Health Regen

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Health Regen (also referred to as HPS, HP5, or HPR) is the rate at which a player's Stat MaxHealth2.png Health naturally restores itself in and out of combat. This can be affected through purchasing items with the Health Regen stat, leveling up a Hero, or gaining buffs with the associated stat.

This should not be confused with healing, which is an entirely different form of recuperating lost health. Items like Raiment of Renewal.png Raiment of Renewal increase a hero's Health Regen, while the active ability of Tranquility.png Tranquility provides a burst of healing.

Health Regen stat is affected by the increased healing stat from item such as Void Helm.png Void Helm or Draconum.png Draconum but not from the Heal & Shield Power.

The Health Regen of a hero can also be found on their individual pages within the wiki.