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"My name is Crunch! I like to Punch!"

Crunch is a playable character in Predecessor.


Physical Power
Stat PhysicalPower.png 62 +2.5
Attack SpeedStat AttackSpeed.png 110 +1.4
Basic Attack TimeStat AttackSpeed.png 1.1
Attack RangeStat AttackRange.png 300
CleaveStat Cleave.png 20%
Physical ArmorStat PhysicalArmor.png 28 +3.15
Magical ArmorStat MagicalArmor.png 26 +1.4
Max HealthStat MaxHealth.png 785 +127
Max ManaStat MaxMana.png 340 +65
Health RegenerationStat HealthRegeneration.png 2.2 +0.2
Mana RegenerationStat ManaRegeneration.png 1.3 +0.12
Movement SpeedStat MovementSpeed.png 680


Crunch Cross Crunch.png
Cross Crunch
After casting an ability, Crunch amplifies his next basic attack to deal (+20%Stat PhysicalPower2.png)(+20%Stat MagicalPower2.png) bonus magical damage and reduce his current cooldowns by 1s.
  • Scales with Total Power (Base + Bonus).
  • All of Crunch's abilities cast time animations are reduced with attack speed.
Crunch Crunch.png
LMB Basic Attack
Melee basic attack dealing 56 (+80%Stat PhysicalPower2.png) physical damage.
Crunch Forward Crunch.png
Forward Crunch
RMB Alternate
Dash forward, dealing 80/105/130/155/180 (+70%Stat PhysicalPower2.png)(+45%Stat MagicalPower2.png) physical damage. Colliding with an Enemy Hero stops Crunch, and Stuns them for 0.25s. Empowered: Dash an extended distance, Pushing Enemy Heroes on contact.
Cooldown: 18 Mana: 80
  • The push does not count as a Crowd Control effect.
Crunch Left Crunch.png
Left Crunch
Q Primary
Crunch swings, dealing 35/70/105/140/175 (+95%Stat PhysicalPower2.png)(+75%Stat MagicalPower2.png) physical damage to the first Enemy hit and 50% to subsequent Targets. Empowered: Damage is dealt as true damage and deals 100% to subsequent Targets.
Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6 Mana: 30
Crunch Right Crunch.png
Right Crunch
E Secondary
Crunch jabs, dealing 85/115/145/175/205 (+60%Stat PhysicalPower2.png)(+70%Stat MagicalPower2.png) physical damage to all nearby Enemies, Slowing them by 60% for 1.2s. Empowered: Uppercut nearby Enemies, Knocking them Up for 1.2s.
Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6 Mana: 30
Crunch Re-Crunch.png
R Ultimate
Passive: Every third basic attack or ability hit against Heroes or Monsters heals Crunch for 20/60/100 (+30%Stat PhysicalPower2.png)(+20%Stat MagicalPower2.png).
Passive: Every third ability used will be Empowered if used within 10s.
Active: Repeat the last basic ability used.
Cooldown: 55/40/25

Recommended Items

Warrior Crest.png Mutilator.png Augmentation.png Earthshaker.png Draconum.png Mistmeadow Buckler.png Salvation.png Citadel.png Unbroken Will.png Tainted Blade.png Strength Tonic.png

Warrior Crest.png Augmentation.png Berserker's Axe.png Giant's Ring.png Mistmeadow Buckler.png Stonewall.png Salvation.png Mutilator.png Absolution.png Tainted Blade.png Strength Tonic.png


Crunch Adept Banner.png
Crunch Adept Banner
Crunch Master Banner.png
Crunch Master Banner

Patch History

Open Beta V0.19

  • Right Crunch [Secondary]:
    • Hitbox Range increased by 10%
    • Empowered Hitbox Range decreased by 15%.

Open Beta V0.18.3

  • General:
    • Health Growth increased from 123 to 127.
  • Re-Crunch [Ultimate]:
    • Healing increased from 20/55/90 to 20/60/100.

Open Beta V0.18

  • General:
    • Physical Power increased from 56 to 62.
    • Physical Power Growth decreased from 2.8 to 2.5.
    • Health increased from 640 to 785.
    • Health Growth increased from 108 to 123.
    • Health Regen increased from 1.6 to 2.2.
    • Health Regen Growth increased from 0.12 to 0.2.
    • Physical Armor decreased from 34 to 28.
    • Physical Armor Growth decreased from 5.2 to 2.8.
    • Magical Armor decreased from 32 to 26.
    • Magical Armor Growth decreased from 1.8 to 1.4.
  • Cross Crunch [Passive]:
    • Total Physical Power Scaling increased from 15% to 20%
    • Magical Power Scaling increased from 15% to 20%
  • Left Crunch [Primary]:
    • Damage increased from 20/50/80/110/140 to 35/70/105/140/175.
    • Total Physical Power Scaling decreased from 110% to 95%.
    • Magical Power Scaling decreased from 80% to 75%.
  • Right Crunch [Secondary]:
    • Damage increased from 80/110/140/170/200 to 85/115/145/175/205,
    • Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 75% to 60%.
  • Forward Crunch [Alternate]:
    • Damage increased from 60/90/120/150/180 to 80/105/130/155/180.
    • Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 70% to 65%.
    • Magical Power Scaling increased from 40% to 45%.
  • Re-Crunch [Ultimate]:
    • Healing changed from 10/55/100 to 20/55/90.
    • Cooldown decreased from 60/45/30 to 55/40/25.

Early Access V0.14

  • Forward Crunch [Alternate]
    • [Bugfix] Damage Hitbox will no longer randomly persist until death.

Early Access V0.13

  • Left Crunch [Primary]
    • Healing Bonus Physical Power Scaling has changed from: 1.15 to 1.1 at level 1-5.
  • Re-Crunch [Ultimate]
    • [Bugfix] No longer heals off Towers.
    • Total Healing Bonus Physical Power Scaling has changed from: 0.35 to 0.3 at level 1-3.
    • Healing Magical Power Scaling has changed from: 0.25 to 0.2 at level 1-3.

Early Access V0.12.2

  • General
    • Movement Speed has been decreased from 685 to 680.

Early Access V0.12

  • Forward Crunch [Alternate]
    • [QoL] Improved Hitbox detection and responsiveness.
  • Re-Crunch [Ultimate]
    • Healing decreased from 20/80/140 to 10/55/100.
    • Healing Scaling changed from 10% Total Physical Power to 35% Bonus Physical Power.
    • Healing Magical Power Scaling increased from 10% to 25%.

Early Access V0.9

  • Re-Crunch [Ultimate]
    • Base healing decreased from 30/85/140 to 20/80/140.

Early Access V0.7.2

  • General
    • Physical Armor Growth increased from 4 to 5.2.
  • Left Crunch [Primary]
    • Base Damage changed from 25/50/75/100/125 to 20/50/80/110/140.
    • Total Physical Power Scaling decreased from 120% to 115%.
    • AP Scaling increased from 50% to 80%.
    • Cooldown decreased from 11/10/9/8/7 to 10/9/8/7/6.
  • Right Crunch [Secondary]
    • Base Damage changed from 75/110/145/180/215 to 80/110/140/170/200.
    • Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 80% to 75%.
    • AP Scaling increased from 60% to 70%.
  • Forward Crunch [Alternate]
    • Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 75% to 70%.

Early Access V0.6

  • Crunch [Alternate]
    • Bonus Physical Power Scaling decreased from 90% to 80%.
  • Cross Crunch [Passive]
    • Physical Power Scaling increased from 10% to 15%.
    • Magical Power Scaling increased from 10% to 15%.

Early Access V0.4.4

  • Left Crunch [Primary]
    • Left Crunch Physical Power Scaling decreased from 130% to 120%.
    • Left Crunch Cleave decreased from 80% to 50%.
  • Forward Crunch [Alternate]
    • Forward Crunch Physical Power Scaling decreased from 90% to 75%.

Early Access V0.4

  • Left Crunch [Primary]
    • Damage from 30/60/90/120/150 to 25/50/75/100/125.
    • Total Physical Power Scaling increased from 110% to 130%.
  • Right Crunch [Secondary]
    • Damage from 70/105/140/175/210 to 75/110/145/180/215.

Early Access V0.3

    • Re-Crunch [Ultimate]
      • Will no longer heal crunch if the attack is damaging lane minions.

Early Access V0.2:

    • Cross Crunch[Passive]
      • Physical Power Scaling decreased from 20% to 10%
      • Magical Power Scaling decreased from 20% to 10%
    • Left Crunch [Primary]
      • Physical Power Scaling decreased from 115% to 110%
      • Magical Power Scaling decreased from 65% to 50%
    • Right Crunch [Secondary]
      • Base Damage decreased from 70/110/150/190/230 to 70/105/140/175/210
      • Magical Power Scaling increased from 40% to 60%
    • Re-Crunch [Ultimate]
      • Physical Power Scaling decreased from 25% to 10%
      • 10% Magical Power Scaling added.

List of Heroes

Feng Mao.png
Grim exe.png
Iggy & Scorch.png
Lt. Belica.png
The Fey.png