Ability Haste

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Ability Haste is the stat which reduces the Cooldown of Abilities in Predecessor. Each point of Ability Haste reduces the Cooldown by a varying amount, following this equation. Every Ability in Predecessor is affected by Ability Haste, however Crest active Abilities (including most passives), Blink, and Ward/Sentry usage is not.

The percentage that your ability cooldowns are reduced by can be calculated using the formula:

Cooldown Reduction % = 100 * Ability Haste/(100 + Ability Haste)

Ability Haste has diminishing returns past 50% Cooldown Reduction.

This equates to roughly:

11 Ability Haste 10% Cooldown Reduction
25 Ability Haste 20% Cooldown Reduction
50 Ability Haste 33% Cooldown Reduction
67 Ability Haste 40% Cooldown Reduction
100 Ability Haste 50% Cooldown Reduction
200 Ability Haste 67% Cooldown Reduction
300 Ability Haste 75% Cooldown Reduction