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"Just like my days on patrol!"

Murdock is a playable character in Predecessor.


Physical Power
Stat PhysicalPower.png 62 +3.5
Attack SpeedStat AttackSpeed.png 125 +1.8
Basic Attack TimeStat AttackSpeed.png 1.4
Attack RangeStat AttackRange.png 1300
CleaveStat Cleave.png 0%
Physical ArmorStat PhysicalArmor.png 19 +3.75
Magical ArmorStat MagicalArmor.png 25 +0.7
Max HealthStat MaxHealth.png 725 +126
Max ManaStat MaxMana.png 310 +35
Health RegenerationStat HealthRegeneration.png 1.5 +0.15
Mana RegenerationStat ManaRegeneration.png 1.4 +0.1
Movement SpeedStat MovementSpeed.png 645


Murdock Shots Fired.png
Shots Fired
Every 12.8/12.4/12/11.6/11.2/10.8/10.4/10/9.6/9.2/8.8/8.4/8/7.6/7.2/6.8/6.4/6s, Murdock's next basic attack has its range increased by 450 units and is empowered with 35% additional physical penetration.
Successful basic attacks reduce the cooldown by 1.5s.
Murdock Single Fire.png
Single Fire
LMB Basic Attack
Ranged basic attack dealing 56 (+90%Stat PhysicalPower2.png) physical damage.
Murdock Buckshot.png
RMB Alternate
Discharge a shotgun blast, dealing 85/115/145/175/205 (+100/110/130/145/160%Stat PhysicalPower2.png) physical damage to all Enemies hit, decreasing by up to 50% based on distance. The blast Pushes Enemies Back, its force increasing at close range.
Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9 Mana: 60/65/70/75/80
  • Scales with Total Physical Power (Base + Bonus).
  • Can be cast through Walls.
Murdock Static Trap.png
Static Trap
Q Primary
Place a trap that arms after a short delay, dealing 90/140/190/240/290 (+120%Stat PhysicalPower2.png) magical damage to any Enemy Hero that steps on it and Rooting them for 1s. Traps last for 60s and up to 3/3/4/4/5 may be placed at one time. Max Charges: 2.
Cooldown: 20/17/14/11/8 Mana: 25
  • After an enemy gets Rooted by a trap, there's a 2.5 second timer before they can get trapped again.
Murdock Hot Pursuit.png
Hot Pursuit
E Secondary
Murdock activates his sirens, granting him 35% bonus movement speed for 2s.
Cooldown: 24/20/16/12/8 Mana: 60/70/80/90/100
Murdock Long Arm of the Law.png
Long Arm of the Law
R Ultimate
Murdock kneels, preparing an energized sniper shot with unlimited range that can travel through anything. Upon firing, it deals 240/380/520 (+120%Stat PhysicalPower2.png) physical damage to all Enemies in its path, ignoring any physical armor.
Cooldown: 100/85/70 Mana: 100

Recommended Items

Marksman Crest.png Lightning Hawk.png Nuclear Rounds.png Imperator.png Demolisher.png Onixian Quiver.png Mesmer.png Equinox.png Vanquisher.png Tainted Rounds.png Strength Tonic.png


Murdock Adept Banner.png
Murdock Adept Banner
Murdock Master Banner.png
Murdock Master Banner

Patch History

Open Beta V0.18.3

  • Static Trap [Primary]:
    • Damage decreased from 110/160/210/260/310 to 90/140/190/240/290.
    • Mana Cost increased from 20 to 25.

Open Beta V0.18

  • General:
    • Physical Power increased from 56 to 62.
    • Physical Power Growth decreased from 3.6 to 3.5.
    • Attack Speed Growth decreased from 2.4 to 1.8.
    • Health increased from 580 to 725
    • Health Growth increased from 102 to 126.
    • Health Regen increased from 0.75 to 1.5.
    • Health Regen Growth increased from 0.1 to 0.15.
    • Mana Regen increased from 1.2 to 1.4.
    • Physical Armor decreased from 24 to 19.
    • Physical Armor Growth decreased from 3.6 to 3.5.
    • Magical Armor decreased from 30 to 25.
    • Magical Armor Growth decreased from 0.9 to 0.7.
  • Shots Fired [Passive]:
    • Physical Penetration increased from 30% to 35%.
  • Static Trap [Primary]:
    • Damage increased from 80/120/160/200/240 to 110/160/210/260/310.
    • Bonus Physical Power Scaling increased from 100% to 120%.
  • Buckshot [Alternate]:
    • Damage increased from 70/100/130/160/190 to 85/115/145/175/205
    • Total Physical Power Scaling changed from 110%/120%/130%/140%/150% to 100%/115%/130%/145%/160%.
  • Long Arm Of The Law [Ultimate]:
    • Damage increased from 200/325/450 to 240/380/520.
    • Bonus Physical Power Scaling increased from 110% to 120%.

Early Access V0.12.2

  • General
    • Some SFX improvements for the ‘Dock!

Early Access V0.9

  • General
    • Attack Speed Growth increased from 2.2 to 2.4.
  • Shots Fired [Passive]
    • Cooldown decreased from 12s - 6.9s (-0.3 per level) to 12.8s - 6s (-0.4 per level).

Early Access V0.8

  • General
    • Attack Speed Growth decreased from 2.8 to 2.2.
  • Shots Fired [Passive]
    • Cooldown increased from 12.5 (-0.5 per level) to 12 (-0.3 per level).
  • Stimpack [Secondary]
    • Movement Speed Duration decreased from 2.5s to 2s.
    • Bonus Movement Speed increased from 30% to 35%.
    • Siren Particle Playrate increased by 1.95x.

Early Access V0.7.2

  • General
    • Health decreased from 590 to 580.
    • Health Growth increased from 88 to 102.
    • Physical Armor decreased from 26 to 24
    • Physical Armor Growth increased from 3.4 to 4.2.
  • Buckshot [Alternate]
    • Base Damage decreased from 75/110/145/180/215 to 70/100/130/160/190.
  • Stimpack [Secondary]
    • Bonus Health Removed.
    • Auto Activate Removed.
    • Movement Speed Duration decreased from 5s to 2.5s.
    • Movement Speed Magnitude increased from 4/5/6/7/8% to 30%.
    • Mana Cost changed from 80 to 60/70/80/90/100.
    • Cooldown decreased from 20/18/16/14/12 to 24/20/16/12/8.

Early Access V0.6

  • Single Fire [Basic Attack]
    • Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 100% to 90%.
  • Static Trap [Primary]
    • Root Duration decreased from 1.25s to 1s.
    • Radius decreased from 150 to 135.
  • Stimpack [Secondary]
    • Slow Immunity Removed.
  • Buckshot Damage [Alternate]
    • Falloff Range decreased from 60% to 50%.
    • Damage increased 75/112.5/150/162.5/200 to 75/110/145/180/215.
    • Total Physical Power Scaling decreased from 112.5%/125%/137.5%/150%/162.5% to 110%/120%/130%/140%/150%.
    • Cooldown decreased from 14/13/12/11/10 to 13/12/11/10/9.

Early Access V0.5

  • Shots Fired [Passive]
    • Cooldown is no longer affected by Ability Haste
    • Cooldown decreased from 14.5-6s to 12.5-4s (Based on Level).

Early Access V0.3.2

  • General
    • Health Growth increased from 84 to 88.

Early Access V0.2

    • Fixed a bug where Murdock’s Long Arm of the Law would not remove ally nameplates and health bars

List of Heroes

Feng Mao.png
Grim exe.png
Iggy & Scorch.png
Lt. Belica.png
The Fey.png