Jungle Camps

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Jungle Camps are located in between lanes, or outside the outer lanes in the Predecessor map. They are divided into Normal Camps, marked on the minimap by white dots, Buff Camps, marked by colored dots and Boss Camps, indicated by slightly larger colored dots.

Jungle Camps are the Jungler's main source of Gold, Experience and various buffs that help them clear other camps and kill enemy Heroes. Monsters do not attack unless provoked, and their Health and aggression resets if they walk outside their camp zone for too long. Each camp will respawn a few minutes after all minions in the camp are slain, if several minions remain others will not respawn.

All Monsters spawn at Level 1 and level up every 2 minutes starting after their initial spawn time, up to level 15. Levels increase their Health, Armor, Damage and Experience reward.

Normal Camps

Normal camps only provide various amounts of Gold and Experience and don't provide any other buffs after dying. Early game, they are the Jungler's main source of income. Killing them allows their Hunt.png Hunt item to scale into Wild Hunt.png Wild Hunt which increases its active damage and increases its stats.

Normal Camps
Monster count Total Gold Total XP Respawn timer
Black Camp (2 minion camp) Icon Gold.png 82 230-427 2 minutes
Gray Camp (3 minion camp) Icon Gold.png 118 165-425 2 minutes
White Camp (4 minion camp) Icon Gold.png 88 230-558 2 minutes
Brown Camp (5 minion camp) Icon Gold.png 118 165-386 2 minutes

Buff Camps

These camps always have only one larger minion that drops Gold, Experience and a specific Buff when killed. Red and Blue buffs should be prioritized by junglers, while Cyan, Gold and River Buffs should generally be taken by the team's Offlaner, Carry and Midlaner respectively. Each team has their own Red and Blue buff, however Cyan, Gold and River Buffs need to be contested with the enemy laner.

Buff Camps are immune to being Pushed, Pulled and Knocked Back.

Buff Camps
Monster count Gold XP Respawn timer
Red Buff Icon Gold.png 130 160-300 250 seconds
Blue Buff Icon Gold.png 130 160-300 250 seconds
Cyan Buff Icon Gold.png 60 65-225 3 minutes
Gold Buff Icon Gold.png 80-140 40 3 minutes
River Buffs Icon Gold.png 30 50-90 2 minutes
Brawl only
Monster count Gold XP Respawn timer
Orange Buff 110 50 120 seconds
Purple Buff 110 50 120 seconds

Boss Camps

Bosses grant powerful buffs to the team that kills them. They should never be fought alone, killing them should be a team effort.

Bosses are immune to all Crowd Control effects.

Boss Camps
Monster count Gold XP Respawn timer
Orb Prime Icon Gold.png 400 600 7 minutes
Mini Orb Prime Icon Gold.png 200 150-290 7 minutes
Fangtooth Icon Gold.png 120 120-400 5 minutes
Primal Fangtooth Icon Gold.png 300 400 5 minutes