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Icon Gold.png Gold is used to purchase Items. Almost everything that can be killed within Predecessor will grant gold. Minions, Buffs, Objectives, other Heroes, Towers and Inhibitors, will all grant a chunk of gold in varying amounts to the person who lands the killing blow, or if they follow certain criteria to gain a portion of that gold granted.

All heroes passively get Icon Gold.png 3 per second starting at 1:25 minute mark. In Brawl, this changes to Icon Gold.png 15 per second.

Kills and assists

A Kill gives the person who got the last hit Icon Gold.png 270 by default. This is modified by the game's Bounty system, which rewards you for killing enemies on Kill Streaks, and gives you less gold for killing enemies who died many times without an elimination. Each part of the bounty is calculated using a system of tiers numbered from -6 to 8. Kill bounties in higher tiers are bigger. Each champion starts the match in the bounty tier 0 and moves to other tiers as they kill enemies or die. Consecutive kills move a champion to a higher tier, while consecutive deaths move them to a lower tier.

Bounty increases by Icon Gold.png 50 when an enemy gets 300 more gold from Minions than their opponent. It further increases by Icon Gold.png 50 for every Icon Gold.png 200 since then.

Bounty Gold
Tier Kill Streak Death Streak Bounty
+8 8 Icon Gold.png 1000
+7 7 Icon Gold.png 950
+6 6 Icon Gold.png 850
+5 5 Icon Gold.png 750
+4 4 Icon Gold.png 650
+3 3 Icon Gold.png 550
+2 2 Icon Gold.png 450
+1 1 Icon Gold.png 300
0 0 0 Icon Gold.png 270
-1 1 Icon Gold.png 240
-2 2 Icon Gold.png 210
-3 3 Icon Gold.png 170
-4 4 Icon Gold.png 140
-5 5 Icon Gold.png 120
-6 6 Icon Gold.png 100

A First Blood grants an extra Icon Gold.png 100 to the killer.

Assists give 50% of the gold value, limited at Icon Gold.png 150.


Minions give 100% of their gold value to the person who Last Hit them, however nearby allies get additional gold for each dead minion in their vicinity. If there is an Ally near the person who last hit a minion, they get 18% of the gold. Two allies get 14% of the gold, 3 allies get 10% of the gold and 4 allies get 6% of the gold. Minion last hits also increase the killer's CS score. Each CS score point represents Icon Gold.png 20-30.

If a minion dies through other means than by a Last Hit, a single player will only get 22% of the gold from that minion. Multiple players get gold equal to percentages shown above.

Killing minions while having Hunt.png Hunt, Wild Hunt.png Wild Hunt or a Support Crest in your inventory will grant you diminishing returns based on how many minions you kill. The diminishing returns have a Soft Cap and a Hard Cap, a Soft Cap is triggered after killing 12 minions (66 minions at lvl 18) and only gives you 40% of the gold value on your next minion kills. A Hard Cap is triggered after killing 18 minions (90 minions at lvl 18) and only gives you 10% of the gold value on your next minion kills. This effect ends after 20 minutes of the match.

In Brawl, nearby allies get 100% of the Minion gold value after you last hit them. If a Minion has been killed through other means, nearby allies only get 45% of the gold value.

  • Melee Minion - Icon Gold.png 28 (Icon Gold.png 25 in Brawl)
  • Ranged Minion - Icon Gold.png 20 (Icon Gold.png 20 in Brawl)
  • Cannon Minion - Icon Gold.png 65-111 (Icon Gold.png 60-84 in Brawl)
  • Super Minion - Icon Gold.png 70-120

Jungle Camps

Normal Camps
Monster count Total Gold
Black Camp (2 minion camp) Icon Gold.png 82
Gray Camp (3 minion camp) Icon Gold.png 118
White Camp (4 minion camp) Icon Gold.png 88
Brown Camp (5 minion camp) Icon Gold.png 118
Buff Camps
Monster count Gold
Red Buff Icon Gold.png 130
Blue Buff Icon Gold.png 130
Cyan Buff Icon Gold.png 60
Gold Buff Icon Gold.png 80-140
River Buffs Icon Gold.png 30
Boss Camps
Monster count Gold
Orb Prime Icon Gold.png 400
Mini Orb Prime Icon Gold.png 200
Fangtooth Icon Gold.png 120
Primal Fangtooth Icon Gold.png 300

Towers and Inhibitors

All towers grant gold when destroyed. Outer Towers give a sum of Icon Gold.png 100 to each member of the team that destroyed it, Inner Towers give Icon Gold.png 125 and Inhibitors give Icon Gold.png 50. This is given out no matter their position on the map, often referred to as 'Global Gold'. An additional bounty is split between those who where in the vicinity of the tower when it was destroyed, this is referred to as 'Local Gold'. You do not need to deal the final blow, but stand within the Tower's ring of influence, Icon Gold.png 300 given for Tier 1 Towers, Icon Gold.png 400 for Tier 2 towers, and Icon Gold.png 200 for Inhibitors.

Support Crests

Support Crests (Consort Crest.png Consort Crest and Guardian Crest.png Guardian Crest) give charges every 30 seconds, up to 3 charges. Charges are consumed when you hit an enemy near an allied Hero, and each charge gives Icon Gold.png 20. They additionally give 0.2 Icon Gold.png Gold every second (in total 3.2 Icon Gold.png Gold per second). Evolving the items into Tier 2 variants after getting 200 Gold increases it to 0.3 per second (in total 3.3 Icon Gold.png Gold per second). Fully upgraded Support Crests no longer give charges, instead they increase the Icon Gold.png Gold received per second by 1.5 (in total 4.5 Icon Gold.png Gold per second).

Additional notes

  • While effectively a useless limiter, there is no soft or hard cap on Icon Gold.png Gold, meaning you could wait for an infinite amount of time and never stop gaining Icon Gold.png Gold.