Ranked Mode

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Ranked Mode is a game mode in Predecessor.


  • Player account level must be 20 or higher.
  • Player account must have unlocked at least 20 heroes.
  • Player account must be in good standing and not subject to any ongoing matchmaking bans.
  • Initially, these 20 heroes can be a combination of fully unlocked heroes and heroes that the player has access to via free rotation. This is subject to change over time.
  • Additionally, when playing with friends, the player can only queue up with one who is of a similar rank.


Ranked Mode is available at the following times:

Thursday Open Close
EU 14:00 UTC 22:00 UTC
NA East 15:00 EDT 23:00 EDT
Saturday Open Close
EU 14:00 UTC 22:00 UTC
NA East 15:00 EDT 23:00 EDT
Sunday Open Close
EU 14:00 UTC 22:00 UTC
NA East 15:00 EDT 23:00 EDT


Victory Points (VP) is earned as the player wins more matches in Ranked Mode. Losing matches will result in also losing VP. Accumulating enough VP will allow the player to rank up. Each Rank requires 100 VP, and after reaching 100 VP the player needs to win one more game in order to promote to the next rank.

  • Bronze 3-1
  • Silver 3-1
  • Gold 3-1
  • Platinum 3-1
  • Diamond 3-1
  • Paragon


At the end of each Ranked Mode season, the player will be rewarded based on two criteria.

  • The rank that they have finished with at the end of the season.
  • The highest rank they have achieved during the season.

These rewards will be given out after a season has finished and will include all kinds of exclusive items such as profile icons and banners, so look out for specific information for each season.


Players with the highest amount of VP are listed on the Leaderboard: https://www.predecessorgame.com/ranked-mode-leaderboard