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Armor is a base statistic in Predecessor. It is divided into Stat PhysicalArmor.png Physical Armor and Stat MagicalArmor.png Magical Armor and the stats respectively reduce Stat PhysicalPower.png Physical Damage and Stat MagicalPower.png Magical Damage taken.

Damage Received

Damage received is calculated using the following formula:

Damage Received = (Physical/Magical Power * Attack/Ability Scaling Percentage * Critical Hit Damage Percentage) * (100 / (Effective Armor Value + 100))

This means if the enemy deals 200 raw damage to the player while having 60 armor, the player will take 125 damage.

Resistance Percentage

The amount of resistance against a specific damage type can be calculated using the following formula:

Armor Resistance % = 1 - 100/(100 + Effective Armor)

Both Physical and Magical Armor share the same calculations and have diminishing returns. Every point of Armor roughly calculates into 1% effective max Health against the specific damage type. For example, having 10 Armor at 2000 HP will give the player bonus 200 effective Health.

This equates to roughly:

11 Armor 10% Damage Resistance
25 Armor 20% Damage Resistance
50 Armor 33% Damage Resistance
67 Armor 40% Damage Resistance
100 Armor 50% Damage Resistance
200 Armor 67% Damage Resistance
300 Armor 75% Damage Resistance

Effective Armor

Effective Armor describes the amount of Armor the player has after applying Penetration. Since there are 4 types of Penetration - Percent Armor Reduction, Flat Armor Reduction, Flat Penetration and Percent Penetration, the formula for effective armor is the following:

Effective Armor = (Armor Value * (1 - Percent Armor Reduction) - Flat Armor Reduction) * (1 - Percent Penetration) - Flat Penetration

Meaning if the player has 100 armor and the enemy has 30% penetration and 10 flat penetration, the player will effectively have 60 armor against that enemy.