Predecessor Wiki:Community Portal
Predecessor Wiki is a community project run entirely by volunteers to provide information for the game.
Get Started
Create a free account to contribute, keep track of your own edits, customize your experience, and more perks.
Need help?
Join us on the official Discord server. Alternatively, check out the support wiki.
How to Help
Try improving the various stub articles by adding content.
Recent changes
To follow the changes to the wiki, and to look out for new users and edits, use the recent changes page.
Manual of Style
The Manual of Style is a style guide to ensure that the wiki is easy to read by maintaining a consistent standard across pages.
A list of essential templates that are commonly used on the wiki. Alternatively, check out every template on the wiki at Category:Templates.
Page Layouts
The following pages serve as guides on how to create specific types of articles:
The following pages contain data which is used throughout the wiki: