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Like most other MoBAs, Predecessor has three distinct lanes, a Jungle, and Objectives scattered throughout the map. Each lane takes a dedicated side of the map, only differing how players get to it from their base.

Map Layout

Transparent Map Highlights.png


Highlighted in Purple, the Safelane is the lane that Support and Carry start the game in. It is noted by its relative closeness to the Fangtooth arena, and Gold Buff.


Highlighted in Blue, the Midlane is the centrepiece of the map. It is equal distance from nearly all things, sports a River Buffs on each side of it, and runs perpendicular to the River. It is also the shortest lane. Mages are most picked in this lane.


Highlighted in Red, the Offlane is the lane opposite to the Safelane, Bruisers, Tanks, Assassins, and even the occasional Mage or Carry can find there way into Offlane. Closest to the Orb Prime arena, and sporting the Cyan Buff, Offlane facilitates constantly brawling, and learning your match ups more than any other lane. It is disconnected from the center of the map, and gets less help than other lanes.

The Jungle

Highlighted in Green, the Jungle is the largest portion of the map, not technically counting as a lane, it is the home ground for all Junglers. It has Eight White Camps, two Red Buffs, two Blue Buffs, and access to both River buffs and both main Objectives.