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Experience is the meter in which Heroes level up, gaining across the board statistical increases, and one extra point to put in their Abilities per level gained. Almost everything that can be killed within Predecessor will grant Experience. Minions, Jungle Camps, Objectives, other Heroes, Towers, will all grant a chunk of experience in varying amounts to the person who lands the killing blow, or if they follow certain criteria to gain a portion of that Experience granted.

Level Up Experience Needed

Level Normal Mode Brawl
Level 2 300 N/A
Level 3 390 N/A
Level 4 480 300
Level 5 570 380
Level 6 660 460
Level 7 750 540
Level 8 840 620
Level 9 930 700
Level 10 1020 780
Level 11 1110 860
Level 12 1200 940
Level 13 1300 1020
Level 14 1400 1100
Level 15 1500 1180
Level 16 1650 1260
Level 17 1850 1340
Level 18 2100 1420

Kills and assists

Kills and assists grant the following:

Level Experience
Level 1 30
Level 2 70
Level 3 110
Level 4 165
Level 5 215
Level 6 275
Level 7 335
Level 8 405
Level 9 460
Level 10 505
Level 11 555
Level 12 605
Level 13 660
Level 14 715
Level 15 770
Level 16 840
Level 17 950
Level 18 1100

The experience rewards vary based on the level difference between you and your enemy, starting at -4 levels (you have 4 more levels than the enemy) and ending at 17 levels (you are level 1 while the enemy is level 18). The multipliers are the following:

Level Difference Experience Percentage
-4 levels 20%
-3 levels 35%
-2 levels 50%
-1 levels 75%
1 level 110%
2 levels 122%
3 levels 140%
4 levels 170%
7 levels 205%
13 levels 295%
17 levels 355%


Minion experience is shared based on how many allies are near. If there is only one Hero near a dead minion, they get 93% of the experience. Two heroes get 61% experience each. Three get 41%, four get 31% and five get 25% each.

In Brawl, one Hero gets 82% of the experience. Two heroes get 79%, three get 76%, four get 73% and five get 70% experience each.

Minion Type Normal Mode Brawl
Melee 65, +5 at 15:00 minute mark XP 45
Ranged 43, +7 at 15:00 minute mark 30
Cannon 100, +30 at 15:00 minute mark and +40 at 25:00 minute mark 80
Super 170 N/A

Jungle Camps

Monster experience is not shared.

Normal Camps
Monster count Total XP
Black Camp (2 minion camp) 230-423
Gray Camp (3 minion camp) 165-444
White Camp (4 minion camp) 230-565
Brown Camp (5 minion camp) 165-379
Buff Camps
Monster count XP
Red Buff 160-300
Blue Buff 160-300
Cyan Buff 80-262
Gold Buff 40
River Buffs 50-90
Boss Camps
Monster count XP
Orb Prime 600
Mini Orb Prime 150-290
Fangtooth 120-400
Primal Fangtooth 400


Towers give 150 XP to those within the vicinity of them when they are destroyed. Inhibitors do not give XP.