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Unstoppable is a psuedo-buff that is persistent on several abilities in Predecessor. Unstoppable negates any incoming forms of Crowd Control, any ability that lands during the frames where Unstoppable is active will be completely negated. Abilities with this effect are Drongo.png Drongo's Shrapnel Cannon, Khaimera.png Khaimera's Invigorate, Grim.exe's Energy Shield, Steel.png Steel's Shield Slam, Muriel.png Muriel's Reversal of Fortune (only once the ability has been cast and she is in flight), Revenant.png Revenant's Reckoning (any currently applied Crowd Control will be removed once the projectile of this ability connects with its target, thus making it act more like a cleanse), and Zarus.png Zarus' Coliseum.

Items that grant this effect are Legacy.png Legacy with its Tenacious Bravery passive, and Truesilver Bracelet.png Truesilver Bracelet with its Reprisal passive.

Additionally, unstoppable will only block the crowd control effect of an ability, and not the damage.