Hero Skins

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Hero Skins are Cosmetics in Predecessor that affect the hero's appearance when playing within the game. These cosmetics can range from simple texture recolours to full scale model and visual effect changes.

Currently, Hero skins can be purchased with PlatinumIcon Platinum.png. Sometimes skins may be subject to discount or part of bundles with other cosmetic items such as sprays and profile icons.

Whilst many of these hero skins can be purchased, there are many which may not be currently purchased, and instead are either achieved through in game events or rewards during early access seasons. All cosmetic skins are shown on each hero's page, found here: Heroes.

Skin tiers

Every hero skin has a tier allotted to it, depending on which tier the skin has - this will affect how much the cosmetic changes the hero.

Common skins cost 500 PlatinumIcon Platinum.png and are typically reserved for texture and coloration changes only. These changes do not affect the model, vfx or the sound design of the hero.


Monarch Murdock

Uncommon skins cost 800 PlatinumIcon Platinum.png and consist of minor model changes and texture changes. These changes do not affect vfx or sound design of the hero. Example:

Shadow Lynx Phase

Rare skins cost 1200 PlatinumIcon Platinum.png and consist of a major model change with unique textures. These changes do not affect vfx or sound design of the hero. Example:

Countess Shogun Ingame.png
Shogun Countess

Epic skins cost 1600 PlatinumIcon Platinum.png and consists of either major model changes or a brand new model and may come with additional vfx. Example:

Dreadlord Arugs

Legendary skins cost 2400+ PlatinumIcon Platinum.png and consist of a full model change, alongside completely new vfx and sound design and other optional improvements. Example:

Frost King Revenant

Affinity Skins

Affinity Skins are reward skins granted upon reaching affinity level 7 with any Hero. These skins are known as prestige skins and are always considered as rare tier.

