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Tenacity reduces the duration of many crowd control effects by a percentage equal to the amount of the player's Tenacity.

Example If the player has a fully built Vanguardian.png Vanguardian (which grants 20% Stat Tenacity.png Tenacity in stats) and is hit with a 1 second stun, the duration of the stun's effect is reduced to 0.8 seconds. Tenacity cannot exceed 60%, meaning the most that any form of crowd control can be reduced by is 60% of its duration. Tenacity can however go negative. Flux Matrix.png Flux Matrix's passive effect Unstable Shackles will reduce all nearby enemy Heroes Tenacity by 20%. Meaning any caught in its area of effect currently with 0% Tenacity would be reduced to a -20% debuff, thus extending the duration of all crowd control effects by an additional 20%.

Tenacity has no effect on Knock ups and Suppression, please see the Status Effects page for more details.