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"It'll be quick... Like falling asleep."

Kallari is a playable character in Predecessor.


Physical Power
Stat PhysicalPower.png 61 +2.5
Attack SpeedStat AttackSpeed.png 120 +2
Basic Attack TimeStat AttackSpeed.png 1.1
Attack RangeStat AttackRange.png 250
CleaveStat Cleave.png 25%
Physical ArmorStat PhysicalArmor.png 26 +3.15
Magical ArmorStat MagicalArmor.png 26 +1.4
Max HealthStat MaxHealth.png 775 +115
Max ManaStat MaxMana.png 310 +55
Health RegenerationStat HealthRegeneration.png 12.2 +0.2
Mana RegenerationStat ManaRegeneration.png 1.5 +0.15
Movement SpeedStat MovementSpeed.png 680


Kallari Shadow Dance.png
Shadow Dance
Kallari can jump up to 2 additional times while mid-air, thrusting her in the direction of movement.
Kallari Slash.png
LMB Basic Attack
Melee basic attack dealing 55 (+85%Stat PhysicalPower2.png) physical damage.
Kallari Crippling Dagger.png
Crippling Dagger
RMB Alternate
Throw a dagger, dealing 70/90/110/130/150 (+115%Stat PhysicalPower2.png) physical damage and applying a 30% Slow for 0.5s.
Minions and Monsters receive 110 additional damage.
Max Charges: 2.
Cooldown: 11/10/9/8/7 Mana: 30
Kallari Shadow Walk.png
Shadow Walk
Q Primary
After 1.5s, enter Camouflage, gaining 15% movement speed for 5/5.5/6/6.5/7s. While Camouflaged, Kallari gains 14/16/18/20/22 (+25%Stat PhysicalPenetration2.png) health regen and her next basic attack deals 40/60/80/100/120 (+40%Stat PhysicalPower2.png) bonus physical damage to all targets hit. Nearby Enemy Heroes and Wards reveal Kallari.
Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6 Mana: 60
Kallari Death Mark.png
Death Mark
E Secondary
Empower Kallari's next attack within 5s to Mark the first Enemy Hero or Monster hit, increasing her damage against them by 10%. After 3s, the Mark detonates, dealing 55/85/115/145/175 plus 8 (+4%Stat PhysicalPower2.png)% of Target's missing health as true damage, and granting Kallari 50% decaying movement speed for 4s.
Cooldown: 20/19/18/17/16 Mana: 70/75/80/85/90
  • Activating this ability does not break your invisibility.
Kallari Guillotine.png
R Ultimate
After a brief delay Kallari dashes forward, cutting through all Enemies in her path, dealing 200/350/500 (+120/130/140%Stat PhysicalPower2.png) physical damage.
Cooldown: 120/100/75 Mana: 100
  • Scales with Total Physical Power (Base + Bonus).

Recommended Items

Rogue Crest.png Malady.png Vanquisher.png Penumbra.png The Perforator.png Painweaver.png Mesmer.png Infernum.png Nightfall.png Tainted Trident.png Strength Tonic.png


Kallari AlabasterRogue Ingame.png
Alabaster Rogue
Icon Platinum.png Bundle Exclusive
Icon Calendar.png April 30, 2024

Kallari Adept Banner.png
Kallari Adept Banner
Kallari Master Banner.png
Kallari Master Banner

Patch History

Open Beta V0.19

  • General:
    • Attack Speed increased from 115 to 120.
    • Attack Speed Growth increased from 1.6 to 2.

Open Beta V0.18.3

  • Guillotine [Ultimate]:
    • Damage increased from 200/330/460 to 200/350/500.

Open Beta V0.18

  • General:
    • Physical Power increased from 55 to 61.
    • Physical Power Growth increased from 3 to 2.5.
    • Attack Speed increased from 110 to 115.
    • Attack Speed Growth decreased from 3.1 to 1.6.
    • Health increased from 620 to 775.
    • Health Growth increased from 102 to 115.
    • Health Regen increased from 1.5 to 2.2.
    • Health Regen Growth decreased from 0.25 to 0.2
    • Mana increased from 290 to 310.
    • Mana Regen increased from 1.4 to 1.5.
    • Physical Armor decreased from 30 to 26.
    • Physical Armor Growth decreased from 3.9 to 2.8.
    • Magical Armor decreased from 32 to 26.
    • Magical Armor Growth decreased from 1.8 to 1.4.
    • Movement Speed decreased from 685 to 680.
  • Slash [Basic Attack]:
    • Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 90% to 85%.
    • Cleave increased from 20% to 25%.
  • Shadow Walk [Primary]:
    • Damage decreased from 50/75/100/125/150 to 40/60/80/100/120
    • Health Regen increased from 12/14/16/18/20 to 14/16/18/20/22.
    • Health Regen Physical Penetration Scaling increased from 20% to 25%.
  • Death Mark [Secondary]:
    • Damage increased from 40/70/100/130/160 to 55/85/115/145/175.
    • Buff Duration decreased from 5 to 4.
    • Missing Health Damage Bonus Physical Power Scaling increased from 3% to 4%.
    • Mana Cost increased from 60/65/70/75/80 to 70/75/80/85/90.
  • Crippling Dagger [Alternate]:
    • Damage changed from 60/85/110/135/160 to 70/90/110/130/150.
    • Bonus Physical Power Scaling increased from 90% to 115%.
    • Slow increased from 25% to 30%.
    • Slow Duration decreased from 0.75 to 0.5.
    • Bonus Monster Damage increased from 65 to 110.
  • Guillotine [Ultimate]:
    • Damage changed from 180/340/500 to 200/330/460.
    • Cooldown increased from 120/90/60 to 125/100/75.

Early Access V0.13.3

  • Crippling Dagger [Alternate]
    • Damage has changed from:
      • 80 to 85 at level 2.
      • 100 to 110 at level 3.
      • 120 to 135 at level 4.
      • 140 to 160 at level 5.
  • Guillotine [Ultimate]
    • Damage has changed from:
      • 200 to 180 at level 1.
      • 370 to 340 at level 2.
      • 540 to 500 at level 3.
    • Total Healing Bonus Physical Power Scaling has changed from:
      • 1.35 to 1.3 at level 2.
      • 1.5 to 1.4 at level 3.

Early Access V0.12

  • General
    • Attack Speed Growth increased from 2.8 to 3.1.
  • Crippling Dagger [Alternate]
    • Bonus Physical Power Scaling increased from 85% to 90%.
    • Range increased by 5%.

Early Access V0.11.2

  • General
    • Base Mana increased from 265 to 275.
  • Shadow Walk [Primary]
    • Health Regeneration increased from 6/7/8/9/10 to 8/9/10/11/12.
    • Mana Cost increased from 50 to 60.

Early Access V0.10.2

  • General
    • Base Physical Power decreased from 61 to 58.
    • Physical Power Growth increased from 2.8 to 3.
    • Base Mana increased from 250 to 265.
    • Base Health Regeneration decreased from 2 to 1.5.
  • Shadow Walk [Primary]
    • Mana Cost increased from 40 to 50.
    • Movement Speed decreased from 20% to 15%.
    • Now gains 6/7/8/9/10 (+20% Physical Penetration) health regeneration while Camouflaged.
  • Crippling Dagger [Alternate]
    • Damage decreased from 65/85/105/125/145 to 60/80/100/120/140.
    • Bonus Monster Damage decreased from 100 to 65.

Early Access V0.7.2

  • General
    • Health increased from 600 to 620.
    • Health Regen decreased from 2.8 to 2.
    • Physical Armor increased from 27 to 30.
  • Shadow Walk [Primary]
    • Damage changed from 60/80/100/120/140 to 50/75/100/125/150.
    • Scaling increased from 30% to 40%.
    • Duration decreased from 8/9/10/11/12 to 6/6.5/7/7.5/8.
    • Fade In Duration decreased from 1.5s to 1s.
    • Cooldown increased from 8/7/6/5/4 to 10/9/8/7/6.
    • Bonus Damage now applies to Cleave Damage.
  • Crippling Dagger [Alternate]
    • Bonus Monster Damage increased from 80 to 100.
    • Bonus Damage now applies to Minions.
    • Slow Duration decreased from 1s to 0.75s.
  • Death Mark [Secondary]
    • Bonus Damage decreased from 15% to 10%.
  • Guillotine [Ultimate]
    • Base Damage increased from 170/330/490 to 200/370/540.

Early Access V0.6

  • Slash [Basic Attack]
    • Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 100% to 90%.

Early Access V0.5

  • General
    • [QoL] Omen’s Passive Cooldown Reduction will now apply to Shadow Walk and Death Mark when applied with the same basic attack.
  • Shadow Dance [Passive]
    • Cooldown is no longer affected by Ability Haste.
    • Cooldown decreased from 22-6s to 20-3s (Based on Level).

Early Access V0.3.2

  • General
    • Base Attack Speed decreased from 120 to 110.
    • Attack Speed Growth decreased from 3.3 to 2.8.
    • [Bug Fix] Fixed a bug causing Death Mark to scale with 5.5% of your Physical Power instead of 3% of your Physical Power.
  • Crippling Dagger [Alternate]
    • Scaling decreased from 90% to 85%.

Early Access V0.2.3

    • Death mark [Secondary]
      • Base Damage increased from 40/65/90/115/140 to 40/70/100/130/160
      • Scaling decreased from 25% to 18%
    • Guillotine [Ultimate]
      • Base Damage decreased from 180/350/520 to 170/330/490

Early Access V0.2

    • Fixed a bug where Kallari would fly into the sky after using Guillotine into a Gideon’s Torn Space portal
    • Fixed a bug where Kallari’s Death Mark was incorrectly removed when recalling
    • Fixed a bug where Kallari breaks stealth when placing a Ward or using Sentry
    • Fixed a bug where Kallari’s Death Mark activated state was not being shown

List of Heroes

Feng Mao.png
Grim exe.png
Iggy & Scorch.png
Lt. Belica.png
The Fey.png