.5,11.75,11},
["mana"] = {60},
["description"] = "Aurora creates a ring of frost on the ground around her. Enemies that touch the ring take 100/125/150/175/200 {{c|md|(+65%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage and are Rooted for 1.25s.<br>The ring remains in the world for 2.5s.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Cryoseism",
["icon"] = "Aurora Cryoseism.png",
["cooldown"] = {145,130,11},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Aurora freezes an area, applying a 50% Slow to all Enemies for 1.5s. After 1.5s, the ice freezes, Stunning the target for 1s. After the Stun, the Target explodes dealing 120/210/300 {{c|md|(+55%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to them and nearby Enemies.<br>Enemies damaged by Cryoseism will be Slowed by 50% for 0.5s before exploding, dealing 60/105/150 {{c|md|(+27.5%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to them and nearby Enemies. Targets can only be slowed this way once per Cryoseism.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Frozen Simulacrum",
["icon"] = "Aurora Frozen Simulacrum.png",
["cooldown"] = {25},
["description"] = "Aurora can jump whilst airborne to leap in the direction she is moving, leaving behind a Replica of herself.<br>The Replica has {{c|h|(+20%{{Icon|maxhealth2}})}} {{c|md|(+150%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} {{c|h|Health}}, will draw aggro from Enemy Towers, and lasts for 8s.<br>Damaging an Enemy Hero or Monster 4 times will summon a Frost Storm around Aurora for 3s, refreshing on additional damage dealt. The Storm deals 5 {{c|md|(+30%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} +1% (+0.06% per level) Enemy Max Health magical damage per second.",
["recommended"] = {
["offlane"] = {"Occult Crest", "Magnify", "Elafrost", "Flux Matrix", "Fist Of Razuul", "World Breaker", "Frostguard", "Fire Blossom", "Unbroken Will", "Tainted Guard", "Intellect Tonic"},
["jungle"] = {"Occult Crest", "Magnify", "Elafrost", "Flux Matrix", "Fist Of Razuul", "World Breaker", "Frostguard", "Fire Blossom", "Unbroken Will", "Tainted Guard", "Intellect Tonic"},
["Countess"] = {
["image"] = "CountessRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Countess.png",
["icon"] = "Icon_Countess.png",
["released"] = "December 15, 2022",
["amber"] = 860,
["platinum"] = 200,
["difficulty"] = "Advanced",
["classes"] = {"Assassin"},
["roles"] = {"Midlane", "Jungle"},
["range_type"] = "Melee",
["ability_power"] = 8,
["durability"] = 2,
["basic_attack"] = 1,
["mobility"] = 5,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 64,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3,
["attack_speed"] = 105,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.5,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.15,
["physical_armor"] = 26,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.05,
["magical_armor"] = 26,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 1.4,
["max_health"] = 770,
["max_health_growth"] = 117,
["max_mana"] = 400,
["max_mana_growth"] = 60,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.3,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.1,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.2,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.15,
["attack_range"] = 300,
["movement_speed"] = 680,
["cleave"] = 20,
["abilities"] = {
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Blood Tithe",
["icon"] = "Countess Blood Tithe.png",
["description"] = "Hero Takedowns permanently grant 1% Magical Lifesteal, stacking up to 10 times.",
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Sophia & Marie",
["icon"] = "Countess Slice.png",
["description"] = "Melee basic attack dealing 64 {{c|pd|(+80%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Blade Siphon",
["icon"] = "Countess Blade Siphon.png",
["cooldown"] = {8,7.25,6.5,5.75,5},
["mana"] = {50},
["description"] = "Countess spins and strikes all Enemy Targets around her, dealing 95/120/145/170/195 {{c|md|(+55%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to each and healing herself for 12/15/18/21/24 {{c|md|(+10%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} per Target hit. Against Heroes the healing is increased by 400%.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Shadow Slip",
["icon"] = "Countess Shadow Slip.png",
["cooldown"] = {12,11,10,9,8},
["mana"] = {60},
["description"] = "Blink to a nearby Enemy Target, dealing 95/125/155/185/215 {{c|md|(+30%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage and is slowed by 40% for 1.25s. Minions and non-epic monsters receive 2.5x damage. Countess leaves behind a Shadow at her original position. Re-triggering the ability within 3.5s will return her to the Shadow's location.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Eventide",
["icon"] = "Countess Eventide.png",
["cooldown"] = {12, 11, 10, 9, 8},
["mana"] = {60,65,70,75,80},
["description"] = "Send out a cloud of darkness dealing 115/155/195/235/275 {{c|md|(+70%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to Enemy Targets within its path.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Feast",
["icon"] = "Countess Feast.png",
["cooldown"] = {120, 100, 80},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Leap to a nearby Enemy Hero, forcing them to face Countess and Suppress them for 0.75s. After the duration, Countess deals 180/290/400 (+4% {{c|md|(+4%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} of the target's maximum health) magical damage to the target and heals herself for 50% of the damage dealt.",
["recommended"] = {
["midlane"] = {"Magician Crest", "Combustion", "Noxia", "Wraith Leggings", "Spellbreaker", "Oblivion Crown", "Caustica", "Megacosm", "Lifebinder", "Scepter", "Intellect Tonic"},
["jungle"] = {"Occult Crest", "Spirit of Amir", "Wraith Leggings", "Noxia", "Oblivion Crown", "Spellbreaker", "Caustica", "Megacosm", "Lifebinder", "Tainted Scepter", "Intellect Tonic"},
["Crunch"] = {
["image"] = "CrunchRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Crunch.png",
["icon"] = "Icon_Crunch.png",
["released"] = "December 1, 2022",
["amber"] = 3870,
["platinum"] = 600,
["difficulty"] = "Expert",
["classes"] = {"Fighter"},
["roles"] = {"Jungle", "Offlane"},
["range_type"] = "Melee",
["ability_power"] = 7,
["durability"] = 5,
["basic_attack"] = 5,
["mobility"] = 5,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 62,
["physical_power_growth"] = 2.5,
["attack_speed"] = 110,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.4,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.1,
["attack_range"] = 300,
["cleave"] = 20,
["physical_armor"] = 28,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.4,
["magical_armor"] = 26,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 1.4,
["max_health"] = 785,
["max_health_growth"] = 130,
["max_mana"] = 340,
["max_mana_growth"] = 65,
["health_regeneration"] = 2.2,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.2,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.3,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.12,
["movement_speed"] = 680,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Crunch",
["icon"] = "Crunch Crunch.png",
["description"] = "Melee basic attack dealing 62 {{c|pd|(+80%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Forward Crunch",
["icon"] = "Crunch Forward Crunch.png",
["cooldown"] = {18},
["mana"] = {80},
["description"] = "Dash forward, dealing 80/105/130/155/180 {{c|pd|(+70%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}}{{c|md|(+45%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} physical damage. Colliding with an Enemy Hero stops Crunch, and Stuns them for 0.25s. Empowered: Dash an extended distance, Pushing Enemy Heroes on contact.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Left Crunch",
["icon"] = "Crunch Left Crunch.png",
["cooldown"] = {10,9,8,7,6},
["mana"] = {30},
["description"] = "Crunch swings, dealing 35/70/105/140/175 {{c|pd|(+95%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}}{{c|md|(+75%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} physical damage to the first Enemy hit and 50% to subsequent Targets. Empowered: Damage is dealt as true damage and deals 100% to subsequent Targets.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Right Crunch",
["icon"] = "Crunch Right Crunch.png",
["cooldown"] = {10,9,8,7,6},
["mana"] = {30},
["description"] = "Crunch jabs, dealing 85/115/145/175/205 {{c|pd|(+60%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}}{{c|md|(+70%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} physical damage to all nearby Enemies, Slowing them by 60% for 1.2s. Empowered: Uppercut nearby Enemies, Knocking them Up for 1.2s.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Re-Crunch",
["icon"] = "Crunch Re-Crunch.png",
["cooldown"] = {55,40,25},
["description"] = "Passive: Every third basic attack or ability hit against Heroes or Monsters heals Crunch for 25/65/105 {{c|pd|(+30%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}}{{c|md|(+20%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}}.<br>Passive: Every third ability used will be Empowered if used within 10s.<br>Active: Repeat the last basic ability used.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Cross Crunch",
["icon"] = "Crunch Cross Crunch.png",
["description"] = "After casting an ability, Crunch amplifies his next basic attack to deal {{c|pd|(+20%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}}{{c|md|(+20%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} bonus magical damage and reduce his current cooldowns by 1s.",
["recommended"] = {
["offlane"] = {"Warrior Crest", "Mutilator", "Augmentation", "Earthshaker", "Draconum", "Mistmeadow Buckler", "Salvation", "Citadel", "Unbroken Will", "Tainted Blade", "Strength Tonic"},
["jungle"] = {"Warrior Crest", "Augmentation", "Berserker's Axe", "Giant's Ring", "Mistmeadow Buckler", "Stonewall", "Salvation", "Mutilator", "Absolution", "Tainted Blade", "Strength Tonic"},
["Dekker"] = {
["image"] = "DekkerRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Dekker.png",
["icon"] = "Icon_Dekker.png",
["released"] = "December 1, 2022",
["amber"] = 0,
["platinum"] = 0,
["difficulty"] = "Beginner",
["classes"] = {"Catcher"},
["roles"] = {"Support"},
["range_type"] = "Ranged",
["ability_power"] = 3,
["durability"] = 3,
["basic_attack"] = 1,
["mobility"] = 5,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 59,
["physical_power_growth"] = 2.4,
["attack_speed"] = 120,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.4,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.4,
["attack_range"] = 1300,
["cleave"] = 0,
["physical_armor"] = 20,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.35,
["magical_armor"] = 25,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 0.7,
["max_health"] = 720,
["max_health_growth"] = 122,
["max_mana"] = 380,
["max_mana_growth"] = 40,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.55,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.6,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.12,
["movement_speed"] = 650,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "The Ionizer",
["icon"] = "Dekker Energy Orb.png",
["description"] = "Ranged basic attack dealing 59 {{c|pd|(+40%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Stasis Bomb",
["icon"] = "Dekker Stasis Bomb.png",
["cooldown"] = {17,16,15,14,13},
["mana"] = {80},
["description"] = "Launch a bouncing bomb, dealing 80/110/140/170/200 {{c|md|(+40%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage and Stunning Enemies hit in a small area for 0.75s. Stun duration increases up to 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2s based on distance (3500 units max).",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Photon Disruptor",
["icon"] = "Dekker Photon Disruptor.png",
["cooldown"] = {12,11,10,9,8},
["mana"] = {55,60,65,70,75},
["description"] = "Release a drone emitting a beam of energy along its path, dealing 115/160/205/250/295 {{c|md|(+50%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to all Enemies hit and Slowing them by 25% for 1s.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Containment Fence",
["icon"] = "Dekker Containment Fence.png",
["cooldown"] = {23,22,21,20,19},
["mana"] = {80,85,90,95,100},
["description"] = "Deploy a circular energy fence for 2.4/2.55/2.7/2.85/3s, preventing Enemy Heroes from passing through.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Ion Strike",
["icon"] = "Dekker Ion Strike.png",
["cooldown"] = {110,95,80},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Summon a bot above the target location that blasts the ground after a short delay, dealing 170/275/380 {{c|md|(+70%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage and Slowing Enemies hit by 50% for 1.5s. Enemies caught in the center are Stunned instead.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Rocket Boots",
["icon"] = "Dekker Rocket Boots.png",
["cooldown"] = {22,21.3,20.6,19.9,19.2,18.5,17.8,17.1,16.4,15.7,15,14.3,13.6,12.9,12.2,11.5,10.8,10.1},
["description"] = "Dekker can jump while airborne to activate Rocket Boots, propelling her upward.<br>Rocket Boots' cooldown is reduced by 3s each time Dekker uses an ability.",
["recommended"] = {
["support"] = {"Guardian Crest", "Crescelia", "Tainted Scepter", "Timewarp", "Dynamo", "Vanguardian", "Spellbreaker", "Marshal", "Galaxy Greaves", "Dawnstar", "Intellect Tonic"},
["Drongo"] = {
["image"] = "DrongoRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Drongo.png",
["icon"] = "Icon_Drongo.png",
["released"] = "December 1, 2022",
["amber"] = 2150,
["platinum"] = 400,
["difficulty"] = "Beginner",
["classes"] = {"Executioner"},
["roles"] = {"Carry"},
["range_type"] = "Ranged",
["ability_power"] = 4,
["durability"] = 1,
["basic_attack"] = 7,
["mobility"] = 3,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 63,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3.2,
["attack_speed"] = 125,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 2,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.4,
["attack_range"] = 1300,
["cleave"] = 0,
["physical_armor"] = 20,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.25,
["magical_armor"] = 25,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 0.7,
["max_health"] = 750,
["max_health_growth"] = 124,
["max_mana"] = 310,
["max_mana_growth"] = 40,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.18,
["movement_speed"] = 650,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Lucy",
["icon"] = "Drongo Pistol Shot.png",
["description"] = "Ranged basic attack dealing 63 {{c|pd|(+85%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Old Rusty",
["icon"] = "Drongo Old Rusty.png",
["cooldown"] = {12,11,10,9,8},
["mana"] = {60},
["description"] = "Throw a boomerang, dealing 50/70/90/110/130 {{c|pd|(+55% {{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage to all Enemies hit and Slowing them by 20% for 1s. Upon hitting terrain or travelling max range, it returns and repeats the effects.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Gag Grenade",
["icon"] = "Drongo Gag Grenade.png",
["cooldown"] = {24,22,20,18,16},
["mana"] = {80,85,90,95,100},
["description"] = "Toss a tear gas grenade that explodes dealing 40/65/90/115/140 {{c|pd|(+30%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage to Enemy Targets hit. The gas lasts for 3s, applying Wastelander every 0.5s and Silencing all Enemy Heroes inside the area until they leave. Enemy Heroes that leave the zone will be Silenced again upon re-entering the gas.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Rad Rounds",
["icon"] = "Drongo Rad Rounds.png",
["cooldown"] = {14,13,12,11,10},
["mana"] = {40,45,50,55,60},
["description"] = "Irradiate Drongo's basic attacks for 3s. During this window, shots Irradiate Enemies for 1.5s, the timer refreshing with each hit. After Irradiate expires, the Target receives 45/60/75/90/105 {{c|pd|(+35%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage for the first stack, and 15/23/31/39/47 {{c|pd|(+20%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} for subsequent stacks.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Shrapnel Cannon",
["icon"] = "Drongo Shrapnel Cannon.png",
["cooldown"] = {120,100,80},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Unleash a bazooka blast, dealing 180/290/400 {{c|pd|(+80% {{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage to all Enemies hit and shredding their armor by 25% for 4s. The blast launches Drongo in the opposite direction, becoming briefly CC Immune and Pushing Back any Enemies in front of him.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Wastelander",
["icon"] = "Drongo Wastelander.png",
["description"] = "Drongo's Critical Strikes and Abilities also apply a Bleed to Enemies, dealing 2% of their maximum health as physical damage over 3s.<br>Bleed Damage is reduced to 0.3% for Monsters.",
["recommended"] = {
["carry"] = {"Marksman Crest", "Nuclear Rounds", "Vanquisher", "Imperator", "Demolisher", "Equinox", "Mesmer", "Sky Splitter", "Ashbringer", "Tainted Rounds", "Strength Tonic"},
["Feng Mao"] = {
["apiname"] = "FengMao",
["image"] = "FengMaoRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Feng_Mao.png",
["icon"] = "Icon_Feng_Mao.png",
["released"] = "December 1, 2022",
["amber"] = 2150,
["platinum"] = 400,
["difficulty"] = "Beginner",
["classes"] = {"Assassin"},
["roles"] = {"Jungle", "Offlane"},
["range_type"] = "Melee",
["ability_power"] = 7,
["durability"] = 3,
["basic_attack"] = 4,
["mobility"] = 7,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 63,
["physical_power_growth"] = 2.8,
["attack_speed"] = 100,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 2,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.15,
["attack_range"] = 325,
["cleave"] = 20,
["physical_armor"] = 26,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.35,
["magical_armor"] = 26,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 1.4,
["max_health"] = 775,
["max_health_growth"] = 122,
["max_mana"] = 350,
["max_mana_growth"] = 50,
["health_regeneration"] = 2.3,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.2,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.2,
["movement_speed"] = 685,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Windwalker",
["icon"] = "Feng Mao Sweep.png",
["description"] = "Melee basic attack dealing 63 {{c|pd|(+80%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Reaping Dash",
["icon"] = "Feng Mao Reaping Dash.png",
["cooldown"] = {18,17,16,15,14},
["mana"] = {80},
["description"] = "Dash forward, dealing 90/120/150/180/210 {{c|pd|(+50%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage to all Enemies in Feng Mao's path, and in a small area around the target location.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Safeguard",
["icon"] = "Feng Mao Safeguard.png",
["cooldown"] = {10},
["mana"] = {50},
["description"] = "Gain a 80/135/190/245/300 {{c|pd|(+130%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} shield for 2.5s. Feng Mao gains 15 {{c|pp|(+25%{{Icon|physicalpenetration2}})}}% movement speed while the shield holds.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Hamstring",
["icon"] = "Feng Mao Hamstring.png",
["cooldown"] = {8,7.25,6.5,5.75,5},
["mana"] = {50},
["description"] = "Feng Mao swings his glaive, dealing 95/130/165/200/235 {{c|pd|(+70%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage to all Enemies around him, Slowing them by 30% for 1s. Dealing damage to an Enemy Hero with Hamstring reduces the current cooldown of Reaping Dash by 20%.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Earth Shatter",
["icon"] = "Feng Mao Earth Shatter.png",
["cooldown"] = {120,100,80},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Feng Mao slams his glaive into the ground, dealing 250/400/550 {{c|pd|(+120%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage to all Enemies in the area. If an Enemy is below 300/480/660 {{c|pd|(+120%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} {{c|pp|(+400%{{Icon|physicalpenetration2}})}} health, execute them. Upon executing an Enemy Hero, Earth Shatter may be recast within 12s at no cost.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Precision Strike",
["icon"] = "Feng Mao Precision Strike.png",
["description"] = "Upon not dealing or receiving damage for 3s, Feng Mao's next basic attack is enhanced dealing 5/5/5/5/5/6/6/6/6/6/7/7/7/7/7/8/8/8% of the Target's current health as bonus physical damage.<br>Resets on Takedown.",
["recommended"] = {
["offlane"] = {"Rogue Crest", "Mindrazor", "Mutilator", "Omen", "The Perforator", "Penumbra", "Mesmer", "Infernum", "Envy", "Tainted Trident", "Strength Tonic"},
["jungle"] = {"Rogue Crest", "Mindrazor", "Mutilator", "Omen", "The Perforator", "Penumbra", "Mesmer", "Infernum", "Envy", "Tainted Trident", "Strength Tonic"},
["Gadget"] = {
["image"] = "GadgetRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Gadget.png",
["icon"] = "Icon_Gadget.png",
["released"] = "December 1, 2022",
["amber"] = 3870,
["platinum"] = 600,
["difficulty"] = "Advanced",
["classes"] = {"Mage"},
["roles"] = {"Midlane"},
["range_type"] = "Ranged",
["ability_power"] = 8,
["durability"] = 3,
["basic_attack"] = 1,
["mobility"] = 3,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 61,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3.2,
["attack_speed"] = 120,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.4,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.4,
["attack_range"] = 1300,
["cleave"] = 0,
["physical_armor"] = 19,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.45,
["magical_armor"] = 25,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 0.7,
["max_health"] = 735,
["max_health_growth"] = 123,
["max_mana"] = 450,
["max_mana_growth"] = 40,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.35,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.2,
["movement_speed"] = 650,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Spark",
["icon"] = "Gadget Spark.png",
["description"] = "Ranged basic attack dealing 61 {{c|pd|(+60%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Seek and Destroy",
["icon"] = "Gadget Seek and Destroy.png",
["cooldown"] = {15,14,13,12,11},
["mana"] = {80,85,90,95,100},
["description"] = "Release an airborne droid that can be reactivated mid-flight to stop it in place. Upon stopping, the droid deals 120/170/220/270/320 {{c|md|(+100%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage over 2.5s to Enemies beneath it and Slows them by 30%.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Sticky Mine",
["icon"] = "Gadget Sticky Mine.png",
["cooldown"] = {10,9.5,9,8.5,8},
["mana"] = {60,65,70,75,80},
["description"] = "Launch a sticky mine that attaches to any Enemy Hero in its path, or any nearby Unit upon landing. After 2.5s, the mine explodes, dealing 130/180/230/280/330 {{c|md|(+75%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Security Gate",
["icon"] = "Gadget Security Gate.png",
["cooldown"] = {18,17,16,15,14},
["mana"] = {80},
["description"] = "Throw down an electrical gate for 5s, granting Allied Units that pass through 30% decaying movement speed for 3s. If an Enemy Hero passes through, the gate triggers, dealing 100/140/180/220/260 {{c|md|(+40%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage and Rooting them for 1s.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Tesla Dome",
["icon"] = "Gadget Tesla Dome.png",
["cooldown"] = {130,115,100},
["mana"] = {100,125,150},
["description"] = "Unleash Gadget's Tesla Dome, dealing 420/620/820 {{c|md|(+210%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage over 5s to all Enemies caught within. Each instance of damage shreds the Target's magical armor by 4% for 3s and briefly Slows them by 40%.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Shock Absorber",
["icon"] = "Gadget Shock Absorber.png",
["cooldown"] = {45,43.2,41.4,39.6,37.8,36,34.2,32.4,30.6,28.8,27,25.2,23.4,21.6,19.8,18,16.2,14.4},
["description"] = "When Gadget receives damage from an Enemy Hero or Monster, she gains a shield equal to 15% of her maximum mana for 3s.<br>Upon removal, the shield explodes, dealing 40 (+8 per level) {{c|md|(+25%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to nearby Enemies.",
["recommended"] = {
["midlane"] = {"Magician Crest", "Azure Core", "Wraith Leggings", "Megacosm", "Oblivion Crown", "Caustica", "Spellbreaker", "Golem's Gift", "Astral Catalyst", "Tainted Scepter", "Intellect Tonic"},
["Gideon"] = {
["image"] = "GideonRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Gideon.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Gideon.png",
["released"] = "December 1, 2022",
["amber"] = 0,
["platinum"] = 0,
["difficulty"] = "Beginner",
["classes"] = {"Mage"},
["roles"] = {"Midlane"},
["range_type"] = "Ranged",
["ability_power"] = 9,
["durability"] = 1,
["basic_attack"] = 2,
["mobility"] = 5,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 60,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3.5,
["attack_speed"] = 120,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.7,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.4,
["attack_range"] = 1300,
["cleave"] = 0,
["physical_armor"] = 20,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.55,
["magical_armor"] = 25,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 0.7,
["max_health"] = 760,
["max_health_growth"] = 90.9,
["max_mana"] = 420,
["max_mana_growth"] = 38,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.2,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.2,
["movement_speed"] = 645,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Portal Blast",
["icon"] = "Gideon Portal Blast.png",
["description"] = "Ranged basic attack dealing 60 {{c|pd|(+60%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Void Breach",
["icon"] = "Gideon Void Breach.png",
["cooldown"] = {9,8.5,8,7.5,7},
["mana"] = {60,65,70,75,80},
["description"] = "Launch forward a comet, dealing 115/150/185/220/255 {{c|md|(+60%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to all Enemies in its path and Slowing them by 35% for 1s. The comet explodes upon hitting an Enemy Hero, Terrain, or at max range.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Cosmic Rift",
["icon"] = "Gideon Cosmic Rift.png",
["cooldown"] = {12,11,10,9,8},
["mana"] = {80,85,90,95,100},
["description"] = "Rip down a meteor from the sky, dealing 130/175/220/265/310 {{c|md|(+70%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to all Enemies caught in the area of impact.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Torn Space",
["icon"] = "Gideon Torn Space.png",
["cooldown"] = {24,21,18,15,12},
["mana"] = {80},
["description"] = "Leap through a portal in spacetime, appearing at the target location. The portal remains open for 5s. Any other Hero can jump through the portal after Gideon, but Enemy Heroes are Slowed by 50% for 1.5s when they pass through.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Black Hole",
["icon"] = "Gideon Black Hole.png",
["cooldown"] = {120,105,90},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Unleash a black hole beneath Gideon that slowly drags nearby Enemies towards its center, dealing 410/580/750 {{c|md|(+260%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage over a 3.5s channel.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Cosmic Power",
["icon"] = "Gideon Cosmic Power.png",
["cooldown"] = {20,19.3,18.6,17.9,17.2,16.5,15.8,15.1,14.4,13.7,13,12.3,11.6,10.9,10.2,9.5,8.8,8.1},
["description"] = "Damaging an Enemy Hero with an ability empowers Gideon's next basic attack for 4s, allowing him to attach a cosmic tether to his Target.<br>Tethered Enemies are Slowed by 20% and receive 51/55/59/63/67/71/75/79/83/94/98/102/106/110/114/118/122/126 {{c|md|(+45%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage over 3s.",
["recommended"] = {
["midlane"] = {"Magician Crest", "Combustion", "Noxia", "Wraith Leggings", "Spellbreaker", "Oblivion Crown", "Caustica", "Azure Core", "Truesilver Bracelet", "Tainted Scepter", "Intellect Tonic"},
["Greystone"] = {
["image"] = "GreystoneRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Greystone.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Greystone.png",
["released"] = "June 13, 2023",
["amber"] = 860,
["platinum"] = 200,
["difficulty"] = "Beginner",
["classes"] = {"Fighter"},
["roles"] = {"Offlane"},
["range_type"] = "Melee",
["ability_power"] = 5,
["durability"] = 7,
["basic_attack"] = 6,
["mobility"] = 5,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 61,
["physical_power_growth"] = 2.8,
["attack_speed"] = 100,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.9,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.1,
["attack_range"] = 275,
["cleave"] = 20,
["physical_armor"] = 25,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.35,
["magical_armor"] = 26,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 1.4,
["max_health"] = 645,
["max_health_growth"] = 128,
["max_mana"] = 380,
["max_mana_growth"] = 45,
["health_regeneration"] = 2,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.22,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.2,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.12,
["movement_speed"] = 685,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Lightbringer",
["icon"] = "Greystone Noble Strike.png",
["description"] = "Melee basic attack dealing 61 {{c|pd|(+90%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Assault The Gates",
["icon"] = "Greystone Assault The Gates.png",
["cooldown"] = {18},
["mana"] = {70},
["description"] = "Leap up to 1350 units, dealing 120/165/210/255/300 {{c|pd|(+90%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage in a 450 unit radius. Hitting an Enemy Hero with Assault The Gates reduces its cooldown by 40%.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Make Way",
["icon"] = "Greystone Make Way.png",
["cooldown"] = {12,11,10,9,8},
["mana"] = {60,65,70,75,80},
["description"] = "Summon a fiery whirlwind that deals 95/130/165/200/235 {{c|pd|(+110%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage over 4s. Make Way's duration is extended by 0.5s for a max of 3 additional seconds for each successful basic attack against Enemy Heroes or Monsters.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Sacred Oath",
["icon"] = "Greystone Sacred Oath.png",
["cooldown"] = {12,11,10,9,8},
["mana"] = {40},
["description"] = "For the next 5s, your next 3 basic attacks deal 25/40/55/70/85 {{c|pd|(+25%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} bonus physical damage and apply a 13% Slow for 1.5s. Additional applications will refresh and stack the Slow debuff.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Stone Forged Soul",
["icon"] = "Greystone Stone Forged Soul.png",
["cooldown"] = {160,135,110},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Enter Stasis for 2.5s, restoring 14/16/18% of his maximum health (increased by up to 3x based on missing health) and Slowing nearby Enemies by up to 70%. After 2.5s, crash down, dealing 300/430/560 {{c|pd|(+100%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage to nearby Enemies and gaining maximum stacks of Stoicism.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Stoicism",
["icon"] = "Greystone Stoicism.png",
["description"] = "Deflect the next incoming basic attack every 15/14.4/13.8/13.2/12.6/12/11.4/10.8/10.2/9.6/9/8.4/7.8/7.2/6.6/6/5.4/4.8s.<br>Dealing Physical Damage with Basic Attacks or Abilities to Heroes or Monsters grants 0.8/0.9/1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9/2/2.1/2.2/2.3/2.4/2.5 Physical Power (stacking up to 8 times). At maximum stacks, the bonus Physical Power is doubled.",
["recommended"] = {
["offlane"] = {"Warrior Crest", "Earthshaker", "Basilisk", "Gaia Greaves", "Crystalline Cuirass", "Frostguard", "Salvation", "Unbroken Will", "Elafrost", "Tainted Guard", "Strength Tonic"},
["jungle"] = {"Warrior Crest", "Earthshaker", "Gaia Greaves", "Crystalline Cuirass", "Frostguard", "Salvation", "Stonewall", "Elafrost", "Tainted Guard", "Strength Tonic"},
["GRIM.exe"] = {
["apiname"] = "GRIMexe",
["image"] = "Grimexe.png",
["portrait"] = "Grim_exe.png",
["icon"] = "Grim.exe Icon.png",
["released"] = "April 11, 2024",
["amber"] = 8600,
["platinum"] = 1000,
["difficulty"] = "Advanced",
["classes"] = {"Executioner"},
["roles"] = {"Carry"},
["range_type"] = "Ranged",
["ability_power"] = 7,
["durability"] = 3,
["basic_attack"] = 8,
["mobility"] = 1,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 60,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3,
["attack_speed"] = 110,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.7,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.2,
["attack_range"] = 1300,
["cleave"] = 0,
["physical_armor"] = 23,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.35,
["magical_armor"] = 25,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 0.7,
["max_health"] = 770,
["max_health_growth"] = 121,
["max_mana"] = 380,
["max_mana_growth"] = 38,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.12,
["movement_speed"] = 660,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "The Inverter",
["icon"] = "GRIM.exe Pulse Cannon.png",
["description"] = "Ranged basic attack dealing 60 {{c|md|(+90%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Energy Shield",
["icon"] = "GRIM.exe Energy Shield.png",
["cooldown"] = {22,19.5,17,14.5,12},
["description"] = "Grim.exe activates a shield for 1.25s that blocks the next incoming enemy ability. If the shield successfully blocks an enemy ability, Grim.exe restores 20/25/30/35/40% of his missing mana.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Displacement Blast",
["icon"] = "GRIM.exe Displacement Blast.png",
["cooldown"] = {12,11,10,9,8},
["mana"] = {60,70,80,90,100},
["description"] = "Fire an empowered shot forward that deals 100/140/180/220/260 {{c|md|(+95%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}}{{c|md|(+80%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage. In Assault Mode, the shot is Lobbed and displaces Enemies away from the centre of the explosion.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Assault Mode",
["icon"] = "GRIM.exe Assault Mode.png",
["cooldown"] = {0.25},
["mana"] = {20},
["description"] = "Sentry Mode: Basic Attacks restore 4/6/8/10/12 mana. Assault Mode: Pulse Cannon shots cost 12/14/16/18/20 mana, deal {{c|md|(+12%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})(+10%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} bonus magical damage on-hit and apply a 8/11/14/17/20% decaying slow for 0.8s.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "G.T.F.O.",
["icon"] = "GRIM.exe GTFO.png",
["cooldown"] = {90,75,60},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Grim.exe slows himself by 60% and locks onto an enemy hero. After a short channel, a Gyro Targeted Force Orb is launched. The Orb will pass through the world and non-hero units, but can be blocked by enemy heroes. The Orb deals 280/415/550 {{c|md|(+130%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})(+80%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Pulsefire",
["icon"] = "GRIM.exe Pulsefire.png",
["description"] = "Grim.exe’s basic attacks are modified to deal Magical Damage.<br>Grim.exe’s basic attacks and abilities apply Pulsefire to Enemies hit for 4s. The basic attack or ability will burst the Pulsefire and deal 10{{c|md|(+15%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}}{{c|md|(+15%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} true damage on-hit.",
["recommended"] = {
["carry"] = {"Marksman Crest", "Plasma Blade", "Nuclear Rounds", "Imperator", "Dust Devil", "Sky Splitter", "Caustica", "Ashbringer", "Terminus", "Tainted Rounds", "Strength Tonic"},
["Grux"] = {
["image"] = "GruxRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Grux.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Grux.png",
["released"] = "December 1, 2022",
["amber"] = 860,
["platinum"] = 200,
["difficulty"] = "Beginner",
["classes"] = {"Fighter"},
["roles"] = {"Offlane", "Jungle"},
["range_type"] = "Melee",
["ability_power"] = 5,
["durability"] = 4,
["basic_attack"] = 6,
["mobility"] = 3,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 60,
["physical_power_growth"] = 2,
["attack_speed"] = 100,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 2,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.15,
["attack_range"] = 300,
["cleave"] = 20,
["physical_armor"] = 25,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.4,
["magical_armor"] = 26,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 1.4,
["max_health"] = 775,
["max_health_growth"] = 129,
["max_mana"] = 360,
["max_mana_growth"] = 50,
["health_regeneration"] = 2.2,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.22,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.2,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.12,
["movement_speed"] = 690,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "The Chieftains Warclubs",
["icon"] = "Grux Chop.png",
["description"] = "Melee basic attack dealing 60 {{c|pd|(+85%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Double Pain",
["icon"] = "Grux Double Pain.png",
["cooldown"] = {9,8,7,6,5},
["mana"] = {30},
["description"] = "Using both weapons, Grux cleaves all Enemies in front of him, dealing 15/35/55/75/95 {{c|pd|(+110%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage. Double Pain applies on-hit effects twice.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Smash 'n Grab",
["icon"] = "Grux Smash 'n Grab.png",
["cooldown"] = {17,16,15,14,13},
["mana"] = {90},
["description"] = "Smash the ground, sending forth a shockwave that Pulls all Enemies in its path towards Grux, dealing 100/130/160/190/220 {{c|pd|(+80%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage and Stunning them for 0.5s.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Crush",
["icon"] = "Grux Crush.png",
["cooldown"] = {16,14.75,13.5,12.25,11},
["mana"] = {60},
["description"] = "Lunge forward a short distance before uppercutting nearby Enemies, dealing 85/120/155/190/225 {{c|pd|(+70%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage and Knocking them Up for 0.75s. Colliding with Enemy Heroes or Monsters causes Grux to strike on impact.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Warlord's Challenge",
["icon"] = "Grux Warlord's Challenge.png",
["cooldown"] = {120,95,70},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Grux slams his clubs together, Stunning all nearby Enemy Heroes for 0.5s. For the next 8/10/12s, Grux gains 25/45/65% attack speed and empowers his attacks against Enemy Heroes to repeatedly steal 4/6/8 physical power on-hit, returning after 4s.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Bloodlust",
["icon"] = "Grux Bloodlust.png",
["description"] = "Grux's basic attacks apply a Bleed on-hit, dealing 6/9/12/15/18/21/24/27/30/33/36/39/42/45/48/51/54/57 {{c|pd|(+18%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage over 5s, stacking up to 6 times.<br>Applying maximum Bloodlust stacks to an Enemy Hero or Monster grants Grux 10/10/10/10/10/15/15/15/15/15/20/20/20/20/20/25/25/25% Omnivamp for 5s.",
["recommended"] = {
["offlane"] = {"Warrior Crest", "Basilisk", "Bonesaw", "Draconum", "Mistmeadow Buckler", "Stonewall", "Salvation", "Mutilator", "Sky Splitter", "Tainted Blade", "Strength Tonic"},
["jungle"] = {"Warrior Crest", "Earthshaker", "Gaia Greaves", "Basilisk", "Unbroken Will", "Salvation", "Stonewall", "Bonesaw", "Sky Splitter", "Tainted Blade", "Strength Tonic"},
["Howitzer"] = {
["image"] = "HowitzerRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Howitzer.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Howitzer.png",
["released"] = "December 1, 2022",
["amber"] = 2150,
["platinum"] = 400,
["difficulty"] = "Advanced",
["classes"] = {"Mage"},
["roles"] = {"Midlane"},
["range_type"] = "Ranged",
["ability_power"] = 8,
["durability"] = 2,
["basic_attack"] = 3,
["mobility"] = 5,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 60,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3.8,
["attack_speed"] = 120,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.65,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.4,
["attack_range"] = 1300,
["cleave"] = 20,
["physical_armor"] = 22,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.45,
["magical_armor"] = 25,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 0.7,
["max_health"] = 775,
["max_health_growth"] = 123,
["max_mana"] = 440,
["max_mana_growth"] = 43,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.3,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.2,
["movement_speed"] = 655,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Cannon",
["icon"] = "Howitzer Cannon.png",
["description"] = "Ranged basic attack dealing 60 {{c|pd|(+60%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Slow Grenades",
["icon"] = "Howitzer Slow Grenades.png",
["cooldown"] = {16},
["mana"] = {60,65,70,75,80},
["description"] = "Launch a cluster of 11 proximity bombs that explode when an Enemy enters their zone, dealing 30/50/70/90/110 {{c|md|(+20%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage and Slowing them by 20/25/30/35/40% for 1s. Subsequent hits against the same Target deal 6/10/14/18/22 {{c|md|(+4%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage and reapply the Slow.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "R2000 Missile",
["icon"] = "Howitzer R2000 Missile.png",
["cooldown"] = {11,10,9,8,7},
["mana"] = {70,75,80,85,90},
["description"] = "Fire a long range rocket that explodes on impact, dealing 120/165/210/255/300 {{c|md|(+65%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to all Enemies in a small area.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Land Mine",
["icon"] = "Howitzer Land Mine.png",
["cooldown"] = {22,20,18,16,14},
["mana"] = {80},
["description"] = "Lob a mine that will explode 2.5s after landing, dealing 90/120/150/180/210 {{c|md|(+40%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to all Enemies in the area and Knocking Back any Enemy Heroes (and Howitzer) caught in the blast. Explodes early upon reactivation.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Make It Rain",
["icon"] = "Howitzer Make It Rain.png",
["cooldown"] = {130,115,100},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Thrust up into the sky, allowing Howitzer to move freely as he rains down a salvo of 16 missiles from above, dealing 480/704/928 {{c|md|(+96%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage over 3s. Missiles utilise laser guidance to home towards Howitzers painted target.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Armed Salvo",
["icon"] = "Howitzer Armed Salvo.png",
["cooldown"] = {16,15.5,15,14.5,14},
["description"] = "Howitzer's next basic attack deals 30/35/40/45/50/55/60/65/70/75/80/85/90/95/100/105/110/115 {{c|md|(+20%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} bonus magical damage around the Target. Howitzer restores 10% of the damage dealt as mana, increasing to 50% against Enemy Heroes. Armed Salvo's cooldown is reduced by 5s each time Howitzer uses an ability.",
["recommended"] = {
["midlane"] = {"Magician Crest", "Combustion", "Megacosm", "Wraith Leggings", "Oblivion Crown", "Caustica", "Noxia", "Soulbinder", "Tainted Scepter", "Intellect Tonic"},
["Iggy & Scorch"] = {
["apiname"] = "IggyScorch",
["image"] = "Iggy & Scorch.png",
["portrait"] = "Iggy & Scorch.png",
["icon"] = "Icon IggyandScorch.png",
["released"] = "December 5, 2023",
["amber"] = 8600,
["platinum"] = 1000,
["difficulty"] = "Advanced",
["classes"] = {"Mage"},
["roles"] = {"Midlane", "Offlane"},
["range_type"] = "Ranged",
["ability_power"] = 10,
["durability"] = 2,
["basic_attack"] = 2,
["mobility"] = 1,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 59,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3.3,
["attack_speed"] = 120,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.3,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.4,
["attack_range"] = 1300,
["cleave"] = 0,
["physical_armor"] = 23,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.35,
["magical_armor"] = 25,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 0.7,
["max_health"] = 750,
["max_health_growth"] = 125,
["max_mana"] = 380,
["max_mana_growth"] = 35,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.4,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.22,
["movement_speed"] = 650,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Spew",
["icon"] = "Iggy & Scorch Spew.png",
["description"] = "Ranged basic attack dealing 59 {{c|pd|(+60%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Molotov",
["icon"] = "Iggy & Scorch Molotov.png",
["cooldown"] = {10,9.5,9,8.5,8},
["mana"] = {60,65,70,75,80},
["description"] = "Iggy flings a Molotov that deals 85/110/135/160/185 {{c|md|(+45%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to enemies hit by the explosion. A Fire Field will remain where the explosion occurs, dealing 40/55/70/85/100 {{c|md|(+18%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage over 2s.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Flame Turret",
["icon"] = "Iggy & Scorch Flame Turret.png",
["cooldown"] = {20,18.5,17,15.5,14},
["mana"] = {40},
["description"] = "Iggy throws down a turret with 120 (+15 per hero level) {{c|md|(+30%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} health that shoots homing fireballs at Enemy Targets within 1300 units. Each fireball deals 14/21/28/35/42 {{c|md|(+20%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage.<br>Iggy can have up to 3 turrets placed. Hitting an enemy with Spew redirects turrets to attack that target if in range.<br>Flame Turrets take 50% increased damage from Melee basic attacks.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Oil Spill",
["icon"] = "Iggy & Scorch Oil Spill.png",
["cooldown"] = {14},
["mana"] = {80,85,90,95,100},
["description"] = "Scorch hurls a ball of oil that rolls in the target direction dealing 80/100/120/140/160 {{c|md|(+35%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to enemies hit. The oil will then remain for 5s, slowing enemies by 30%. When ignited by Iggy's fire abilities, the duration is refreshed and enemies take 10/15/20/25/30 {{c|md|(+10%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage every 0.5s.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Inferno",
["icon"] = "Iggy & Scorch Inferno.png",
["cooldown"] = {120,100,80},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Scorch unleashes a cone of flame gaining 15% Movement Speed and dealing 330/420/510 {{c|md|(+165%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage over 3s. At the end of the duration or if reactivated, Scorch will instantly deal 120/180/240 {{c|md|(+55%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage and knock back enemy targets within the cone.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Badlands Critter",
["icon"] = "Iggy & Scorch Badlands Critter.png",
["description"] = "Scorch hurls up oil with his basic attack that applies Slick to enemies hit, slowing them by 2% per stack for 3s, up to a maximum of 5 stacks.<br>Enemies with any Slick that are damaged by Flame Turrets, Molotov or Inferno are Ignited for 3s taking 2.5/3.0/3.5/4/4.5/5/5.5/6/6.5/7/7.5/8/8.5/9/9.5/10/10.5/11 (+0.5 per level) {{c|md|(+2%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage per second per stack.",
["recommended"] = {
["midlane"] = {"Magician Crest", "Orb of Growth", "Megacosm", "Noxia", "Dreambinder", "World Breaker", "Caustica", "Wraith Leggings", "Oblivion Crown", "Tainted Scepter", "Intellect Tonic"},
["Kallari"] = {
["image"] = "KallariRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Kallari.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Kallari.png",
["released"] = "December 1, 2022",
["amber"] = 6020,
["platinum"] = 800,
["difficulty"] = "Expert",
["classes"] = {"Assassin"},
["roles"] = {"Jungle", "Offlane"},
["range_type"] = "Melee",
["ability_power"] = 8,
["durability"] = 1,
["basic_attack"] = 3,
["mobility"] = 8,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 61,
["physical_power_growth"] = 2.5,
["attack_speed"] = 120,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 2,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.1,
["attack_range"] = 250,
["cleave"] = 25,
["physical_armor"] = 26,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.15,
["magical_armor"] = 26,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 1.4,
["max_health"] = 775,
["max_health_growth"] = 115,
["max_mana"] = 310,
["max_mana_growth"] = 55,
["health_regeneration"] = 12.2,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.2,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["movement_speed"] = 680,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Plasteel Swords",
["icon"] = "Kallari Slash.png",
["description"] = "Melee basic attack dealing 61 {{c|pd|(+85%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Crippling Dagger",
["icon"] = "Kallari Crippling Dagger.png",
["cooldown"] = {11,10,9,8,7},
["mana"] = {30},
["description"] = "Throw a dagger, dealing 70/90/110/130/150 {{c|pd|(+115%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage and applying a 30% Slow for 0.5s.<br>Minions and Monsters receive 110 additional damage.<br>Max Charges: 2.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Shadow Walk",
["icon"] = "Kallari Shadow Walk.png",
["cooldown"] = {10,9,8,7,6},
["mana"] = {60},
["description"] = "After 1.5s, enter Camouflage, gaining 15% movement speed for 5/5.5/6/6.5/7s. While Camouflaged, Kallari gains 14/16/18/20/22 {{c|pp|(+25%{{Icon|physicalpenetration2}})}} health regen and her next basic attack deals 40/60/80/100/120 {{c|pd|(+40%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} bonus physical damage to all targets hit. Nearby Enemy Heroes and Wards reveal Kallari.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Death Mark",
["icon"] = "Kallari Death Mark.png",
["cooldown"] = {20,19,18,17,16},
["mana"] = {70,75,80,85,90},
["description"] = "Empower Kallari's next attack within 5s to Mark the first Enemy Hero or Monster hit, increasing her damage against them by 10%. After 3s, the Mark detonates, dealing 55/85/115/145/175 plus 8 {{c|pd|(+4%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}}% of Target's missing health as true damage, and granting Kallari 50% decaying movement speed for 4s.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Guillotine",
["icon"] = "Kallari Guillotine.png",
["cooldown"] = {120,100,75},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "After a brief delay Kallari dashes forward, cutting through all Enemies in her path, dealing 220/360/500 {{c|pd|(+120/130/140%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Shadow Dance",
["icon"] = "Kallari Shadow Dance.png",
["description"] = "Kallari can jump up to 2 additional times while mid-air, thrusting her in the direction of movement.",
["recommended"] = {
["jungle"] = {"Rogue Crest", "Malady", "Vanquisher", "Penumbra", "The Perforator", "Painweaver", "Mesmer", "Infernum", "Nightfall", "Tainted Trident", "Strength Tonic"},
["Khaimera"] = {
["image"] = "KhaimeraRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Khaimera.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Khaimera.png",
["released"] = "December 1, 2022",
["amber"] = 0,
["platinum"] = 0,
["difficulty"] = "Beginner",
["classes"] = {"Fighter"},
["roles"] = {"Jungle"},
["range_type"] = "Melee",
["ability_power"] = 3,
["durability"] = 6,
["basic_attack"] = 7,
["mobility"] = 3,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 53,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3,
["attack_speed"] = 110,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.15,
["attack_range"] = 250,
["cleave"] = 20,
["physical_armor"] = 24,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.4,
["magical_armor"] = 26,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 1.4,
["max_health"] = 730,
["max_health_growth"] = 124,
["max_mana"] = 300,
["max_mana_growth"] = 40,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.8,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.2,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.35,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.12,
["movement_speed"] = 680,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Rage & Spirit",
["icon"] = "Khaimera Hack.png",
["description"] = "Melee basic attack dealing 53 {{c|pd|(+85%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Ambush",
["icon"] = "Khaimera Ambush.png",
["cooldown"] = {11,10,9,8,7},
["mana"] = {40,45,50,55,60},
["description"] = "Leap to an Enemy Hero or Monster, dealing 80/105/130/155/180 {{c|pd|(+80%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage and Slowing them by 35% for 1.25s. Deals up to 2x damage based on the Target's missing health. Grants 3 Spirit Regeneration stacks on hit.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Unleash",
["icon"] = "Khaimera Unleash.png",
["cooldown"] = {10,8.5,7,5.5,4},
["mana"] = {40},
["description"] = "Unleash Khaimera's primal spirit for 3s, granting him maximum attack speed for 5 successful attacks. Each basic attack deals 13/19/25/31/37 {{c|pd|(+40%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage, applies on-hit effects at 75% effectiveness and Cleaves nearby Enemies for 75% damage.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Invigorate",
["icon"] = "Khaimera Invigorate.png",
["cooldown"] = {22,19.5,17,14.5,12},
["mana"] = {60,70,80,90,100},
["description"] = "Khaimera instantly Cleanses all Debuffs and Heals himself for 7/9/11/13/15%. of his maximum health (+1.5x current health regeneration). Cleansing grants Crowd Control Immunity for 0.25s.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Cull",
["icon"] = "Khaimera Cull.png",
["cooldown"] = {120,90,60},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "After a brief channel, Khaimera slices all Enemies in front of him, Suppressing them for 1.25s and dealing 220/345/470 {{c|pd|(+160%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage over 6 hits. Grants 5 Spirit Regeneration stacks for each Enemy Hero hit.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Spirit Regeneration",
["icon"] = "Khaimera Spirit Regeneration.png",
["description"] = "Damaging Enemy Heroes and Monsters with basic attacks or abilities grants Khaimera 0.5/0.65/0.8/0.95/1.1/1.35/1.6/1.85/2.1/2.35/2.7/3.05/3.4/3.75/4.1/4.55/5/5.45 health regeneration for 2.5s, stacking up to 30 times. Hero Kills grant 8 stacks instantly.<br>Khaimera gains 12% movement speed while above 15 stacks.",
["recommended"] = {
["jungle"] = {"Warrior Crest", "Overlord", "Berserker's Axe", "Basilisk", "Giant's Ring", "Mistmeadow Buckler", "Stonewall", "Gaia Greaves", "Sky Splitter", "Tainted Blade", "Strength Tonic"},
["Kira"] = {
["image"] = "KiraRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Kira.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Kira.png",
["released"] = "March 21, 2023",
["amber"] = 860,
["platinum"] = 200,
["difficulty"] = "Advanced",
["classes"] = {"Sharpshooter"},
["roles"] = {"Carry"},
["range_type"] = "Ranged",
["ability_power"] = 4,
["durability"] = 2,
["basic_attack"] = 8,
["mobility"] = 5,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 61,
["physical_power_growth"] = 2.9,
["attack_speed"] = 125,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.7,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.4,
["attack_range"] = 1300,
["cleave"] = 0,
["physical_armor"] = 21,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 2.95,
["magical_armor"] = 25,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 0.7,
["max_health"] = 750,
["max_health_growth"] = 120,
["max_mana"] = 360,
["max_mana_growth"] = 36,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.4,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.2,
["movement_speed"] = 645,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Wrath",
["icon"] = "Kira Bolt.png",
["description"] = "Ranged basic attack dealing 61 {{c|pd|(+80%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Mercy",
["icon"] = "Kira Mercy.png",
["cooldown"] = {12,11,10,9,8},
["mana"] = {38,41,44,47,50},
["description"] = "Equip Mercy to fire a powerful shot dealing 10/20/30/40/50 {{c|pd|(+80%/82.5%/85%/87.5%/90%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage. Mercy can critically strike, benefits from lifesteal, applies on-hit effects and deals 20/30/40/50/60 additional physical damage to Enemy Minions and Monsters. Damaging an Enemy Hero with Mercy refunds 50% of the Cooldown.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Dusk",
["icon"] = "Kira Dusk.png",
["cooldown"] = {14,13,12,11,10},
["mana"] = {60,65,70,75,80},
["description"] = "Purify any Enemy Targets that are marked with Vengeance, dealing 35/45/55/65/75 physical damage plus an additional 10/13/16/19/22 {{c|pd|(+30%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} damage per stack and Slowing them by 25% for 1.25s. Max Damage: 95/123/151/179/207 {{c|pd|(+165%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Shadow Glide",
["icon"] = "Kira Shadow Glide.png",
["cooldown"] = {18,16.5,15,13.5,12},
["mana"] = {60},
["description"] = "Dash in your current movement direction 525 units, becoming briefly Unselectable and gaining an additional 5/10/15/20/25 Bonus Physical Power for 4s.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Purge",
["icon"] = "Kira Purge.png",
["cooldown"] = {120,100,80},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Unleash a torrent of arrows and bullets for 3s. Nearby Enemy Units take 250/450/650 {{c|pd|(+360%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage over the duration.<br>These attacks benefit from lifesteal, can critically strike, and apply on-hit effects at 20% effectiveness.<br>Kira cannot attack nor cast abilities except Shadow Glide during this time. She can also move but is slowed by 40%.<br> Deals 50% damage to Minions",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Vengeance",
["icon"] = "Kira Vengeance.png",
["description"] = "Kira's basic attacks and damaging abilities apply a stack of Vengeance on-hit to Enemy Units for 3.5s, stacking up to 6 times.<br>Kira deals bonus damage to Enemies affected by Vengeance, increasing by 1.2% per stack. At maximum stacks, the bonus damage is dealt as true damage.",
["recommended"] = {
["carry"] = {"Marksman Crest", "Lightning Hawk", "Nuclear Rounds", "Imperator", "Demolisher", "Terminus", "Mesmer", "Dust Devil", "Equinox", "Tainted Rounds", "Strength Tonic"},
["Kwang"] = {
["image"] = "KwangRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Kwang.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Kwang.png",
["released"] = "January 23, 2024",
["amber"] = 8600,
["platinum"] = 1000,
["difficulty"] = "Advanced",
["classes"] = {"Fighter"},
["roles"] = {"Offlane", "Jungle"},
["range_type"] = "Melee",
["ability_power"] = 7,
["durability"] = 5,
["basic_attack"] = 3,
["mobility"] = 5,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 63,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3.2,
["attack_speed"] = 110,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.5,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.15,
["attack_range"] = 250,
["cleave"] = 20,
["physical_armor"] = 26,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.35,
["magical_armor"] = 26,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 1.4,
["max_health"] = 760,
["max_health_growth"] = 127,
["max_mana"] = 355,
["max_mana_growth"] = 50,
["health_regeneration"] = 2,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.2,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.2,
["movement_speed"] = 680,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Heavenly Blade",
["icon"] = "Kwang Heavenly Blade.png",
["description"] = "Melee basic attack dealing 63 {{c|pd|(+80%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Light of the Heavens",
["icon"] = "Kwang Light of the Heavens.png",
["cooldown"] = {13,12,11,10,9},
["mana"] = {50},
["description"] = "Light strikes the Heavenly Blade, dealing damage to nearby Enemy Units.<br>While holding the Blade, it deals 80/115/150/185/220 {{c|md|(+40%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage and grants Kwang a 50/80/110/140/170 {{c|md|(+65%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} {{c|h|(+6% {{Icon|maxhealth2}})}} Shield for 3s.<br>If the Blade is in the world, it deals 95/135/175/215/255 {{c|md|(+45%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} true damage instead.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Judgement of the Heavens",
["icon"] = "Kwang Judgement of the Heavens.png",
["cooldown"] = {16,14.75,13.5,12.25,11},
["mana"] = {60},
["description"] = "Throw the Heavenly Blade at a target location to deal 90/120/150/180/210 {{c|md|(+40%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage.<br>Enemies hit by the Blade will be Tethered to it for 1.5s.<br>Recalling the Blade early will break the Tether.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Surge of the Heavens",
["icon"] = "Kwang Surge of the Heavens.png",
["cooldown"] = {14,12.75,11.5,10.25,9},
["mana"] = {70},
["description"] = "Kwang dashes forward, becoming Unselectable and dealing 85/105/125/145/165 {{c|md|(+35%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} to all Enemy Units he passes through. When the Blade is in the world, if Kwang dashes within 300 units of its radius he will summon it back to his hand with a crash of lightning, dealing the damage to all nearby Enemy Units and Knocking them Up for 0.65s.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Fury of the Heavens",
["icon"] = "Kwang Fury of the Heavens.png",
["cooldown"] = {120,100,80},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Channel a strike with the Heavenly Blade, dealing 270/385/500 {{c|md|(+90%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage and appying a 40/50/60% Slow for 2s to nearby Enemy Units. If the Blade is in the world, Kwang will Teleport to it before striking.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Strike of the Heavens",
["icon"] = "Kwang Strike of the Heavens.png",
["description"] = "When Kwang damages an Enemy with an ability his Heavenly Blade becomes Energized with electricity for 4s, stacking up to 3 times.<br>Whilst Energized, Kwang's next basic attack strikes lightning from above dealing 12 (+5 per level){{c|md|(+14%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to the Target and nearby Enemies.<br>If this damages an Enemy Hero, Kwang reduces his basic ability cooldowns by 1s per stack.",
["recommended"] = {
["offlane"] = {"Occult Crest", "Magnify", "Oathkeeper", "Fist Of Razuul", "Flux Matrix", "World Breaker", "Frostguard", "Stonewall", "Unbroken Will", "Tainted Scepter", "Protection Tonic"},
["jungle"] = {"Occult Crest", "Magnify", "Oathkeeper", "Fist Of Razuul", "Flux Matrix", "World Breaker", "Frostguard", "Stonewall", "Unbroken Will", "Tainted Scepter", "Protection Tonic"},
["Lt. Belica"] = {
["apiname"] = "LtBelica",
["image"] = "BelicaRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Lt. Belica.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Belica.png",
["released"] = "December 1, 2022",
["amber"] = 860,
["platinum"] = 200,
["difficulty"] = "Advanced",
["classes"] = {"Mage"},
["roles"] = {"Midlane", "Support"},
["range_type"] = "Ranged",
["ability_power"] = 10,
["durability"] = 1,
["basic_attack"] = 1,
["mobility"] = 1,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 62,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3.8,
["attack_speed"] = 120,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.3,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.4,
["attack_range"] = 1300,
["cleave"] = 0,
["physical_armor"] = 22,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.35,
["magical_armor"] = 25,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 0.7,
["max_health"] = 760,
["max_health_growth"] = 124,
["max_mana"] = 400,
["max_mana_growth"] = 42,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["movement_speed"] = 650,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "OA-S3000 SMG",
["icon"] = "Lt. Belica Burst Fire.png",
["description"] = "Ranged basic attack dealing 62 {{c|pd|(+60%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Void Bomb",
["icon"] = "Lt. Belica Void Bomb.png",
["cooldown"] = {6},
["mana"] = {60,70,80,90,100},
["description"] = "Place a bomb that detonates after a short delay, dealing 110/145/180/215/250 {{c|md|(+60%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage. Restores 6/7/8/9/10 mana for each Enemy hit. Innovation: Magical power scaling increases to {{c|md|(+75%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}}.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Seismic Assault",
["icon"] = "Lt. Belica Seismic Assault.png",
["cooldown"] = {16,15,14,13,12},
["mana"] = {80},
["description"] = "Slam the ground, sending forth a seismic wave that deals 100/150/200/250/300 {{c|md|(+55%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to all Enemies in its path, Knocking Up and Stunning them for 1.1/1.1/1.1/1.1/1.45s. Innovation: Stun duration increases to 1.45s.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Void Drone",
["icon"] = "Lt. Belica Void Drone.png",
["cooldown"] = {30,28,26,24,22},
["mana"] = {70,75,80,85,90},
["description"] = "Deploy a drone for 8s that drains 1.5/2.85/4/5.25/6.5% of nearby Enemy Heroes' current mana each second and attacks them when they cast an ability, dealing 55/70/85/100/115 {{c|md|(+20%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage. Innovation: Empowers the drone's attacks to also drain 4% of the Target's maximum mana.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Neural Disruptor",
["icon"] = "Lt. Belica Neural Disruptor.png",
["cooldown"] = {120,100,80},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Target an Enemy Hero, unleashing a heavy blast from Lt. Belica's sidearm, dealing 190/300/410 {{c|md|(+60%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage. Damage increases by 0.4/0.45/0.5 for each point of mana the Target is missing. Innovation: Range increases by 300 units.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Innovation",
["icon"] = "Lt. Belica Innovation.png",
["description"] = "Lt. Belica's abilities gain additional strength at maximum rank.<br>Additionally, she gains 10% increased maximum mana each time she maxes out an ability.",
["recommended"] = {
["support"] = {"Consort Crest", "Timewarp", "Tainted Scepter", "Dynamo", "Galaxy Greaves", "Dreambinder", "Spellbreaker", "Marshal", "Crescelia", "Vanguardian", "Intellect Tonic"},
["midlane"] = {"Magician Crest", "Azure Core", "Combustion", "Noxia", "Oblivion Crown", "Spellbreaker", "Megacosm", "Wraith Leggings", "Tainted Scepter", "Intellect Tonic"},
["Morigesh"] = {
["image"] = "MorigeshRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Morigesh.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Morigesh.png",
["released"] = "May 18, 2023",
["amber"] = 860,
["platinum"] = 200,
["difficulty"] = "Beginner",
["classes"] = {"Mage"},
["roles"] = {"Midlane", "Offlane"},
["range_type"] = "Ranged",
["ability_power"] = 8,
["durability"] = 3,
["basic_attack"] = 1,
["mobility"] = 3,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 62,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3.4,
["attack_speed"] = 115,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.4,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.4,
["attack_range"] = 1300,
["cleave"] = 0,
["physical_armor"] = 19,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.55,
["magical_armor"] = 25,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 0.7,
["max_health"] = 740,
["max_health_growth"] = 126,
["max_mana"] = 400,
["max_mana_growth"] = 42,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.3,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.3,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.2,
["movement_speed"] = 660,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Fetid Daggers",
["icon"] = "Morigesh Dagger.png",
["description"] = "Ranged basic attack dealing 62 {{c|pd|(+60%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Mark",
["icon"] = "Morigesh Mark.png",
["cooldown"] = {7,6.5,6,5.5,5},
["mana"] = {60,65,70,75,80},
["description"] = "Select an enemy hero to deal 95/125/155/185/215 {{c|md|(+35%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage and transform your Voodoo Doll into their image. Abilities have additional effects vs your Marked Target and they may be targeted by Curse.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Hive",
["icon"] = "Morigesh Hive.png",
["cooldown"] = {12,11,10,9,8},
["mana"] = {60,65,70,75,80},
["description"] = "Throw a hive of insects that explodes dealing 115/150/185/220/255 {{c|md|(+60%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage. Damaging a Marked Enemy Target slows them by 20% for 3s.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Swarm",
["icon"] = "Morigesh Swarm.png",
["cooldown"] = {16,15,14,13,12},
["mana"] = {60,65,70,75,80},
["description"] = "Become the swarm, gaining 20/22.5/25/27.5/30%. movespeed for 3s. Passing through Enemy Targets deals 125/155/185/215/245 {{c|md|(+55%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage and restores 12/17/22/27/32 {{c|md|(+12%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} health. Passing through a Marked Enemy Target restores 4x more health.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Curse",
["icon"] = "Morigesh Curse.png",
["cooldown"] = {120,100,70},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "After a brief channel, Summon a horde of insects to stab the Marked target, dealing 300/430/560 {{c|md|(+75%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage. The Mark is removed upon casting this ability.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Pestilence",
["icon"] = "Morigesh Pestilence.png",
["description"] = "Morigesh's damaging abilities apply Pestilence for 3s, dealing 0.4% {{c|md|(+0.15% per 75 Magical Power{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} of the target's maximum health as magical damage every 0.5s.<br>Subsequent damaging abilities against a target affected by Pestilence will refresh the duration and spread the effect to nearby enemy targets.",
["recommended"] = {
["midlane"] = {"Magician Crest", "Combustion", "Megacosm", "Wraith Leggings", "Oblivion Crown", "Caustica", "Spellbreaker", "Noxia", "Dreambinder", "Tainted Scepter", "Intellect Tonic"},
["Murdock"] = {
["image"] = "MurdockRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Murdock.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Murdock.png",
["released"] = "December 1, 2022",
["amber"] = 0,
["platinum"] = 0,
["difficulty"] = "Beginner",
["classes"] = {"Sharpshooter"},
["roles"] = {"Carry"},
["range_type"] = "Ranged",
["ability_power"] = 3,
["durability"] = 3,
["basic_attack"] = 8,
["mobility"] = 2,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 62,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3.5,
["attack_speed"] = 125,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.8,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.4,
["attack_range"] = 1300,
["cleave"] = 0,
["physical_armor"] = 22,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.75,
["magical_armor"] = 25,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 0.7,
["max_health"] = 745,
["max_health_growth"] = 126,
["max_mana"] = 310,
["max_mana_growth"] = 35,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.4,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.1,
["movement_speed"] = 645,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "The Enforcer",
["icon"] = "Murdock Single Fire.png",
["description"] = "Ranged basic attack dealing 62 {{c|pd|(+90%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Buckshot",
["icon"] = "Murdock Buckshot.png",
["cooldown"] = {13,12,11,10,9},
["mana"] = {60,65,70,75,80},
["description"] = "Discharge a shotgun blast, dealing 85/115/145/175/205 {{c|pd|(+100/110/130/145/160%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage to all Enemies hit, decreasing by up to 50% based on distance. The blast Pushes Enemies Back, its force increasing at close range.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Static Trap",
["icon"] = "Murdock Static Trap.png",
["cooldown"] = {20,17,14,11,8},
["mana"] = {25},
["description"] = "Place a trap that arms after a short delay, dealing 90/140/190/240/290 {{c|pd|(+120%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} magical damage to any Enemy Hero that steps on it and Rooting them for 1s. Traps last for 60s and up to 3/3/4/4/5 may be placed at one time. Max Charges: 2.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Hot Pursuit",
["icon"] = "Murdock Hot Pursuit.png",
["cooldown"] = {24,20,16,12,8},
["mana"] = {60,70,80,90,100},
["description"] = "Murdock activates his sirens, granting him 35% bonus movement speed for 2s.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Long Arm of the Law",
["icon"] = "Murdock Long Arm of the Law.png",
["cooldown"] = {120,95,70},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Murdock kneels, preparing an energized sniper shot with unlimited range that can travel through anything. Upon firing, it deals 240/380/520 {{c|pd|(+120%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage to all Enemies in its path, ignoring any physical armor.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Shots Fired",
["icon"] = "Murdock Shots Fired.png",
["description"] = "Every 12.8/12.4/12/11.6/11.2/10.8/10.4/10/9.6/9.2/8.8/8.4/8/7.6/7.2/6.8/6.4/6s, Murdock's next basic attack has its range increased by 450 units and is empowered with 35% additional physical penetration.<br>Successful basic attacks reduce the cooldown by 1.5s.",
["recommended"] = {
["carry"] = {"Marksman Crest", "Lightning Hawk", "Nuclear Rounds", "Imperator", "Demolisher", "Onixian Quiver", "Mesmer", "Equinox", "Vanquisher", "Tainted Rounds", "Strength Tonic"},
["Muriel"] = {
["image"] = "MurielRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Muriel.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Muriel.png",
["released"] = "December 1, 2022",
["amber"] = 2150,
["platinum"] = 400,
["difficulty"] = "Advanced",
["classes"] = {"Enchanter"},
["roles"] = {"Support"},
["range_type"] = "Ranged",
["ability_power"] = 3,
["durability"] = 3,
["basic_attack"] = 3,
["mobility"] = 2,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 51,
["physical_power_growth"] = 1,
["attack_speed"] = 125,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.4,
["attack_range"] = 1300,
["cleave"] = 0,
["physical_armor"] = 24,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.65,
["magical_armor"] = 25,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 0.7,
["max_health"] = 700,
["max_health_growth"] = 123,
["max_mana"] = 360,
["max_mana_growth"] = 65,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.8,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.1,
["movement_speed"] = 655,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Orb",
["icon"] = "Muriel Orb.png",
["description"] = "Ranged basic attack dealing 51 {{c|pd|(+60%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Alacrity",
["icon"] = "Muriel Alacrity.png",
["cooldown"] = {10,9.5,9,8.5,8},
["mana"] = {50},
["description"] = "Throw an orb that applies a 70/100/130/160/190 {{c|md|(+30%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} shield to the first Allied Hero it touches, granting them 15/17.5/20/22.5/25% {{c|md|(+10%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}}% attack speed and 25% decaying movement speed for 4s. Remains in the world for 8s if untouched.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Serenity",
["icon"] = "Muriel Serenity.png",
["cooldown"] = {12,11,10,9,8},
["mana"] = {70,80,90,100,110},
["description"] = "Fire a piercing bolt of energy, dealing 85/125/165/205/245 {{c|md|(+60%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to all Enemies in its path and Slowing them by 34%/38%/42%/46%/50% for 1.5s. Targets Slowed by Serenity take 8% increased damage from all sources.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Consecrated Ground",
["icon"] = "Muriel Consecrated Ground.png",
["cooldown"] = {18,16,14,12,10},
["mana"] = {100,105,110,115,120},
["description"] = "Deploy a protective bubble that applies a 105/155/205/265/305 {{c|md|(+50%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} shield for 2.5s to all Allied Heroes that enter its zone. After 1s the bubble explodes, dealing 80/100/120/140/160 {{c|md|(+40%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to all Enemies inside the area.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Reversal Of Fortune",
["icon"] = "Muriel Reversal Of Fortune.png",
["cooldown"] = {160,140,120},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Prepare for flight, allowing Muriel to target an Allied Hero anywhere in the world, granting them a 380/620/860 {{c|md|(+95%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} shield before soaring to their location. On arrival, nearby Enemies take 125/175/225 {{c|md|(+60%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage and are Knocked Up for 0.5s.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Sentinel",
["icon"] = "Muriel Sentinel.png",
["description"] = "Muriel's basic attacks deal an additional 8 (+2 per level) {{c|md|(+12%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage on-hit.<br>Allied Targets affected by Muriel's abilities are granted Sentinel's on-hit damage for the duration.",
["recommended"] = {
["support"] = {"Consort Crest", "Marshal", "Lunaria", "Everbloom", "Spellbreaker", "Vanguardian", "Windcaller", "Crescelia", "Timewarp", "Tainted Totem", "Intellect Tonic"},
["Narbash"] = {
["image"] = "NarbashRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Narbash.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Narbash.png",
["released"] = "December 1, 2022",
["amber"] = 860,
["platinum"] = 200,
["difficulty"] = "Advanced",
["classes"] = {"Enchanter"},
["roles"] = {"Support"},
["range_type"] = "Melee",
["ability_power"] = 3,
["durability"] = 4,
["basic_attack"] = 2,
["mobility"] = 3,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 64,
["physical_power_growth"] = 4,
["attack_speed"] = 100,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.7,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.15,
["attack_range"] = 275,
["cleave"] = 25,
["physical_armor"] = 20,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.95,
["magical_armor"] = 26,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 1.4,
["max_health"] = 740,
["max_health_growth"] = 126,
["max_mana"] = 400,
["max_mana_growth"] = 50,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.35,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.22,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.12,
["movement_speed"] = 675,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Drumclubs",
["icon"] = "Narbash Wallop.png",
["description"] = "Melee basic attack dealing 64 {{c|pd|(+100%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.<br>Grants 2 Rhythm stacks on hit.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Thunk",
["icon"] = "Narbash Thunk.png",
["cooldown"] = {16,15.25,14.5,13.75,13},
["mana"] = {60},
["description"] = "Toss a drumstick that deals 115/150/185/220/255 {{c|md|(+70%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage and Stuns for 1.25s.<br>Thunk's cooldown is reduced by 1% per Rhythm stack.<br>Grants 2 Rhythm stacks on hit.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "March!",
["icon"] = "Narbash March!.png",
["cooldown"] = {16,14,12,10,8},
["mana"] = {50},
["description"] = "Bellow out a rallying war cry, granting Narbash and his nearby Allies 30% decaying movement speed for 2s (+0.2s per Rhythm stack). Grants 8 Rhythm stacks on use.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Song Of My People",
["icon"] = "Narbash Song Of My People.png",
["cooldown"] = {1},
["mana"] = {20},
["description"] = "Toggle: Play a soothing beat, healing Narbash and his nearby Allies by 7/10/13/16/19 {{c|md|(+8%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}}(+0.2/0.225/0.25/0.275/0.3 per Rhythm stack) each second. Each second the beat is active, it costs 20 mana and grants 1 Rhythm stack.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Crash Bang Boom!",
["icon"] = "Narbash Crash Bang Boom!.png",
["cooldown"] = {12,110,100},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Channel a drum solo for 3s, granting Narbash 25% damage reduction. Nearby Enemies are Slowed by 40% and take 220/330/440 {{c|md|(+80%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} (+2% per Rhythm stack) magical damage over 10 hits, with the final hit Knocking Up all Enemies and Stunning them for 1.5s. Grants 2 Rhythm stacks each hit.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Beatdrop",
["icon"] = "Narbash Beatdrop.png",
["description"] = "Narbash's basic attacks and abilities generate stacks of Rhythm that improve his abilities, stacking up to 24 times. Stacks fall off individually after 10s.<br>At maximum stacks, gain 3 (+3 per nearby Allied Hero) mana regeneration for 5s.",
["recommended"] = {
["support"] = {"Guardian Crest", "Truesilver Bracelet", "Crystal Tear", "Everbloom", "Galaxy Greaves", "Vanguardian", "Frosted Lure", "Windcaller", "Dynamo", "Tainted Totem", "Intellect Tonic"},
["Phase"] = {
["image"] = "PhaseRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Phase.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Phase.png",
["released"] = "April 18, 2023",
["amber"] = 3870,
["platinum"] = 600,
["difficulty"] = "Expert",
["classes"] = {"Enchanter"},
["roles"] = {"Support"},
["range_type"] = "Ranged",
["ability_power"] = 2,
["durability"] = 3,
["basic_attack"] = 1,
["mobility"] = 2,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 64,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3.8,
["attack_speed"] = 110,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.25,
["attack_range"] = 1300,
["cleave"] = 0,
["physical_armor"] = 21,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.45,
["magical_armor"] = 25,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 0.7,
["max_health"] = 720,
["max_health_growth"] = 121,
["max_mana"] = 350,
["max_mana_growth"] = 42,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.1,
["movement_speed"] = 645,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Pulse Bolt",
["icon"] = "Phase Pulse Bolt.png",
["description"] = "Ranged basic attack dealing 64 {{c|pd|(+60%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Telekinetic Link",
["icon"] = "Phase Telekinetic Link.png",
["cooldown"] = {26,23,20,17,14},
["mana"] = {50},
["description"] = "Applies a Link between yourself and the targeted Ally, granting both Heroes 4/5/6/7/8% increased Physical Power and Magical Power. If reactivated, Phase will Pull the Linked Ally towards her. The Link will break if the target goes out of range or if Phase gets hit by Silence or hard CC, excluding Root.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Psychic Flare",
["icon"] = "Phase Psychic Flare.png",
["cooldown"] = {13,12,11,10,9},
["mana"] = {70},
["description"] = "Blast a flare of psychic energy around Phase and her Linked Ally, dealing 100/135/170/205/240 {{c|md|(+90%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage. Enemies take 40% damage from a second flare. Targets hit that are also facing a flare are Blinded for 1/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4s.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Energy Lance",
["icon"] = "Phase Energy Lance.png",
["cooldown"] = {18,17,16,15,14},
["mana"] = {70,75,80,85,90},
["description"] = "Channel a beam of energy dealing 60/85/110/135/160 {{c|md|(+60%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage over 2.5s. Each instance of damage applies a stacking 4% Slow that lasts 0.8s. Upon reaching 8 stacks the target is rooted for 1.25s and the next instance of damage will deal 35/60/85/110/135 {{c|md|(+35%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Hyperflux",
["icon"] = "Phase Hyperflux.png",
["cooldown"] = {120,105,90},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Phase overcharges herself and her Linked Ally, granting both 55%/80%/105% attack speed, 40/60/80 Ability Haste and 135% decaying movement speed for 8s.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Essence Catalyst",
["icon"] = "Phase Essence Catalyst.png",
["description"] = "After casting an ability, restores 12 (+6 per level) {{c|md|(+35%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} health over 3s. Linked allies receive the same healing. This effect does not stack.",
["recommended"] = {
["support"] = {"Consort Crest", "Marshal", "Lunaria", "Galaxy Greaves", "Everbloom", "Spellbreaker", "Vanguardian", "Crystal Tear", "Windcaller", "Tainted Scepter", "Intellect Tonic"},
["Rampage"] = {
["image"] = "RampageRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Rampage.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Rampage.png",
["released"] = "December 1, 2022",
["amber"] = 860,
["platinum"] = 200,
["difficulty"] = "Advanced",
["classes"] = {"Fighter"},
["roles"] = {"Jungle"},
["range_type"] = "Melee",
["ability_power"] = 3,
["durability"] = 10,
["basic_attack"] = 3,
["mobility"] = 5,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 63,
["physical_power_growth"] = 2.1,
["attack_speed"] = 110,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.2,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.15,
["attack_range"] = 275,
["cleave"] = 20,
["physical_armor"] = 25,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.7,
["magical_armor"] = 26,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 1.4,
["max_health"] = 745,
["max_health_growth"] = 134,
["max_mana"] = 320,
["max_mana_growth"] = 60,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.8,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.28,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.3,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["movement_speed"] = 680,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Swipe",
["icon"] = "Rampage Swipe.png",
["description"] = "Melee basic attack dealing 63 {{c|pd|(+85%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Pounce",
["icon"] = "Rampage Pounce.png",
["cooldown"] = {20,19,18,17,16},
["mana"] = {80},
["description"] = "Leap forward before slamming down to the ground, dealing 100/135/170/205/240 {{c|h|(+6% {{Icon|maxhealth2}})}} physical damage to nearby Enemies. The leap can be cancelled early by basic attacking. Behemoth: Range increases by 65%.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Boulder Throw",
["icon"] = "Rampage Boulder Throw.png",
["cooldown"] = {17.5,15.75,14,12.25,10.5},
["mana"] = {80},
["description"] = "Rip a boulder from the earth and carry it for up to 5s. Rampage can throw the boulder, dealing 125/165/205/245/285 {{c|pd|(+80%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} magical damage to all Enemies in its path, Stunning them for 1.6s. Shatters on contact with Enemy Heroes. Behemoth: Throw the boulder instantly.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Rumble",
["icon"] = "Rampage Rumble.png",
["cooldown"] = {8,7.5,7,6.5,6},
["mana"] = {30},
["description"] = "Pound the ground with each fist, dealing 50/80/110/140/170 {{c|pd|(+65%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} {{c|h|(+6%{{Icon|maxhealth2}})}} physical damage over 2 hits to nearby Enemies and Slowing them by 25% for 1s. Behemoth: Cooldown is reduced by 40%.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Behemoth",
["icon"] = "Rampage Behemoth.png",
["cooldown"] = {130,110,90},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Become enraged, growing in size and altering Rampage's abilities for 8/9/10s. During this time he gains 200/450/700 maximum health. While Behemoth is active, Rampage gains the effects of King of the Jungle, and its health regeneration is multiplied by a factor of 4.5x.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "King of the Jungle",
["icon"] = "Rampage King of the Jungle.png",
["description"] = "Rampage gains 19.5/20/20.5/21/21.5/22/22.5/23/23.5/24/24.5/25/25.5/26/26.5/27/27.5/28% attack speed and (+0.2% maximum health) health regeneration while in the Jungle.<br>The health regeneration is 4x stronger out of combat.",
["recommended"] = {
["jungle"] = {"Titan Crest", "Earthshaker", "Elafrost", "Giant's Ring", "Void Helm", "Stonewall", "Frostguard", "Draconum", "Basilisk", "Tainted Guard", "Protection Tonic"},
["Revenant"] = {
["image"] = "RevenantRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Revenant.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Revenant.png",
["released"] = "January 24, 2023",
["amber"] = 6020,
["platinum"] = 800,
["difficulty"] = "Expert",
["classes"] = {"Executioner"},
["roles"] = {"Carry"},
["range_type"] = "Ranged",
["ability_power"] = 4,
["durability"] = 1,
["basic_attack"] = 8,
["mobility"] = 1,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 64,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3.2,
["attack_speed"] = 100,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.5,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.05,
["attack_range"] = 1300,
["cleave"] = 0,
["physical_armor"] = 23,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.45,
["magical_armor"] = 25,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 0.7,
["max_health"] = 770,
["max_health_growth"] = 128,
["max_mana"] = 320,
["max_mana_growth"] = 50,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.18,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.3,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["movement_speed"] = 655,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Fate",
["icon"] = "Revenant Hand Cannon.png",
["description"] = "Ranged basic attack dealing 64 {{c|pd|(+100%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.<br>Fate's final round deals bonus physical damage equal to 5% (+0.45% per level) of the target's missing health.<br>The final round will always critically strike.<br>After four basic attacks, Revenant will automatically reload.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Hellfire Rounds",
["icon"] = "Revenant Hellfire Rounds.png",
["cooldown"] = {2},
["description"] = "Passive: Critical Damage is modified to 145%/150%/155%/160%/165%/170%. Active: Revenant reloads his Fate.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Obliterate",
["icon"] = "Revenant Obliterate.png",
["cooldown"] = {14,12.5,11,9.5,8},
["mana"] = {70},
["description"] = "Unleash 10 ethereal missiles that home to random Enemy Targets within a wide cone.<br>Each missile deals 45/60/75/90/105 {{c|pd|(+40%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} {{c|md|(+70%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} physical damage.<br>Enemy Heroes take 20% damage from missiles beyond the first.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Scar",
["icon"] = "Revenant Scar.png",
["cooldown"] = {20,19,18,17,16},
["mana"] = {60,65,70,75,80},
["description"] = "Scar the Target Enemy Hero dealing 30/45/60/75/90 {{c|pd|(+55%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} {{c|md|(+90%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} physical damage and mark them for 5s. The next 6/7/8/9/10 instances of damage from Revenant apply a 5% stacking slow for 1.25s and deal 12% bonus magical damage.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Reckoning",
["icon"] = "Revenant Reckoning.png",
["cooldown"] = {130,110,90},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Revenant pulls himself and his target into the Nether Realm for 6/7/8s and roots the target for 0.5s. Killing his opponent inside the Nether Realm will double the bonus gold gained from Bounty Hunter.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Bounty Hunter",
["icon"] = "Revenant Bounty Hunter.png",
["description"] = "Revenant gains +1.6% (+0.2% per level) (+0.5% per 10% Critical Strike Chance) increased Physical Power and his Attack Speed decreases reload speed but doesn't affect fire rate.<br>Killing an Enemy Hero grants 25 (+25 per bounty stack) additional gold.",
["recommended"] = {
["carry"] = {"Marksman Crest", "Vanquisher", "Imperator", "Terminus", "Demolisher", "Equinox", "Draconum", "Lightning Hawk", "Nuclear Rounds", "Tainted Rounds", "Strength Tonic"},
["Riktor"] = {
["image"] = "RiktorRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Riktor.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Riktor.png",
["released"] = "December 1, 2022",
["amber"] = 860,
["platinum"] = 200,
["difficulty"] = "Advanced",
["classes"] = {"Warden"},
["roles"] = {"Support", "Jungle"},
["range_type"] = "Melee",
["ability_power"] = 2,
["durability"] = 8,
["basic_attack"] = 1,
["mobility"] = 2,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 61,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3.5,
["attack_speed"] = 110,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.4,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.15,
["attack_range"] = 275,
["cleave"] = 20,
["physical_armor"] = 24,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.95,
["magical_armor"] = 35,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 1.4,
["max_health"] = 725,
["max_health_growth"] = 135,
["max_mana"] = 320,
["max_mana_growth"] = 60,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.28,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.2,
["movement_speed"] = 675,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Whip",
["icon"] = "Riktor Whip.png",
["description"] = "Melee basic attack dealing 61 {{c|pd|(+100%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Riplash",
["icon"] = "Riktor Riplash.png",
["cooldown"] = {19,18,16,16,15},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Launch Riktor's chain forward, attaching to the first Enemy hit, dealing 30/60/90/120/150 {{c|md|(+100%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} (+8% of the Target's maximum health) magical damage and Pulling them towards him.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Shock Therapy",
["icon"] = "Riktor Shock Therapy.png",
["cooldown"] = {8},
["mana"] = {40,45,50,55,60},
["description"] = "Swing an electrified whip, dealing 90/130/170/210/250 {{c|md|(+60%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to all Enemies hit and Silencing them for 1s.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Electrocute",
["icon"] = "Riktor Electrocute.png",
["cooldown"] = {9,8.5,8,7.5,7},
["mana"] = {70,75,80,85,90},
["description"] = "Emit an electrical aura, granting Riktor 10% movement speed and dealing 140/185/230/275/320 {{c|h|(+10% {{Icon|maxhealth2}})}} {{c|md|(+70%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to all nearby Enemies over 5s.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Skewer",
["icon"] = "Riktor Skewer.png",
["cooldown"] = {110,95,80},
["mana"] = {120,100,80},
["description"] = "Unleash a torrent of chains from Riktor, dealing 130/220/310 {{c|md|(+55%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to all Enemies in front of him and Suppressing them for 1.5s. After the Supression expires Riktor rips the chains out, repeating the damage. Skewering an Enemy Hero grants Riot Shield.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Riot Shield",
["icon"] = "Riktor Riot Shield.png",
["description"] = "Riktor passively shields himself for 11% of his maximum health.<br>The shield lasts until destroyed and refreshes if Riktor has not taken damage in the last 8s.",
["recommended"] = {
["support"] = {"Guardian Crest", "Hexbound Bracers", "Dynamo", "Flux Matrix", "Galaxy Greaves", "Vanguardian", "Frostguard", "Dawnstar", "Frosted Lure", "Tainted Guard", "Protection Tonic"},
["jungle"] = {"Titan Crest", "Fire Blossom", "Elafrost", "Gaia Greaves", "Crystalline Cuirass", "Stonewall", "Frostguard", "Flux Matrix", "World Breaker", "Tainted Guard", "Protection Tonic"},
["Serath"] = {
["image"] = "SerathRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Serath.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Serath.png",
["released"] = "September 12, 2023",
["amber"] = 8600,
["platinum"] = 1000,
["difficulty"] = "Advanced",
["classes"] = {"Assassin"},
["roles"] = {"Jungle"},
["range_type"] = "Melee",
["ability_power"] = 5,
["durability"] = 1,
["basic_attack"] = 8,
["mobility"] = 8,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 63,
["physical_power_growth"] = 1.8,
["attack_speed"] = 100,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.1,
["attack_range"] = 300,
["cleave"] = 25,
["physical_armor"] = 26,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.25,
["magical_armor"] = 26,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 1.4,
["max_health"] = 770,
["max_health_growth"] = 127,
["max_mana"] = 365,
["max_mana_growth"] = 50,
["health_regeneration"] = 2.3,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.18,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.3,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.1,
["movement_speed"] = 685,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "The Nephilim",
["icon"] = "Serath Angelic Smite.png",
["description"] = "Melee basic attack dealing 63 {{c|pd|(+90%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Chastise",
["icon"] = "Serath Chastise.png",
["cooldown"] = {10,9,8,7,6},
["mana"] = {50},
["description"] = "Serath claps her wings in front of her dealing 100/145/190/235/280 {{c|pd|(+80%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage and applying a 35% Slow for 1.25s. Chastise cast speed increases with additional attack speed and resets Serath's basic attack cooldown on use.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Heaven's Fury",
["icon"] = "Serath Heaven's Fury.png",
["cooldown"] = {14,13,12,11,10},
["mana"] = {50,55,60,65,70},
["description"] = "Serath marks a Target and vanishes, striking Enemies at their location 5 times. Each strike deals 60/80/100/120/140 {{c|pd|(+30%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage and applies on-hit effects at 50% effectiveness. Additional strikes against the same Target deal 30% damage.<br>On her final strike, Serath will teleport to the marked Target's location based on her current position.<br>If the marked Target dies, Serath teleports immediately.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Ascend",
["icon"] = "Serath Ascend.png",
["cooldown"] = {18,17,16,15,14},
["mana"] = {80},
["description"] = "Serath rises up into the air and hovers for up to 1.8s. During this time, she can target an area up to 1350 units away. Upon confirmation, she dives down and deals 110/145/180/215/250 {{c|pd|(+70%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage. Serath automatically dives to the ground after 1.8s",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Heresy",
["icon"] = "Serath Heresy.png",
["cooldown"] = {120,100,80},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Serath takes demonic form, dealing 80/140/200 {{c|pd|(+50%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage to nearby Enemies and setting them ablaze.<br>For the next 7s, she gains 12% movement speed, 20/35/50% attack speed, and empowers her basic attack with Infernal Strikes.<br>Infernal Strikes sets Enemy Units ablaze on-hit, dealing 30/55/80 {{c|pd|(+25%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} true damage on-hit over 4s.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Fallen Grace",
["icon"] = "Serath Fallen Grace.png",
["description"] = "Takedowns on Enemy Heroes leave behind a demonic visage for 10s.<br>Upon touching it, Serath activates Heresy at no cost and reduces her current basic ability cooldowns by 70%.",
["recommended"] = {
["offlane"] = {"Warrior Crest", "Sky Splitter", "Basilisk", "Earthshaker", "Draconum", "Mistmeadow Buckler", "Salvation", "Onixian Quiver", "Nightfall", "Tainted Blade", "Strength Tonic"},
["jungle"] = {"Warrior Crest", "Sky Splitter", "Earthshaker", "Basilisk", "Draconum", "Mistmeadow Buckler", "Salvation", "Nightfall", "Tainted Blade", "Strength Tonic"},
["Sevarog"] = {
["image"] = "SevarogRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Sevarog.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Sevarog.png",
["released"] = "December 1, 2022",
["amber"] = 6020,
["platinum"] = 800,
["difficulty"] = "Advanced",
["classes"] = {"Tank"},
["roles"] = {"Offlane", "Jungle"},
["range_type"] = "Melee",
["ability_power"] = 6,
["durability"] = 7,
["basic_attack"] = 1,
["mobility"] = 5,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 64,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3.5,
["attack_speed"] = 105,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.4,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.15,
["attack_range"] = 300,
["cleave"] = 20,
["physical_armor"] = 25,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.45,
["magical_armor"] = 26,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 1.4,
["max_health"] = 755,
["max_health_growth"] = 115,
["max_mana"] = 345,
["max_mana_growth"] = 60,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.7,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.22,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.3,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.14,
["movement_speed"] = 685,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "The Harbinger",
["icon"] = "Sevarog Crush.png",
["description"] = "Melee basic attack dealing 64 {{c|pd|(+80%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Phantom Rush",
["icon"] = "Sevarog Phantom Rush.png",
["cooldown"] = {20,18,16,14,12},
["mana"] = {80},
["description"] = "Dash forward, gliding through any Enemies in Sevarog's path.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Siphon",
["icon"] = "Sevarog Siphon.png",
["cooldown"] = {5.5,5,4.5,4,3.5},
["mana"] = {30},
["description"] = "Strike forward with a spectral hand, dealing 100/115/130/145/160 {{c|md|(+55%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to all Enemies in front of Sevarog. Siphon heals Sevarog for 5% of the damage dealt to Minions and Monsters, increasing to 15% against Enemy Heroes.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Subjugate",
["icon"] = "Sevarog Subjugate.png",
["cooldown"] = {16,15,14,13,12},
["mana"] = {70,75,80,85,90},
["description"] = "Call down a miasma of dark energy, dealing 125/160/195/230/265 {{c|md|(+50%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to all Enemies in the area and Rooting them for 1.25s. When the Root expires, the Targets will be Slowed by 20% for 0.75s.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Colossal Blow",
["icon"] = "Sevarog Colossal Blow.png",
["cooldown"] = {110,85,60},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Deliver a heavy blow from Sevarog's hammer, dealing 280/415/550 {{c|md|(+85%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to all Enemies in front of him. Enemy Heroes struck by the blow are Knocked Back, sending them flying.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Reaper of Souls",
["icon"] = "Sevarog Reaper of Souls.png",
["description"] = "Sevarog gains Souls when he Kills an Enemy with an ability. Each Soul grants 1 bonus health and 0.5 additional Siphon damage.<br>Upon reaching 40/80/120/160 Souls, Sevarog gains 65/125/185/245 bonus health and 20 additional Siphon damage.",
["recommended"] = {
["offlane"] = {"Titan Crest", "Fire Blossom", "Elafrost", "Flux Matrix", "Fist Of Razuul", "World Breaker", "Frostguard", "Unbroken Will", "Crystalline Cuirass", "Tainted Guard", "Protection Tonic"},
["jungle"] = {"Titan Crest", "Fire Blossom", "Elafrost", "Flux Matrix", "Fist Of Razuul", "World Breaker", "Frostguard", "Unbroken Will", "Crystalline Cuirass", "Tainted Guard", "Protection Tonic"},
["Shinbi"] = {
["image"] = "ShinbiRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Shinbi.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Shinbi.png",
["released"] = "February 23, 2023",
["amber"] = 2150,
["platinum"] = 400,
["difficulty"] = "Advanced",
["classes"] = {"Assassin"},
["roles"] = {"Jungle", "Offlane"},
["range_type"] = "Melee",
["ability_power"] = 8,
["durability"] = 2,
["basic_attack"] = 3,
["mobility"] = 6,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 53,
["physical_power_growth"] = 2.8,
["attack_speed"] = 110,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.4,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.1,
["attack_range"] = 130,
["cleave"] = 15,
["physical_armor"] = 23,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.25,
["magical_armor"] = 26,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 1.4,
["max_health"] = 780,
["max_health_growth"] = 124,
["max_mana"] = 380,
["max_mana_growth"] = 40,
["health_regeneration"] = 2,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.2,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.1,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.12,
["movement_speed"] = 685,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Kiba",
["icon"] = "Shinbi Cutting Edge.png",
["description"] = "Melee basic attack dealing 53 {{c|pd|(+80%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Rushing Beat",
["icon"] = "Shinbi Rushing Beat.png",
["cooldown"] = {18,16.5,15,13.5,12},
["mana"] = {80},
["description"] = "Dash forward a fixed distance dealing 60/80/100/120/140 {{c|md|(+50%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to all enemies Shinbi passes through. Rushing Beat can be retriggered within 3s of casting to dash a second time at no cost.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Line Tempo",
["icon"] = "Shinbi Line Tempo.png",
["cooldown"] = {6.5,5.75,5,4.25,3.5},
["mana"] = {35},
["description"] = "Summon a Spirit Wolf that runs in a straight line and passes through all Enemy Targets dealing 85/110/135/160/185 {{c|md|(+45%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Circle Rhythm",
["icon"] = "Shinbi Circle Rhythm.png",
["cooldown"] = {14,12.5,11,9.5,8},
["mana"] = {50,55,60,55,70},
["description"] = "Summon 4 Spirit Wolves that circle Shinbi for 3s, granting a 50/80/110/140/170 {{c|md|(+55%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} shield for the same duration and after the wolves expire. The wolves deal 20/31/42/53/64 {{c|md|(+28%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage over the duration to nearby enemies.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "All-Kill!",
["icon"] = "Shinbi All-Kill!.png",
["description"] = "Passive: Dealing damage to Enemy Heroes with Abilities applies Track for 8s, stacking up to 8 times. Active: Summon a pack of Spirit Wolves to attack the Target with the most Track Stacks, dealing 55/90/125 {{c|md|(+18%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage per Spirit Wolf.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Biting Melody",
["icon"] = "Shinbi Biting Melody.png",
["cooldown"] = {11},
["description"] = "Basic attacks deal an additional 14 {{c|md|(+15%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage on-hit.<br>Periodically Biting Melody deals 3x damage. Damaging an Enemy Hero with an ability decreases the cooldown by 1s.",
["recommended"] = {
["offlane"] = {"Occult Crest", "Megacosm", "Oathkeeper", "Magnify","World Breaker","Caustica","Dreambinder","Golem's Gift","Lifebinder","Tainted Scepter","Intellect Tonic"},
["jungle"] = {"Occult Crest", "Megacosm", "Oathkeeper", "World Breaker", "Dreambinder", "Spellbreaker", "Spirit of Amir", "Golem's Gift", "Tainted Scepter", "Intellect Tonic"},
["Skylar"] = {
["image"] = "SkylarRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Skylar.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Skylar.png",
["released"] = "October 8, 2024",
["amber"] = 8600,
["platinum"] = 1000,
["difficulty"] = "Advanced",
["classes"] = {"Executioner"},
["roles"] = {"Carry"},
["range_type"] = "Ranged",
["ability_power"] = 6,
["durability"] = 1,
["basic_attack"] = 8,
["mobility"] = 6,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 57,
["physical_power_growth"] = 2,
["attack_speed"] = 130,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.5,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.1,
["attack_range"] = 1300,
["cleave"] = 0,
["physical_armor"] = 20,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.35,
["magical_armor"] = 23,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 0.75,
["max_health"] = 730,
["max_health_growth"] = 122,
["max_mana"] = 320,
["max_mana_growth"] = 45,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.2,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.2,
["movement_speed"] = 650,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Starfire",
["icon"] = "Skylar Starfire.png",
["description"] = "Ranged basic attack dealing 57 {{c|pd|(+75%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Hypercharge",
["icon"] = "Skylar Hypercharge.png",
["cooldown"] = {6},
["mana"] = {80,90,100,110,120},
["description"] = "Skylar Hypercharges Starfire, augmenting her Basic Attack for the next 5s. Takedowns refresh the duration.<br>While Hypercharge is active, Skylar converts Bonus Attack Speed into additional On-Hit damage and her Basic Attack fires at a fixed rate of 10 attacks per second. <br>Each hit deals 1/3/5/7/9 {{c|pd|(+9%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} {{c|md|(+5%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} {{c|td|(+12%{{Icon|attackspeed}})}} physical damage per instance and applies On-Hit effects at 12% effectiveness. Dealing Damage to the same target within 1s increases the damage dealt to them by 1.25%, stacking up to 20 times. <br>At maximum stacks, Hypercharge deals additional damage equal to 6/9/12/15/18% of the Target's Total Physical Armor.<br>Passive: Basic Attacks deal 4/8/12/16/20 {{c|pd|(+10%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} bonus physical damage On-Hit..",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Plasma Grenade",
["icon"] = "Skylar Plasma Grenade.png",
["cooldown"] = {14,13,12,11,10},
["mana"] = {50,55,60,65,70},
["description"] = "Skylar launches a bouncing Nano Bubble that attaches to the first Target hit for 0.75s and deals 25/40/55/70/85 {{c|pd|(+20%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.<br>After the duration, the Target and nearby Enemies take 70/100/130/160/190 {{c|pd|(+90%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} {{c|md|(+50%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} physical damage and are Slowed by 40%/45%/50%/55%/60% for 1s.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Air Assault",
["icon"] = "Skylar Air Assault.png",
["cooldown"] = {24,21.5,19,16.5,14},
["mana"] = {70},
["description"] = "Skylar thrusts upwards in her current direction and gains the ability to Glide for 3.25s. While Gliding, Skylar’s Movement Speed is increased by 25%.<br>During this time, dealing damage will cause Skylar to fire a missile that deals 25/35/45/55/65 {{c|pd|(+15%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} {{c|md|(+10%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} physical damage to the Target. <br>Hypercharge can only trigger missiles once every second, decreasing with additional Bonus Attack Speed.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Atomiser",
["icon"] = "Skylar Atomiser .png",
["description"] = "Skylar charges up her weapon for 0.5s before unleashing a large Orb of energy. The Orb explodes upon hitting an Enemy Hero or Terrain, dealing 200/330/460 {{c|pd|(+135%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} {{c|md|(+100%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} (+15/20/25% of Target’s missing health) physical damage to all nearby Enemies.<br>Atomiser’s Missing Health Damage is capped at 300/450/600 against Non-Heroes.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Dissonance",
["icon"] = "Skylar Dissonance.png",
["description"] = "Enemy Units killed by Skylar explode after 0.75s, dealing 30 (+5 per level) physical damage to nearby Enemies within 350u. If the Target is an Enemy Hero, the explosion damage and radius is tripled.<br>Additionally, Skylar utilises her Jetpack to gain increased Jump Height.",
["recommended"] = {
["carry"] = {"Marksman Crest", "Vanquisher", "Dust Devil", "Imperator", "Demolisher", "Terminus", "Mesmer", "Equinox", "Sky Splitter", "Tainted Rounds", "Strength Tonic"},
["Sparrow"] = {
["image"] = "SparrowRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Sparrow.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Sparrow.png",
["released"] = "December 1, 2022",
["amber"] = 2150,
["platinum"] = 400,
["difficulty"] = "Beginner",
["classes"] = {"Sharpshooter"},
["roles"] = {"Carry"},
["range_type"] = "Ranged",
["ability_power"] = 3,
["durability"] = 1,
["basic_attack"] = 10,
["mobility"] = 1,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 60,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3,
["attack_speed"] = 125,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.7,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.4,
["attack_range"] = 1300,
["cleave"] = 0,
["physical_armor"] = 23,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.35,
["magical_armor"] = 25,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 0.7,
["max_health"] = 775,
["max_health_growth"] = 119,
["max_mana"] = 355,
["max_mana_growth"] = 45,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["movement_speed"] = 655,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Heartpiercer",
["icon"] = "Sparrow Bow Shot.png",
["description"] = "Ranged basic attack dealing 60 {{c|pd|(+85%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Piercing Shot",
["icon"] = "Sparrow Piercing Shot.png",
["cooldown"] = {13,11.5,10,8.5,7},
["mana"] = {60,65,70,75,80},
["description"] = "Charge a Terrain piercing arrow, reaching 50-100% maximum power after 1s and dealing up to 90/135/180/225/270 {{c|pd|(+165%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage to all Enemies in its path. Targets afflicted by Relentless receive 7% additional damage per stack.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Hail of Arrows",
["icon"] = "Sparrow Hail of Arrows.png",
["cooldown"] = {14,13,12,11,10},
["mana"] = {60},
["description"] = "Release a volley of arrows that rain down over 2.5s, dealing 120/170/220/270/320 {{c|pd|(+150%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage to all Enemies in the area over 5 hits. Enemies struck by Hail Of Arrows are Slowed by 28/31/34/37/40% for 0.8s.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Heightened Senses",
["icon"] = "Sparrow Heightened Senses.png",
["cooldown"] = {12,11,10,9,8},
["mana"] = {50},
["description"] = "Sparrow focuses her mind, gaining 35/40/45/50/55% attack speed for 3s. Landing basics attacks while Heightened Senses is active extends its duration by 0.5s, up to a maximum of 6s.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Inner Fire",
["icon"] = "Sparrow Inner Fire.png",
["cooldown"] = {120,100,80},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Invoke Sparrow's blazing spirit, augmenting her Bow Shot to release a fan of 3 piercing arrows for 6s. During this time, Sparrow gains 200 attack range, 15/20/25 physical power and 8% movement speed. Side arrows deal 50%/60%/70% of Bow Shot's damage.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Relentless",
["icon"] = "Sparrow Relentless.png",
["description"] = "Sparrow's basic attacks and abilities apply stacks of Relentless to Enemy Heroes. Her basic attacks against Targets afflicted by Relentless deal an additional 0.4% of their maximum health as bonus physical damage on-hit, per stack.<br>Relentless stacks last for 3s, stacking up to 6 times.",
["recommended"] = {
["carry"] = {"Marksman Crest", "Storm Breaker", "Sky Splitter", "Kingsbane", "Demolisher", "Dust Devil", "Mesmer", "Lightning Hawk", "Equinox", "Tainted Rounds", "Strength Tonic"},
["Steel"] = {
["image"] = "SteelRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Steel.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Steel.png",
["released"] = "December 1, 2022",
["amber"] = 0,
["platinum"] = 0,
["difficulty"] = "Beginner",
["classes"] = {"Tank"},
["roles"] = {"Offlane", "Support"},
["range_type"] = "Melee",
["ability_power"] = 4,
["durability"] = 8,
["basic_attack"] = 1,
["mobility"] = 6,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 63,
["physical_power_growth"] = 4,
["attack_speed"] = 110,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.2,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.15,
["attack_range"] = 250,
["cleave"] = 20,
["physical_armor"] = 23,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.65,
["magical_armor"] = 26,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 1.4,
["max_health"] = 765,
["max_health_growth"] = 132,
["max_mana"] = 360,
["max_mana_growth"] = 45,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.6,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.28,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.4,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.12,
["movement_speed"] = 685,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Punch",
["icon"] = "Steel Punch.png",
["description"] = "Melee basic attack dealing 63 {{c|pd|(+90%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Shield Bash",
["icon"] = "Steel Shield Bash.png",
["cooldown"] = {10,9.5,9,8.5,8},
["mana"] = {50,55,60,65,70},
["description"] = "Swipe forward with Steel's shield, dealing 50/65/80/95/110 {{c|md|(+50%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} (+5.5% of the Target's maximum health) magical damage to all Enemies in front of him and Stunning them for 0.5s.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Bull Rush",
["icon"] = "Steel Bull Rush.png",
["cooldown"] = {16,15,14,13,12},
["mana"] = {60},
["description"] = "Charge forward, dealing 115/160/205/250/295 {{c|md|(+70%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to all Enemies in Steel's path. Enemy Heroes struck by Bull Rush are Knocked Back. Monsters and Minions are Stunned for 2s.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Force Shield",
["icon"] = "Steel Force Shield.png",
["cooldown"] = {30,27,24,21,18},
["mana"] = {60,70,80,90,100},
["description"] = "Deploy a disruptive wall of energy, blocking all incoming Enemy Projectiles for 5s. When an Enemy Hero first passes through the wall, they take 70/90/110/130/150 {{c|md|(+50%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage and are Slowed by 10/15/20/25/30% for 0.75s.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Shield Slam",
["icon"] = "Steel Shield Slam.png",
["cooldown"] = {130,110,90},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Leap into the sky, crashing down at the target location to deal 220/330/440 {{c|md|(+80%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to all Enemies in the area, Knocking them Up and Stunning them for 1.25s.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Battering Barrier",
["icon"] = "Steel Battering Barrier.png",
["description"] = "Each time Steel Immobilizes an Enemy Hero with an ability, he gains a 10/20/30 {{c|h|(+1.6/3.2/4.8%{{Icon|maxhealth2}})}} shield for 3.5s.",
["recommended"] = {
["support"] = {"Guardian Crest", "Hexbound Bracers", "Dynamo", "Flux Matrix", "Galaxy Greaves", "Vanguardian", "Frosted Lure", "Dawnstar", "Frostguard", "Tainted Guard", "Protection Tonic"},
["offlane"] = {"Titan Crest", "Fire Blossom", "Elafrost", "Flux Matrix", "Fist Of Razuul", "Crystalline Cuirass", "Raiment of Renewal", "Frostguard", "Unbroken Will", "Tainted Guard", "Protection Tonic"},
["Terra"] = {
["image"] = "TerraRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Terra.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Terra.png",
["released"] = "July 2, 2022",
["amber"] = 8600,
["platinum"] = 1000,
["difficulty"] = "Advanced",
["classes"] = {"Fighter"},
["roles"] = {"Offlane", "Jungle"},
["range_type"] = "Melee",
["ability_power"] = 0,
["durability"] = 0,
["basic_attack"] = 0,
["mobility"] = 0,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 61,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3.5,
["attack_speed"] = 115,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.7,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.15,
["attack_range"] = 250,
["cleave"] = 20,
["physical_armor"] = 26,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.55,
["magical_armor"] = 26,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 1.4,
["max_health"] = 775,
["max_health_growth"] = 128,
["max_mana"] = 370,
["max_mana_growth"] = 55,
["health_regeneration"] = 2.2,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.25,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["movement_speed"] = 680,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Carve",
["icon"] = "Terra Carve.png",
["description"] = "Melee basic attack dealing 61 {{c|pd|(+80%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Wild Rush",
["icon"] = "Terra Wild Rush.png",
["cooldown"] = {15,14,13,12,11},
["mana"] = {80},
["description"] = "Terra raises her shield, channeling for up to 4s before dashing forward and dealing 40/60/80/100/120 {{c|pd|(+80%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage to all enemies in her path, knocking back and stunning them for 0.25s.<br>While channeling, for the first 1.25s her dash range and damage increases, dealing up to 100/150/200/250/300 {{c|pd|(+200%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.<br>If the Channel times out or is interrupted, this ability’s cooldown is refunded by 50%.<br>Empowered: On enemy hit, gain a 10/65/120/175/230 {{c|h|(+12%{{Icon|maxhealth2}})}} shield for 3.5s.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Ruthless Assault",
["icon"] = "Terra Ruthless Assault.png",
["cooldown"] = {11.5,10.5,9.5,8.5,7.5},
["mana"] = {55,50,45,40,35},
["description"] = "Terra spins her axe, striking all enemies around her before slashing forwards a second time. Each strike deals 40/60/80/100/120 {{c|pd|(+80%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.<br>Hitting an Enemy Hero refunds 10% of the Cooldown per strike.<br>Empowered: Terra strikes an additional time (for a total of three strikes), with the third strike dealing 50/75/100/125/150 {{c|pd|(+125%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} true damage to all enemies in front of her.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Highland Hurl",
["icon"] = "Terra Highland Hurl.png",
["cooldown"] = {12,11,10,9,8},
["mana"] = {50,55,60,65,70},
["description"] = "Terra throws a spectral axe, dealing 100/135/170/205/240 {{c|pd|(+90%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} magical damage and slowing targets hit by 20/28/36/44/52% for 1.25s. <br>Pierces Minions and Monsters.<br>Empowered: Roots Enemies hit instead for 1.25s.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Unstoppable Force",
["icon"] = "Terra Unstoppable Force.png",
["cooldown"] = {140/120/100},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Terra’s helmet slams down, cleansing all debuffs affecting her and granting her maximum Hersir stacks instantly. <br>For the next 5/6/7s, Terra becomes Unstoppable (Immune to Crowd Control) and doubles the passive bonus armors gained from this ability (see below).<br>Passive: Gain 8/16/24 Physical Armor and Magical Armor.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Hersir",
["icon"] = "Terra Hersir.png",
["description"] = "Terra gains stacks of Hersir when damaging Enemies with her Basic Attacks and Abilities, up to a maximum of 5.<br>At maximum stacks, Terra's next Basic Ability is empowered and gains additional effects.<br>Entering the Base grants Terra maximum Hersir stacks instantly.",
["recommended"] = {
["jungle"] = {"Warrior Crest", "Berserker's Axe", "Mutilator", "Giant's Ring", "Mistmeadow Buckler", "Stonewall", "Salvation", "Citadel", "Gaia Greaves", "Tainted Blade", "Protection Tonic"},
["offlane"] = {"Warrior Crest", "Mutilator", "Augmentation", "Giant's Ring", "Mistmeadow Buckler", "Citadel", "Salvation", "Gaia Greaves", "Stonewall", "Tainted Blade", "Protection Tonic"},
["The Fey"] = {
["apiname"] = "TheFey",
["image"] = "FeyRender.png",
["portrait"] = "The Fey.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Fey.png",
["released"] = "December 1, 2022",
["amber"] = 2150,
["platinum"] = 400,
["difficulty"] = "Advanced",
["classes"] = {"Mage"},
["roles"] = {"Midlane"},
["range_type"] = "Ranged",
["ability_power"] = 10,
["durability"] = 1,
["basic_attack"] = 1,
["mobility"] = 1,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 60,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3.2,
["attack_speed"] = 125,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.2,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.4,
["attack_range"] = 1300,
["cleave"] = 0,
["physical_armor"] = 21,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.55,
["magical_armor"] = 25,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 0.7,
["max_health"] = 760,
["max_health_growth"] = 123,
["max_mana"] = 430,
["max_mana_growth"] = 35,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.15,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.2,
["movement_speed"] = 660,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Floret",
["icon"] = "The Fey Floret.png",
["description"] = "Ranged basic attack dealing 60 {{c|pd|(+60%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Untamed Growth",
["icon"] = "The Fey Untamed Growth.png",
["cooldown"] = {13,12,11,10,9},
["mana"] = {80,85,90,95,100},
["description"] = "Hurl a small plant that deals 140/195/250/305/360 {{c|md|(+100%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage over time to all Enemies in the area, exploding after 2.5s. Untamed Growth deals 50% of its damage over its lifetime, and 50% upon exploding.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Bramble Patch",
["icon"] = "The Fey Bramble Patch.png",
["cooldown"] = {10,9.5,9,8.5,8},
["mana"] = {60,65,70,75,80},
["description"] = "Summon a patch of thorny brambles, dealing 120/160/200/240/280 {{c|md|(+50%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage to all Enemies that touch them and Slowing them by 34%/38%/42%/46%/50% for 0.5s. Bramble Patch persists for 5s before wilting.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Harvest Nettles",
["icon"] = "The Fey Harvest Nettles.png",
["cooldown"] = {4},
["mana"] = {40},
["description"] = "Throw an orb of energy, dealing 85/120/155/190/225 {{c|md|(+45%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage. Hitting the same Target within 8s deals 20% increased damage, stacking up to 4 times. Harvest Nettles refunds 75% of its mana cost upon hitting an Enemy Hero or Killing a Unit.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Fly Trap",
["icon"] = "The Fey Fly Trap.png",
["cooldown"] = {120,105,90},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Plant a magical seedling, awakening a giant fly trap that attaches itself to all nearby Enemy Heroes. After a brief delay, it Pulls its victims inward, dealing 250/375/500 {{c|md|(+65%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage and Stunning them for 1s.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Nature's Vengeance",
["icon"] = "The Fey Nature's Vengeance.png",
["description"] = "Each time The Fey achieves a Takedown she spawns an Untamed Growth from the Enemy Hero's corpse and gains 30% movement speed for 3s.",
["recommended"] = {
["midlane"] = {"Magician Crest", "Combustion", "Megacosm", "Wraith Leggings", "Oblivion Crown", "Caustica", "Spellbreaker", "Noxia", "Dreambinder", "Tainted Scepter", "Intellect Tonic"},
["TwinBlast"] = {
["image"] = "TwinblastRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Twinblast.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Twinblast.png",
["released"] = "July 11, 2023",
["amber"] = 3870,
["platinum"] = 600,
["difficulty"] = "Advanced",
["classes"] = {"Executioner"},
["roles"] = {"Carry"},
["range_type"] = "Ranged",
["ability_power"] = 6,
["durability"] = 1,
["basic_attack"] = 7,
["mobility"] = 6,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 62,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3.2,
["attack_speed"] = 125,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.6,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.4,
["attack_range"] = 1300,
["cleave"] = 0,
["physical_armor"] = 21,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.15,
["magical_armor"] = 25,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 0.7,
["max_health"] = 750,
["max_health_growth"] = 120,
["max_mana"] = 420,
["max_mana_growth"] = 35,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.4,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.12,
["movement_speed"] = 645,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "LUNARI 4.0s",
["icon"] = "TwinBlast Doubleshot.png",
["description"] = "Ranged basic attack that fires two projectiles, each dealing 62 {{c|pd|(+45%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage and applying on-hit effects at 50% effectiveness.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Vortex Grenade",
["icon"] = "TwinBlast Vortex Grenade.png",
["cooldown"] = {10,9,8,7,6},
["mana"] = {50},
["description"] = "Launch a grenade in target direction that explodes upon contact with an Enemy Target, dealing 45/65/85/105/125 {{c|pd|(+65%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}}{{c|md|(+80%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage in a small area and Slowing by 15% for 0.75s. Max Charges: 2.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Vaporize",
["icon"] = "TwinBlast Vaporize.png",
["cooldown"] = {12,10.5,9,7.5,6},
["mana"] = {40,35,30,25,20},
["description"] = "TwinBlast charges and fires two superheated piercing projectiles in the target direction, each dealing 60/80/100/120/140 {{c|pd|(+40%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}}{{c|md|(+60%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} physical damage and applying on-hit effects to all Enemy Units hit at 60% effectiveness.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Rocket Dash",
["icon"] = "TwinBlast Rocket Dash.png",
["cooldown"] = {18,16,14,12,10},
["mana"] = {40,35,30,25,20},
["description"] = "Passive: When TwinBlast deals damage to an Enemy Hero with a Basic Attack or Ability, Rocket Dash's cooldown is decreased by 0.5s.<br>Active: TwinBlast dashes.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Ventilate",
["icon"] = "TwinBlast Ventilate.png",
["cooldown"] = {120,95,70},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Transform your guns into fully automatic machine guns, unleashing a barrage of 22 (+4% Total Attack Speed) bullets over 3s dealing 16/23/30 {{c|pd|(+10%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}}{{c|md|(+7%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} physical damage per bullet.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Gunslinger",
["icon"] = "TwinBlast Gunslinger.png",
["description"] = "Casting an ability will cause TwinBlast's next 2 basic attacks within 4s to benefit from 40% increased Total Attack Speed.",
["recommended"] = {
["carry"] = {"Marksman Crest", "Resolution", "Sky Splitter", "Kingsbane", "Demolisher", "Ashbringer", "Equinox", "Mutilator", "Storm Breaker", "Tainted Rounds", "Strength Tonic"},
["Wraith"] = {
["image"] = "WraithRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Wraith.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Wraith.png",
["released"] = "October 31, 2023",
["amber"] = 8600,
["platinum"] = 1000,
["difficulty"] = "Expert",
["classes"] = {"Sharpshooter"},
["roles"] = {"Carry"},
["range_type"] = "Ranged",
["ability_power"] = 8,
["durability"] = 1,
["basic_attack"] = 4,
["mobility"] = 3,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 62,
["physical_power_growth"] = 2.9,
["attack_speed"] = 125,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 2,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.4,
["attack_range"] = 1300,
["cleave"] = 0,
["physical_armor"] = 21,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.2,
["magical_armor"] = 23,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 0.75,
["max_health"] = 750,
["max_health_growth"] = 121,
["max_mana"] = 380,
["max_mana_growth"] = 35,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.3,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.4,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.18,
["movement_speed"] = 650,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "The Neutralizer",
["icon"] = "Wraith Bang!.png",
["description"] = "Ranged basic attack dealing 62 {{c|pd|(+85%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Knock, Knock!",
["icon"] = "Wraith Knock, Knock!.png",
["cooldown"] = {10,9,8,7,6},
["mana"] = {60},
["description"] = "Fire a long-range sniper shot that pierces Terrain and deals 100/125/150/175/200 {{c|pd|(+120%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}}{{c|md|(+85%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} physical damage to the first Enemy Unit hit. Damage is increased by 50% against Enemy Minions. If Knock, Knock! Kills, or Damages a Marked Unit, 60% of the Mana Cost is refunded and its Cooldown is decreased to 1s.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Peekaboo!",
["icon"] = "Wraith Peekaboo!.png",
["cooldown"] = {13,12,11,10,9},
["mana"] = {50,55,60,65,70},
["description"] = "Launch a piercing Nanite Grenade that deals 50/65/80/95/110 {{c|pd|(+40%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}}{{c|md|(+45%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} physical damage to all Units hit, Slowing them by 28/31/34/37/40% for 1s. Units hit are also Marked for 4s, Revealing them. Knock, Knock! is enhanced against Marked Units, dealing an extra 6%/6.5%/7%/7.5%/8% (+2%{{Icon|magicalpower2}} per 100 Magical Power) of their maximum health as bonus magical damage.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Surprise, Surprise!",
["icon"] = "Wraith Surprise, Surprise!.png",
["cooldown"] = {16,15,14,13,12},
["mana"] = {60},
["description"] = "After a short delay, enter Camouflage and gain 25% movement speed for 3.5s.<br>Takedowns will reset the cooldown of Surprise, Surprise!<br>Passive: Gain 10/12.5/15/17.5/20% Physical Penetration",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Back It Up!",
["icon"] = "Wraith Back It Up!.png",
["cooldown"] = {120,100,80},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Wraith can choose an Enemy Hero he can see up to 1350/1450/1550 units, marking their location from 2s prior. After a 2.5s delay they will enter Limbo and Teleport back to this location.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Who's There?",
["icon"] = "Wraith Who's There?.png",
["description"] = "Wraith's Vision Item becomes a Sonar Drone that will become Camouflaged upon deployment and will scan the surrounding area every 3s, revealing Enemy Heroes within 1000 units for 3s.<br>Sonar Drone can detect Enemy Heroes through walls.<br>Upon reaching Level 6, Sonar Drone also reveals invisible Units for the first 2 pulses.",
["recommended"] = {
["carry"] = {"Rogue Crest", "Mindrazor", "Vanquisher", "Penumbra", "The Perforator", "Deathstalker", "Nightfall", "Mesmer", "Omen", "Tainted Trident", "Strength Tonic"},
["midlane"] = {"Rogue Crest", "Mindrazor", "Vanquisher", "Penumbra", "The Perforator", "Deathstalker", "Nightfall", "Mesmer", "Omen", "Tainted Trident", "Strength Tonic"},
["Zarus"] = {
["image"] = "ZarusRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Zarus.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Zarus.png",
["released"] = "August 8, 2023",
["amber"] = 6020,
["platinum"] = 800,
["difficulty"] = "Advanced",
["classes"] = {"Fighter"},
["roles"] = {"Offlane", "Jungle"},
["range_type"] = "Melee",
["ability_power"] = 5,
["durability"] = 5,
["basic_attack"] = 5,
["mobility"] = 6,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 61,
["physical_power_growth"] = 2.6,
["attack_speed"] = 105,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1.5,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.15,
["attack_range"] = 350,
["cleave"] = 10,
["physical_armor"] = 26,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.35,
["magical_armor"] = 26,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 1.4,
["max_health"] = 765,
["max_health_growth"] = 129,
["max_mana"] = 345,
["max_mana_growth"] = 38,
["health_regeneration"] = 2,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.2,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.1,
["movement_speed"] = 680,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Nyrian Spear",
["icon"] = "Zarus Thrust.png",
["description"] = "Melee basic attack dealing 61 {{c|pd|(+80%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Spear of Nyr",
["icon"] = "Zarus Spear of Nyr.png",
["cooldown"] = {13,12,11,10,9},
["mana"] = {35},
["description"] = "Channel to throw a spear, dealing 75/105/135/165/195 {{c|pd|(+110%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage to Enemies hit, increased by 100% against targets below 20% maximum health. Deals 75% damage to Minions. Releasing within 0.3s will thrust the spear forward, dealing the same damage and refunding half the cooldown.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Barricade",
["icon"] = "Zarus Barricade.png",
["cooldown"] = {19,17,15,13,11},
["mana"] = {60,65,70,75,80},
["description"] = "Unfold a shield for 1.75s, reducing incoming damage by 50%/55%/60%/65%/70%. Upon recasting or after the duration, swing the shield dealing 52/68/84/100/116 {{c|pd|(+80%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage increased up to 130/170/210/250/290 {{c|pd|(+200%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} and stunning targets hit for 0.5s.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Evade",
["icon"] = "Zarus Evade.png",
["cooldown"] = {15,14,13,12,11},
["mana"] = {60},
["description"] = "Dash in your current movement direction, gaining 15% movement speed for 1.5s and 15/20/25/30/35% Attack Speed for 4s.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Coliseum",
["icon"] = "Zarus Coliseum.png",
["cooldown"] = {160,130,100},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Leap at an Enemy Hero, dealing 200/300/400 {{c|pd|(+75%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage. A Coliseum is then summoned for 5.5s and the bonus from Gladiator is doubled. If the target is killed within the duration, you will permanently gain 5/8/11 Physical Power. You may recast this ability to end it early.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Gladiator",
["icon"] = "Zarus Gladiator.png",
["description"] = "Gain a stack of Gladiator when dealing damage with Basic Attacks or Abilities to non-minions, stacking up to 8 times. Each stack grants 1% increased Physical Power.<br>After exiting combat, stacks will fall off once per second, restoring 0.4/0.4/0.4/0.4/0.4/0.8/0.8/0.8/0.8/0.8/1.6/1.6/1.6/1.6/1.6/3.2/3.2/3.2% of his maximum health per stack consumed.",
["recommended"] = {
["offlane"] = {"Warrior Crest", "Augmentation", "Mutilator", "Earthshaker", "Citadel", "Mistmeadow Buckler", "Stonewall", "The Perforator", "Penumbra", "Tainted Blade", "Strength Tonic"},
["jungle"] = {"Warrior Crest", "Augmentation", "Berserker's Axe", "Penumbra", "Citadel", "Mistmeadow Buckler", "Stonewall", "Envy", "Unbroken Will", "Tainted Blade", "Strength Tonic"},
["Zinx"] = {
["image"] = "ZinxRender.png",
["portrait"] = "Zinx.png",
["icon"] = "Icon Zinx.png",
["released"] = "August 20, 2024",
["amber"] = 8600,
["platinum"] = 1000,
["difficulty"] = "Advanced",
["classes"] = {"Enchanter"},
["roles"] = {"Support"},
["range_type"] = "Ranged",
["ability_power"] = 0,
["durability"] = 0,
["basic_attack"] = 0,
["mobility"] = 0,
["stats"] = {
["physical_power"] = 50,
["physical_power_growth"] = 3.2,
["attack_speed"] = 115,
["attack_speed_growth"] = 1,
["basic_attack_time"] = 1.2,
["attack_range"] = 1300,
["cleave"] = 0,
["physical_armor"] = 20,
["physical_armor_growth"] = 3.45,
["magical_armor"] = 25,
["magical_armor_growth"] = 0.7,
["max_health"] = 725,
["max_health_growth"] = 121,
["max_mana"] = 350,
["max_mana_growth"] = 42,
["health_regeneration"] = 1.5,
["health_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["mana_regeneration"] = 1.3,
["mana_regeneration_growth"] = 0.15,
["movement_speed"] = 650,
["abilities"] = {
["LMB"] = {
["name"] = "Refibrillator",
["icon"] = "Zinx Refibrillator.png",
["description"] = "Ranged basic attack dealing 50 {{c|pd|(+60%{{Icon|physicalpower2}})}} physical damage.",
["RMB"] = {
["name"] = "Infuse",
["icon"] = "Zinx Infuse.png",
["cooldown"] = {10,9,8,7,6},
["mana"] = {80,90,100,110,120},
["description"] = "Zinx fires a healing bolt at an Ally that restores 50/70/90/110/130 {{c|pd|(+35%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} health, increased by up to 50% based on their missing health.<br>Passive: Zinx’s Basic Attacks deal an additional 12/18/24/30/36 {{c|pd|(+15%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage over 3s.",
["Q"] = {
["name"] = "Ricochet",
["icon"] = "Zinx Ricochet.png",
["cooldown"] = {15},
["mana"] = {75},
["description"] = "Zinx throws an electromagnetic disk dealing 80/110/140/170/200 {{c|pd|(+40%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage and Stunning for 1.1/1.15/1.2/1.25/1.3s.<br>The disk can ricochet to the closest nearby target within 650u, up to 5 times, dealing its damage again and Stunning each Target for 50% of the original duration.<br>The disk will not ricochet to previously hit Targets.",
["E"] = {
["name"] = "Bad Medicine",
["icon"] = "Zinx Bad Medicine.png",
["cooldown"] = {10,9,8,7,6},
["mana"] = {50},
["description"] = "Zinx shoots the ground, forming a pool of radiation that deals 35/50/65/80/90 {{c|pd|(+25%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage and Slows by 30% for 0.75s.<br>After 0.75s, the radiation erupts dealing 50/80/110/140/170 {{c|pd|(+40%{{Icon|magicalpower2}})}} magical damage and Slowing all Enemies hit by 50% for 0.75s.",
["R"] = {
["name"] = "Neural Regenesis",
["icon"] = "Zinx Neural Regenesis.png",
["cooldown"] = {140,120,100},
["mana"] = {100},
["description"] = "Apply cellular restructuring to Yourself or an Ally Hero, granting 40% decaying movement speed and Revival for 4s.<br>If the Target takes lethal damage within this time, they Resurrect with 35%/45%/55% Health and Mana after 2.5s.",
["Passive"] = {
["name"] = "Triage Protocol",
["icon"] = "Zinx Triage Protocol.png",
["cooldown"] = {17,16.25,15.5,14.75,14,13.25,12.5,11.75,11,10.25,9.5,8.75,8,7.25,6.5,5.75,5,4.25},
["description"] = "Zinx gains a stack for 5s when damaging Enemy Heroes with Basic Attacks or Abilities, up to a maximum of 5.<br>At maximum stacks, Triage Protocol activates granting Zinx 40% decaying movement speed and 40% increased Infuse Healing for 5s.<br>Stacks cannot be gained while Triage Protocol is on cooldown.",
["recommended"] = {
["support"] = {"Consort Crest", "Marshal", "Lunaria", "Dynamo", "Galaxy Greaves", "Spellbreaker", "Everbloom", "Windcaller", "Crescelia", "Tainted Totem", "Intellect Tonic"},