Predecessor Wiki:Templates

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Templates are used to duplicate the same content across more than one page, reducing maintenance and work needed on creating and updating pages. Changing a template in one place will immediately apply the changes to all the pages that use it.

This page lists some of the most important and commonly used templates on the wiki. If you feel that a template belongs on this page, do not hesitate to add it under its corresponding heading.

Notice Templates

Notice templates notify the reader about the status of the article itself.

Template Description
{{Stub}} Denotes an article in need of expansion.
{{Removed}} Denotes an article describing content that was removed.
{{Upcoming}} Denotes an article containing information that is based on future content and may not be accurate.

Predecessor Templates

The following templates were created specifically for displaying the game's content.

Article Content

Template Description
{{Hero}} Use this on hero pages to display data from Module:Heroes/data.
{{Item}} Use this on item pages to display data from Module:Items/data.


Template Description
{{ii}} Displays a link to an item page with its icon.
{{hi}} Displays a link to a hero page with its icon.
{{ri}} Displays the name of a role with its icon.
{{g}} Displays a gold value with its icon.
{{Icon}} Used in other templates to display icons from Module:Icon/data.