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There are different types of cosmetic items:

Hero Affinity

Hero Affinity is a system that shows the playtime one has on a given character, in game and in menus through various different cosmetic appearance changes. These changes include:

  • Loading card Borders
  • Loading card Titles
  • Skins, Emotes, and Crowns
  • Jump Pad and Recall VFX changes
  • Player Profile Banners

If you would like to see more on Affinity and the rewards it offers, please visit the Affinity page for more info.


Skins change the visual aspect of your Hero in many given ways. Each with different rarity and changes to the model, look, and sometimes abilities of the Hero.

Skins are acquired in three ways: Purchased with PlatinumIcon Platinum.png in the Store, given out during special events ex: Seasonal Rewards, and lastly through the Affinity system.

Skins also follow a rarity system going from Commom -> Uncommon -> Rare -> Epic

Zarus ChampionOfNyr Render.png
Champion Of Nyr
In-game Image
Icon Calendar.png August 8, 2023
Zarus Prestige Render.png
In-game Image
Icon Calendar.png October 31, 2023
Zarus Warlord Render.png
In-game Image
Icon Platinum.png 1600
Icon Calendar.png August 8, 2023


Emotes are used under a secondary communications wheel in game.

Emote Icon.png

There are currently no purchasable Emotes in Predecessor at the time. Please visit the Affinity page for more info.


Icons are shown in the main menu, and loading menu before match start.

Early Access Bundle Icons

Rare Bundle Year 0.png
Early Access Supporter Icon
Epic Bundle Year 0.png
Early Access Epic Supporter Icon
Legendary Bundle Year 0.png
Early Access Legendary Supporter Icon

Account Level Up Reward Icons

Default Profile Icon.png
Default Icon
*Unlocked by default.
Welcome To Pred.png
Welcome To Pred Icon
Building A Roster.png
Building A Roster Icon

Seasonal Reward Icons

Season 1 Rewards

Profile Icon Season 1 Kira.PNG
Kira EA Season 1 Icon
Profile Icon Season 1 Countess.PNG
Countess EA Season 1 Icon

Season 2 Rewards

Profile Icon Ascension.PNG
Ascension EA Season 2 Icon
Profile Icon Zarus Ascension.PNG
Zarus Early Access Season 2 Icon

Season 3 Rewards

Stormcaller EA Season 3 Icon.png
Stormcaller EA Season 3 Icon
Arcrune Conduit EA Season 3 Icon.png
Arcrune Conduit EA Season 3 Icon

Event Icons

Season 1 Events

Profile Icon Season 1 Kira 2.PNG
The Hunt Winner Kira Icon

Season 2 Events

Profile Icon Glory.PNG
Glory Icon
Profile Icon Ruin.PNG
Ruin Icon

Season 3 Events

Community Referral Icon.png
Community Referral Icon
Anniversary Year 1.PNG
Year 1 Anniversary Icon

Winterfest Event

Winterfest Orb Prime.png
Winter Orb Prime Icon
Winterfest Iggy.png
Jingle Bombs Iggy Icon
Winterfest Scorch.png
Jingle Bombs Scorch Icon
Winterfest Feng Mao.png
Yule Tide Feng Mao Icon
Winterfest Riktor.png
Old Saint Riktor Icon
Winterfest Kallari.png
Peppermint Kallari Icon

Exclusive Bundle Icons

Winterfest Fangtooth.png
Winter Fangtooth Icon
Revenant Frost King.png
Frost King Revenant Icon
Hero-Profile-IconsGrux Ruby.png
Ruby Scarab Grux Icon
Profile icon Argus Dreadlord.png
Dreadlord Argus Icon
Profile Icon Kallari Rogue.png
Rogue Kallari Icon
Profile Icon Sparrow Rogue.png
Rogue Sparrow Icon
Profile icon Lt.-Belica Quantum.png
Quantum Lt. Belica Icon
Profile icon Howitzer Odyssey.png
Odyssey Howitzer
Profile icon Aurora Glacial Empress.png
Glacial Empress Aurora
Profile Icon Twinblast SummerFun.png
Summer Fun Twinblast
Profile Icon Greystone LotusKnight.png
Lotus Knight Greystone
Profile Icon Terra GryphonKnight.png
Gryphon Knight Terra
Profile Icon Iggy MechaTerror.png
Mecha Terror Iggy & Scorch

Please see Store for more info on how to acquire these items


Banners are shown in the main menu, and loading menu before match start.

Default Banner.png
Default Banner*
Cosmetics Page Affinity Banner.png
Affinity Banners**
Dreadlord Argus Banner small.png
Dreadlord Argus Banner
RubyScarab Grux Banner small.png
Ruby Scarab Grux Banner
Rogue Kallari Banner.png
Rogue Kallari Banner
Rogue Sparrow Banner.png
Rogue Sparrow Banner
Frost King Revenant Banner small.png
Frost King Revenant Banner
PS Referral Banner small.png
Playstation Referral Banner
Winterfest 1 Banner small.png
Winterfest Banner 1
Winterfest 2 Banner small.png
Winterfest Banner 2
Glacial Empress Aurora Banner.png
Glacial Empress Aurora Banner
Odyssey Howitzer Banner.png
Odyssey Howitzer Banner
Quantum Belica Banner.png
Quantum Lt.Belica Banner
SummerFun Twinblast Banner.png
Summer Fun Twinblast Banner
Lotus Knight Greystone Banner.png
Lotus Knight Greystone Banner
Gryphon Knight Terra Banner.png
Gryphon Knight Terra Banner
Mecha Terror Iggy Banner.png
Mecha Terror Iggy & Scorch Banner

*All accounts have this unlocked and equipped as default.
**For a list of Affinity Banners visit the Affinity Page.


Sprays are cosmetic static images used in game, one may be active at a time.

Default Sprays

Murdock Point.png
Murdock Nice Spray
Fengmao Facepalm.png
Feng Mao Facepalm Spray
Narbash Laugh.png
Narbash Laugh Spray
Rampage Angry.png
Rampage Angry Spray
Grux Sleep.png
Grux Sleep Spray
Shinbi Peace.png
Shinbi Peace Spray

Starter Bundle Sprays

Spray Carry.png
Carry Spray
Spray support.png
Support Spray
Spray Mid.png
Midlane Spray
Spray Offlane.png
Offlane Spray
Spray Jungle.png
Jungle Spray

Winterfest Sprays

Iggy happy.png
Winter Iggy Spray
Krampus Riktor Spray.png
Winter Riktor Spray
Spray Fangtooth Winterfest2023.png
Winter Fangtooth Spray
Spray Orb Winterfest2023.png
Winter Orb Prime Spray

Account Level Reward

Dawn Orb Happy.png
Welcome To Pred Spray

Exclusive Bundle Sprays

Rev Frost King Come.png
Frost King Revenant Spray
Grux Ruby Scarab Dizzy.png
Ruby Scarab Grux Spray
Argus Dreadlord Spit.png
Dreadlord Argus Spray
Shogun Countess Kiss.png
Shogun Countess Kiss
Shogun Wraith Thumbsdown.png
Shogun Wraith Thumbsdown
Kallari Rogue Shush.png
Rogue Kallari Spray
Sparrow Rogue Bored.png
Rogue Sparrow Spray
Belica Quantum Owo.png
Quantum Belica Spray
Howitzer Oddysey Stuck.png
Oddysey Howitzer Spray
Aurora Glacial Heh.png
Glacial Empress Aurora Spray
Twinblast SummerFun Summer.png
Summer Fun Twinblast Spray
Greystone LotusKnight Trashcan.png
Lotus Knight Greystone Spray
Terra GryphonKnight Phew.png
Gryphon Knight Terra Spray
Iggy MechaTerror Angry.png
Mecha Terror Iggy Spray
Serath RubyScarab L.png
Ruby Scarab Serath Spray

Please see Store for more info on how to acquire these items

Recall VFX

Recall VFX will change the look of the effects while Recalling

Recall Default.png
Default Recall
Recall Season 2.png
Ascension Recall
Recall Season 3.PNG
Soul Storm Recall
Recall Adept Icon.png
Adept Recall
Recall Master Icon.png
Master Recall

Disclaimer: Any active Affinity Recall will override equipped Seasonal Recall effects. This is on a per Hero Basis.

Jump Pad VFX

Jump Pad VFX will change the look of the particle effects when using the Jump Pads from spawn.

Jump Pad Default.png
Default Jump Pad
Jump Pad Season 2.png
Ascension Jump Pad
Jump Pad Season 3.png
Soul Storm Jump Pad
Jump Pad Adept.png
Adept Affinity Jump Pad
Jump Pad Master.png
Master Affinity Jump Pad

Disclaimer: Any active Affinity Jump Pad will override equipped Seasonal Jump Pad effects. This is on a per Hero Basis.