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"We have arrived!"

GRIM.exe is a playable character in Predecessor.


Physical Power
Stat PhysicalPower.png 62 +3
Attack SpeedStat AttackSpeed.png 110 +1.7
Basic Attack TimeStat AttackSpeed.png 1.15
Attack RangeStat AttackRange.png 1300
CleaveStat Cleave.png 0%
Physical ArmorStat PhysicalArmor.png 23 +3.35
Magical ArmorStat MagicalArmor.png 25 +0.7
Max HealthStat MaxHealth.png 780 +121
Max ManaStat MaxMana.png 420 +35
Health RegenerationStat HealthRegeneration.png 1.5 +0.15
Mana RegenerationStat ManaRegeneration.png 1.5 +0.12
Movement SpeedStat MovementSpeed.png 660


GRIM.exe Pulsefire.png
Grim.exe’s basic attacks are modified to deal Magical Damage.
Grim.exe’s basic attacks and abilities apply Pulsefire to Enemies hit for 4s. The basic attack or ability will burst the Pulsefire and deal 10(+20%Stat PhysicalPower2.png)(+15%Stat MagicalPower2.png) true damage on-hit.
  • Scales with Total Physical Power (Base + Bonus).
  • Despite dealing magical damage, the basic attacks still scale with Physical Power and benefit from Lifesteal, meaning Grim can build Ranger items.
  • Physical Penetration has no effect and is not converted into Magical Penetration.
GRIM.exe Pulse Cannon.png
Pulse Cannon
LMB Basic Attack
Ranged basic attack dealing 52 (+90%Stat PhysicalPower2.png) physical damage.
GRIM.exe Energy Shield.png
Energy Shield
RMB Alternate
Grim.exe activates a shield for 1.5s that blocks the next incoming enemy ability. If the shield successfully blocks an enemy ability, Grim.exe restores 20/25/30/35/40% of his missing mana.
Cooldown: 22/19.5/17/14.5/12
GRIM.exe Displacement Blast.png
Displacement Blast
Q Primary
Fire an empowered shot forward that deals 110/150/190/230/270 (+90%Stat PhysicalPower2.png)(+75%Stat MagicalPower2.png) magical damage. In Assault Mode, the shot is Lobbed and displaces Enemies away from the centre of the explosion.
Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8 Mana: 60/70/80/90/100
GRIM.exe Assault Mode.png
Assault Mode
E Secondary
Sentry Mode: Basic Attacks restore 4/6/8/10/12 mana. Assault Mode: Pulse Cannon shots cost 12/14/16/18/20 mana, deal (+12%Stat PhysicalPower2.png)(+10%Stat MagicalPower2.png) bonus magical damage on-hit and apply a 10/12.5/15/17.5/20% decaying slow for 0.8s.
Cooldown: 0.25 Mana: 20
  • Scales with Total Physical Power (Base + Bonus).
  • This ability is not disabled by Silences.
GRIM.exe GTFO.png
R Ultimate
Grim.exe slows himself by 60% and locks onto an enemy hero. After a short channel, a Gyro Targeted Force Orb is launched. The Orb will pass through the world and non-hero units, but can be blocked by enemy heroes. The Orb deals 280/415/550 (+130%Stat PhysicalPower2.png)(+80%Stat MagicalPower2.png) magical damage.
Cooldown: 90/75/60 Mana: 100
  • Scales with Total Physical Power (Base + Bonus).
  • Can be casted in mid-air.

Recommended Items

Marksman Crest.png Plasma Blade.png Nuclear Rounds.png Imperator.png Dust Devil.png Sky Splitter.png Caustica.png Ashbringer.png Terminus.png Tainted Rounds.png Strength Tonic.png


Grim.exe Adept Banner.png
Grim.exe Adept Banner
Grim.exe Master Banner.png
Grim.exe Master Banner

Patch History

Open Beta V0.19

  • Pulsefire [Passive]:
    • Damage decreased from 15 to 10.
  • Displacement Blast [Primary]:
    • Damage decreased from 115/155/195/235/275 to 110/150/190/230/270.
  • Assault Mode [Secondary]:
    • Total Physical Power Scaling decreased from 20% to 12%.
    • Magical Power Scaling decreased from 15% to 10%.
    • Mana Cost increased from 12/14/16/18/20 to 20.
    • Mana Restore changed from 6/7/8/9/10 to 4/6/8/10/12.
  • G.T.F.O [Ultimate]:
    • Damage decreased from 320/440/560 to 280/415/550.

Open Beta V0.18.3

  • Displacement Blast [Primary]:
    • Damage changed from 110/160/210/260/310 to 115/155/195/235/275.
    • Magical Power Scaling increased from 70% to 75%.
  • Assault Mode [Secondary]:
    • Total Physical Power Scaling increased from 15% to 20%.
    • Magical Power Scaling decreased from 20% to 15%.
  • Energy Shield [Alternate]:
    • Cooldown decreased from 24/21/18/15/12 to 22/19.5/17/14.5/12.
  • G.T.F.O [Ultimate]:
    • Magical Power Scaling decreased from 90% to 80%.

Open Beta V0.18

  • General:
    • Movement Speed increased from 655 to 660.
    • Model Size decreased by 10%.
    • Hitbox Radius decreased by 30%.
    • Hitbox Height decreased by 10%.
    • Physical Power increased from 52 to 62.
    • Physical Power Growth increased from 2.8 to 3.
    • Attack Speed Growth decreased from 2.4 to 1.7.
    • Health increased from 625 to 780.
    • Health Growth increased from 100 to 121.
    • Health Regen increased from 0.75 to 1.5.
    • Health Regen Growth decreased from 0.1 to 0.15.
    • Physical Armor decreased from 26 to 23.
    • Physical Armor Growth decreased from 4 to 3.1.
    • Magical Armor decreased from 30 to 25.
    • Magical Armor Growth decreased from 0.9 to 0.7.
  • Pulsefire [Passive]:
    • Damage increased from 10 to 15.
    • Magical Power Scaling decreased from 20% to 15%.
  • Displacement Blast [Primary]:
    • Damage increased from 95/140/185/230/275 to 110/160/210/260/310.
    • Bonus Physical Power Scaling increased from 80% to 90%
    • Magical Power Scaling decreased from 75% to 70%.
  • G.T.F.O [Ultimate]:
    • Damage changed from 250/450/650 to 320/440/560.
    • Bonus Physical Power Scaling increased from 120% to 130%.
    • Magical Power Scaling increased from 80% to 90%.
    • [QoL] Cooldown is now refunded if the Target dies during the Channel.

Open Beta V0.17.3

  • General:
    • Movement Speed increased from 645 to 655.
    • Health increased from 610 to 625.
    • Health Growth increased from 98 to 100.
    • Physical Armor increased from 24 to 26.
  • Displacement Blast [Primary]:
    • Damage increased from 90/130/170/210/250 to 95/140/185/230/275.
    • Bonus Physical Power Scaling increased from 70% to 80%.
    • Normal Mode Projectile Speed decreased by 5%.
  • Deflector Shield [Alternate]:
    • Cooldown decreased from 26/23/20/17/14 to 24/21/18/15/12.
    • Duration increased from 1 to 1.5s.
  • G.T.F.O [Ultimate]:
    • [QoL] Can now be cast in-air.

Open Beta V0.17

  • Grim.exe added to Predecessor.

List of Heroes

Feng Mao.png
Grim exe.png
Iggy & Scorch.png
Lt. Belica.png
The Fey.png