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Minions are the primary lane creatures in Predecessor.


Minions are the main source of income for all Laners in the game. They are also the primary method by which turrets are destroyed, providing a meat shield to draw fire from the tower. Additionally they are a key component to laning effectively, and by using lane freezing or kiting enemies into your own friendly minions you can excel against your opponents.

First wave spawns at 1 min and takes 25 sec to arrive in the middle of the lane, then the second wave spawns 30 seconds later. Fast forward 30 seconds the third wave will spawn, including a Siege minion. After that, siege waves spawn every 3 waves (every 1:30 minutes) until the 15:00 minute mark, when they start spawning every 2 waves (every minute). After the 25 minute mark siege minions spawn every wave. Minions increase their stats every 2 minutes, and they reach max level at 29:00 minute mark.

Non-cannon waves have 5 minions, 3 melee and 2 ranged. After 15 minute mark, an extra ranged minion spawns every wave.

Minions will aggro the enemy Hero that attacks or uses certain abilities to their allied Heroes. The aggression will last 2 seconds, after that they will attack the nearest minion.

After destroying an enemy Inhibitor, every wave also comes with a Super minion. After the Inhibitor respawns, Super minions disappear until it's destroyed again.

Minion experience is shared based on how many allies are near. If there is only one ally near a dead minion, they get 93% of the experience. Two allies get 62% experience each. Three get 41%, four get 31% and five get 25% each.

Minions give 100% of their Icon Gold.png Gold value to the person who Last Hit them, however nearby allies get additional gold for each dead minion in their vicinity. If there is an Ally near the person who last hit a minion, they get 18% of the Icon Gold.png Gold. Two allies get 14% of the Icon Gold.png Gold, 3 allies get 10% of the Icon Gold.png Gold and 4 allies get 6% of the Icon Gold.png Gold. Minion last hits also increase the killer's CS score. Each CS score point represents 20-30 gold. If a minion dies through other means than by a Last Hit, a single player will only get 22% of the Icon Gold.png Gold from that minion. Multiple players get gold equal to percentages shown above.

Killing minions while having Hunt.png Hunt, Wild Hunt.png Wild Hunt or a Support Crest in your inventory will grant you diminishing returns based on how many minions you kill. The diminishing returns have a Soft Cap and a Hard Cap, a Soft Cap is triggered after killing 12 minions (66 minions at lvl 18) and only gives you 40% of the Icon Gold.png Gold value on your next minion kills. A Hard Cap is triggered after killing 18 minions (90 minions at lvl 18) and only gives you 10% of the Icon Gold.png Gold value on your next minion kills. This effect ends after 20 minutes of the match.

Base Statistics (Normal Mode)
Stat Melee Minion Ranged Minion Siege Minion Super Minion
Base Health 680 + 35 every 2 minutes until 15:00 minute mark, then + 55 every 2 minutes, 1,330 max 445 + 28 every 2 minutes, 837 max 1,150 + 70 every 2 minutes until 13:00 minute mark, then + 80 every 2 minutes until 23:00 minute mark, then + 150 every 2 minutes, 2,500 max 1,420 + 150 every 2 minutes, 3,520 max
Execute Treshold 20% 23% 17% 17%
Health Regen 0 0 0 5
Basic Attack Time 0.5 1 1.15 1
Physical Armor 0 + 1 every 2 minutes up to 14 0 20 32 + 1 every 2 minutes up to 46
Magical Armor 0 0 0 up to 11:00 mark, then -1 every 2 minutes up to -10 -65
Damage 15 + 3 every 2 minutes up to 57 23 + 3 every 2 minutes up to 65 43 + 3 every 2 minutes until 11:00 mark, then + 4 every 2 minutes, 95 max 170 + 5 every two minutes, 240 max
Damage Multipliers 0.4x towards Heroes, 1x towards Minions, 0.7x towards Towers and Inhibitors and 0.5x towards the Core 0.4x towards Heroes, 1.10x towards Minions, 0.6x towards Structures 0.6x towards Heroes, 1x towards Minions and 1.2x towards Structures 0.4x towards Heroes, 1x towards Minions, 0.5x towards Towers and Inhibitors and 0.22x towards the Core
Damage received from Towers 27% 68% ? ?
Movement Speed 695, then 710 at 13:00 mark, then 730 at 19:00 mark, then 760 at 25:00 mark, then 790 at 29:00 mark 695, then 710 at 13:00 mark, then 730 at 19:00 mark, then 760 at 25:00 mark, then 790 at 29:00 mark 695, then 710 at 13:00 mark, then 730 at 19:00 mark, then 760 at 25:00 mark, then 790 at 29:00 mark 695, then 710 at 13:00 mark, then 730 at 19:00 mark, then 760 at 25:00 mark, then 790 at 29:00 mark
Target Acquisition Range 1500 1500 1500 1500
Attack Range 250 600 525 250
Disengage Range 2000 2000 2000 2000
Gold 28 20 65 + 2 every 2 minutes until 15:00 mark, then + 4 every 2 minutes until 27:00 mark and then + 5 every 2 minutes up to 111 70 + 3 every 2 minutes until 23:00 mark, then + 5 every 2 minutes up to 120
XP 65, +5 at 15:00 minute mark 43, +7 at 15:00 minute mark 95, +35 at 15:00 minute mark and +40 at 25:00 minute mark 140

*Minions have -175 movement speed when attacking heroes.


In Brawl, there are no Super Minions, and the Minion values are different. Minion waves are always 6, including 3 melee minions, 2 ranged and 1 siege minion. Minions spawn at 0:30 minute mark and continue to spawn every 30 seconds.

Nearby allies get 100% of the Minion Icon Gold.png Gold value after you last hit them. If a Minion has been killed through other means, nearby allies only get 45% of the Icon Gold.png Gold value.

One Hero gets 82% of the experience. Two heroes get 79%, three get 76%, four get 73% and five get 70% experience each.

Base Statistics (Brawl)
Stat Melee Minion Ranged Minion Cannon Minion
Base Health 1000 + 100 every 2 minutes up to 1800 600 + 60 every 2 minutes up to 1080 1275 + 100 every 2 minutes up to 2075
Physical Armor 0 0 25
Magical Armor 25 25 25
Gold 25 20 60 + 3 every 2 minutes up to 84
XP 45 30 80