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Abilities are actions that all Players can take through their Heroes. All Abilities cost Mana and have varying cooldowns which are reduced with Ability Haste and increasing your Level.

The majority of Abilities scale with a certain Statistic, most commonly Physical Power, Magical Power and Health. The abilities that scale with Health and Physical Power most commonly scale only with Bonus Health/Power and do not consider base stats. The exceptions to this rule are noted in the wiki.

Ability Bar Outline

Ability Spreadsheet.png

1. Passive Ability

Passive Abilities are the only ability in a Hero's kit that do not require Mana, often require no additional button presses, and always synergize with the kit of the Hero in question. This Ability is bound to no button, with the exception of Kallari.png Kallari and Dekker.png Dekker Who's passives both are activated with the Jump button.

2. Primary Ability

Bound default to Keyboard q outline.png on PC, XboxOne LB.png on Xbox, and PS4 L1.png on Playstation.

3. Secondary Ability

Bound default to Keyboard e outline.png on PC, XboxOne LT.png on Xbox, and PS4 L2.png on Playstation.

4. Ultimate Ability

Bound default to Keyboard r outline.png on PC, XboxOne LB.png + XboxOne RB.png on Xbox, and PS4 L1.png + PS4 R1.png on Playstation.

5. Basic Attack

Bound default to Keyboard White Mouse Left.png on PC, XboxOne RT.png on Xbox, and PS4 R2.png on Playstation.

6. Alternate Ability

Bound default to Keyboard White Mouse Right.png on PC, XboxOne RB.png on Xbox, and PS4 R1.png on Playstation.

7. Blink

Bound Default to Keyboard 4 outline.png on PC, XboxOne Y.png on Xbox, and PS4 Triangle.png on Playstation.