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The Damage statistic in Predecessor can be categorised into three distinct types: Physical Damage, Magical Damage, and True Damage.

Physical Damage

Physical DamageStat PhysicalPower2.png is the damage type dealt by all Basic Attacks, with Grim exe.png GRIM.exe and Muriel.png Muriel being the only exceptions with their passives. Physical Damage is reduced by Physical Armor and amplified by Physical Power and Physical Penetration.

Magical Damage

Magical DamageStat MagicalPower2.png is the damage type dealt by most abilities. It is mitigated by Magical Armor and increased by Magical Power and Magical Penetration.

True Damage

True Damage, also known as Pure Damage, is a type of damage that bypasses armor and flat mitigation, directly affecting an enemy's health or shield pool. True Damage is typically unaffected by power scaling, but may be influenced by specific modifers such as Kallari.png Kallari's Death Mark, which increases damage based on the target's missing health. In some cases, like with Hunt.png Hunt, True Damage does not scale at all.