Gold Buff

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Gold Buff is a jungle monster in Predecessor.


Gold Buff is a Buff that appears to the outside of the duo lane. Gold Buff spawns in at 3 minutes and then every 3 minutes after being killed by a player. Gold Buff reaches max level at 31:00 minute mark.

When a player kills the buff, they are granted gold depending on how many kills they have on the gold buff, as well as always achieving 65 experience and 4-7 (based on gold value) last hits to the creep score.

Base Statistics
Base Health 1,100 + 100 every 2 minutes, 2,500 max
Out of Combat Health Regen 100 + 7 every 2 minutes, 198 max
Basic Attack Time 1.5 until 5 minute mark, 1 after
Attack Range 350
Physical Armor 20
Magical Armor 10
Damage 60 + 10 every 2 minutes, 200 max
Leash Range 800
Movement Speed 900
Gold 80 + 4 per minute, 140 max
XP 40