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After a player dies, they need to wait a few seconds in order to Respawn back at their base with full health and mana. During that period of time, players can only spectate their allies and observe their own Structures through certain fixed camera angles. The time it takes for a player to respawn scales based on the player level. A player can only get Icon Gold.png Gold and Experience while dead through passive income, and objectives like destroying Towers.

Respawn Timers
Level 1 11 seconds
Level 2 13 seconds
Level 3 14 seconds
Level 4 16 seconds
Level 5 19 seconds
Level 6 22 seconds
Level 7 25 seconds
Level 8 28 seconds
Level 9 31 seconds
Level 10 34 seconds
Level 11 36 seconds
Level 12 38 seconds
Level 13 40 seconds
Level 14 42 seconds
Level 15 44 seconds
Level 16 45 seconds
Level 17 46 seconds
Level 18 47 seconds