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"They shall sing of this day."

Sparrow is a playable character in Predecessor.


Physical Power
Stat PhysicalPower.png 60 +3
Attack SpeedStat AttackSpeed.png 125 +1.7
Basic Attack TimeStat AttackSpeed.png 1.4
Attack RangeStat AttackRange.png 1300
CleaveStat Cleave.png 0%
Physical ArmorStat PhysicalArmor.png 23 +3.35
Magical ArmorStat MagicalArmor.png 25 +0.7
Max HealthStat MaxHealth.png 775 +119
Max ManaStat MaxMana.png 355 +45
Health RegenerationStat HealthRegeneration.png 1.5 +0.15
Mana RegenerationStat ManaRegeneration.png 1.5 +0.15
Movement SpeedStat MovementSpeed.png 655


Sparrow Relentless.png
Sparrow's basic attacks and abilities apply stacks of Relentless to Enemy Heroes. Her basic attacks against Targets afflicted by Relentless deal an additional 0.35% of their maximum health as bonus physical damage on-hit, per stack.
Relentless stacks last for 3s, stacking up to 6 times.
Sparrow Bow Shot.png
Bow Shot
LMB Basic Attack
Ranged basic attack dealing 51 (+85%Stat PhysicalPower2.png) physical damage.
Sparrow Piercing Shot.png
Piercing Shot
RMB Alternate
Charge a Terrain piercing arrow, reaching 50-100% maximum power after 1s and dealing up to 90/135/180/225/270 (+165%Stat PhysicalPower2.png) physical damage to all Enemies in its path. Targets afflicted by Relentless receive 7% additional damage per stack.
Cooldown: 14/12.5/11/9.5/8 Mana: 60/65/70/75/80
Sparrow Hail of Arrows.png
Hail of Arrows
Q Primary
Release a volley of arrows that rain down over 2.5s, dealing 120/170/220/270/320 (+150%Stat PhysicalPower2.png) physical damage to all Enemies in the area over 5 hits. Enemies struck by Hail Of Arrows are Slowed by 28/31/34/37/40% for 0.8s.
Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10 Mana: 60
Sparrow Heightened Senses.png
Heightened Senses
E Secondary
Sparrow focuses her mind, gaining 35/40/45/50/55% attack speed for 3s. Landing basics attacks while Heightened Senses is active extends its duration by 0.5s, up to a maximum of 6s.
Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8 Mana: 50
  • Ability goes on cooldown at the end of its duration.
Sparrow Inner Fire.png
Inner Fire
R Ultimate
Invoke Sparrow's blazing spirit, augmenting her Bow Shot to release a fan of 3 piercing arrows for 6s. During this time, Sparrow gains 200 attack range, 15/20/25 physical power and 8% movement speed. Side arrows deal 50%/60%/70% of Bow Shot's damage.
Cooldown: 120/100/80 Mana: 100

Recommend Items

Marksman Crest.png Storm Breaker.png Sky Splitter.png Kingsbane.png Demolisher.png Dust Devil.png Mesmer.png Lightning Hawk.png Equinox.png Tainted Rounds.png Strength Tonic.png


Sparrow OnyxRogue Ingame.png
Onyx Rogue
Icon Platinum.png Bundle Exclusive
Icon Calendar.png April 30, 2024

Sparrow Adept Banner.png
Sparrow Adept Banner
Sparrow Master Banner.png
Sparrow Master Banner

Patch History

Open Beta V0.19

  • Relentless [Passive]:
    • Max Health Damage decreased from 0.4% to 0.35%.
  • Piercing Shot [Alternate]:
    • Damage decreased from 100/145/190/235/280 to 90/135/180/225/270.
  • Inner Fire [Ultimate]:
    • Side Arrow Damage decreased from 50%/65%/80% to 50%/60%/70%.

Open Beta V0.18.3

  • General:
    • Physical Power increased from 58 to 60.
  • Relentless [Passive]:
    • Max Health Damage decreased from 0.5% to 0.4%.
  • Hail Of Arrows [Primary]:
    • Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 160% to 150%.
  • Inner Fire [Ultimate]:
    • Bonus Physical Power decreased from 15/25/35 to 15/20/25.

Open Beta V0.18

  • General:
    • Physical Power increased from 51 to 58.
    • Physical Power Growth increased from 2.9 to 3.
    • Attack Speed Growth decreased from 2.1 to 1.7.
    • Health increased from 615 to 775.
    • Health Growth increased from 96 to 119.
    • Health Regen increased from 0.8 to 1.5.
    • Health Regen Growth increased from 0.1 to 0.15.
    • Mana increased from 350 to 355.
    • Mana Regen increased from 1.4 to 1.5.
    • Physical Armor decreased from 27 to 23.
    • Physical Armor Growth decreased from 4.8 to 3.1
    • Magical Armor decreased from 30 to 25.
    • Magical Armor Growth decreased from 0.9 to 0.7.
  • Relentless [Passive]:
    • Max Health Damage decreased from 0.55% to 0.5%.
    • Stack Duration decreased from 4s to 3s.
  • Hail Of Arrows [Primary]:
    • Damage increased from 80/110/140/170/200 to 120/170/220/270/320.
    • Bonus Physical Power Scaling increased from 150% to 160%.
  • Piercing Shot [Alternate]:
    • Damage increased from 70/110/150/190/230 to 100/145/190/235/280.
    • Damage Multiplier per Relentless Stack decreased from 8% to 7%.
    • Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 175% to 165%.
  • Inner Fire [Ultimate]:
    • Bonus Physical Power increased from 10/20/30 to 15/25/35.
    • Cooldown increased from 110/95/80 to 120/100/80.

Early Access V0.15

  • Bow Shot [Basic Attack]
    • Bonus Physical Power Scaling increased from 80% to 85%.
  • Heightened Senses [Secondary]
    • Attack Speed increased from 30%/35%/40%/45%/50% to 35%/40%/45%/50%/55%.
    • Cooldown now occurs when the Buff ends.
    • Cooldown decreased from 20/19/18/17/16 to 12/11/10/9/8.
    • Mana Cost changed from 40/45/50/55/60 to 50.
  • Inner Fire [Ultimate]
    • Movement Speed increased from 5% to 8%.
    • Bonus Physical Power decreased from 10/25/40 to 10/20/30.
    • Cooldown increased from 100/90/80 to 110/95/80.
    • Side Arrow Damage Percent increased from 50%/60%/70% to 50%/65%/80%.

Early Access V0.12

  • Inner Fire [Ultimate]
    • Movement Speed increased from 3% to 5%.

Early Access V0.10.2

  • Relentless [Passive]
    • Max Health Damage per stack increased from 0.5% to 0.55%.
    • Stack duration decreased from 5s to 4s.
    • [Bugfix] Description now correctly states 6 stack maximum.
  • Piercing Shot [Alternate]
    • Damage decreased from 90/135/180/225/270 to 70/110/150/190/230.
    • Bonus Physical Power Scaling increased from 150% to 175%.
    • Damage Multiplier per Relentless stack increased from +5% to +8%.
    • Cooldown changed from 13/12/11/10/9 to 14/12.5/11/9.5/8.

Early Access V0.8.2

  • General
    • Base Mana increased from 320 to 350.
    • Base Mana Regeneration increased from 1.1 to 1.4.
    • Mana Regeneration Growth increased from 0.12 to 0.15.
  • Hail of Arrows [Primary]
    • Slow increased from 20/25/30/35/40% to 28/31/34/37/40%.

Early Access V0.7.2

  • General
    • Physical Armor Growth increased from 4.1 to 4.8.

Early Access V0.6

  • Bow Shot [Basic Attack]
    • Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 90% to 80%.

Early Access V0.4.3

  • Piercing Shot [Alternate]
    • Piercing Shot Base Damage increased from 90/125/160/195/230 to 90/135/180/225/270.
    • Piercing Shot Scaling increased from 100% to 130%.
    • Piercing Shot Passive Multiplier decreased from 10% per stack to 5% per stack.
  • Inner Fire [Ultimate]
    • Inner Fire Movement Speed Buff decreased from 5/7.5/10% to 3%.

Early Access V0.2

    • Heightened Sense [Secondary]
      • Attack Speed increased from 20/25/30/35/40% to 30/35/40/45/50%
    • Piercing Arrow [Alternate]
      • Projectile Speed Increased from 11000 to 18000.

List of Heroes

Feng Mao.png
Grim exe.png
Iggy & Scorch.png
Lt. Belica.png
The Fey.png